When they all arrived at the docks, they heard the familiar screeching sound of flying monkeys. They raced inside the boating docks to find Hook and Henry, surrounded by them.

Emma pulled out her gun, shooting at them as it disappeared in a giant flash. David pulled out his sword, throwing it at another that also disappeared.

"I never liked pets," Regina said, using her magic to eviscerate the remaining flying monkeys.

"Henry" Emma shouted, running over to him. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, but what were those things? And why does he have a sword?" Henry asked, gesturing to David.

"It's all gonna make sense in a minute, I promise," Emma said.

"What are you talking about?" Henry asked.

"I'm sorry I was keeping things from you. You were right. You deserve to know the truth" Emma said, holding out his storybook.

"About fairytales? I don't undestand" he said, looking at the book.

"Do you trust me?" Emma asked. "Yes, of course I do," he said.

"Then I need you to believe," she said.

"Believe in what?"

"Believe in magic," she said.

Henry sighed but nodded as he took the book from her, putting all his faith in his mother. Everyone watched in anticipation, waiting to see if he'd break the curse, or at least get his memories back.

Henry turned to Regina, suddenly no longer looking at her like she was a stranger. "Mom!" he exclaimed. Regina smiled as she ran over to him, pulling him into a hug. "I remember" Henry cheered.

"Do it, Emma" Regina said. "Break the curse."

Emma nodded, smiling as she was about to kiss Henry on the forehead when he suddenly disappeared from where he was standing.

Zelena appeared behind them, a smirk on her face as she held Henry tightly in her arms.

"So sorry," she said. "Now who wants to say goodbye first?"

"Who are you?" Henry shouted, struggling in her grip. "You can call me Auntie Zelena," she said.

"Enough of this" Regina said, trying to use her magic but Zelena threw Regina back, knocking her unconscious.

"Let him go. He had nothing to do with this" Emma said.

"Don't blame me" Zelena shrugged. "The Captain failed."

"Damn you, Zelena" Hook said. Aurelia looked at Hook, confusion written on her face.

"What is she talking about?" she asked.

"I believe Gothel made it very clear what would happen if you failed us," Zelena said, squeezing Henry's throat.

Suddenly, a halo of white light appeared above Zelena as she screamed in pain. Everyone was shocked when they realized it was coming from Emma.

Zelena let out a shout in anger. "Enjoy this moment together. 'Cause you don't have many left!" she shouted, before disappearing into a cloud of green smoke.

"Henry, you okay?" Emma asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Henry said, as he rushed to Regina's side. "Mom! Mom!" he shouted, trying to wake her up.

Aurelia was about to rush over to help but Regina's eyes opened as she sat up on her own. "Henry?" she mumbled, slowly standing up.

"Oh, Henry!" she cried, pulling him into her arms. "I will never let you go away again. I promise. I love you, Henry.

As Regina pressed a kiss to Henry's head, a flash of white light exploded from them as the wind pushed them all back. Looking around they all realized what happened.

"It wasn't me. It was you" Emma said. Aurelia stood there in shock, as her mind tried to wrap it's head around everything that happened that past year.

"Did it work? Do you remember the missing year?" Emma asked, looking at her family.

"Yes. Everything" Mary Margaret said. "How did Zelena cast the curse?" Emma asked.

"She didn't. We did" Mary Margaret said.

"You cursed yourselves?" Emma asked.

"Zelena's weakness is light magic. We needed you to defeat her" Mary Margaret said.

"The price is the heart of the thing you love most. If one of you cast it how are you both still here?" Emma asked.

"We're one of heart," Mary Margaret said. "Regina was able to take mine and split it with David."

David looked at his sister, pulling her into a hug. "And you! What happened? You left in the middle of the night and we couldnt't find you" he said.

"I was with Gothel," she told them. "I thought that if I gave her what she wanted then she'd convince Zelena to leave you all alone."

"You sacrificed yourself to that witch?" Hook asked, taking a step closer to her but stopped when he saw the look on her face.

"You stopped writing," she said.


"You promised me," she said, tears pooling in her eyes. "I thought something happened to you."

"I can explain," he said.

"I thought you were dead! I cried for you! For months I couldn't eat, or sleep. I...I had to find out from Red that you were fine! That you got your ship back and just...forgot about me" she cried.

"I didn't forget about you," he said, not knowing how to defend himself.

"What was Zelena talking about? With Gothel, did you make some sort of deal with her?" Aurelia asked him.

"The witch tried to back me into a corner. I did everything I could to resist her plans" he said.

"What plans? Just tell me the truth!" she shouted, catching every off guard, never having heard her so angry before.

"Gothel wanted me to slip a potion into Emma's drink. To take away her powers. She said if I didn't she'd kill you. She could use your blood to keep her young and she said Zelena was going to kill your family" he said.

"How can I even know you're telling me the truth? You lied to me. I can't trust you" she said.

"She's right not to," David said. "He's lied about more than just this."

"You said you brought Emma back to Storybrooke because you received a message from us with a memory potion," Mary Margaret said.

"Aye. What of it?" Hook asked.

"We didn't send you any message," David said.

"Well I got one!" Hook exclaimed, knowing they were accusing him of lying. "It's the truth. Somebody bloody well sent me the message! Who else would have an antidote? Who else would know where to find the savior?"

Aurelia shook her head, getting a headache from everything she had to process. "I need some air" she mumbled.

"I'll come with you," David said. "No. I just...I need to be alone" she said.

"Aurelia-" Hook tried to take her hand but she pulled away from him. "No! Just... just leave me alone. Please" she huffed, storming out of the boat dock that they were in.

She marched down the docks, her vision blurry from the tears and her entire body catching a chill from the fallen snow.

Suddenly she felt a wave of energy course through her body before she fell to the ground, everything going black.

─── · 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

When Aurelia woke up she groaned from the pounding headache she had. Trying to move she realized her wrist were bound together. Looking around, it was pitch dark and she couldn't see anything.

She tried to shout for help but only a muffled noise came out and she realized someone tied a gag around her mouth. Taking a deep breath, she focused on her magic, allowing her hair to glow and give her some light.

When the room she was in was illuminated she realized she was in the storm cellar, locked in the cell once used to keep the Dark One. But if he wasn't in here then where was he?

She tried to break through the chains but it was no use. Hearing someone coming her hair stopped glowing as she moved to the back of the cage.

Someone walked down the stairs and flipped on the light that hung above the cage. Gothel looked at Aurelia and smiled.

Aurelia tried to scream at her but all her screams were muffled.

"What's that dear? You know how much I hate mumbling" Gothel laughed. "Don't worry. You won't be in here long. That pirate didn't follow my simple instructions which means it's you that has to pay the price. You won't even get to meet your new nephew."

Aurelia's eyes grew wide as she wondered how Gothel knew Snow's baby was a boy. "Oh that's right. You've been knocked out for a few hours. You didn't even know she's was in labor."

Aurelia tried to scream again, pulling on her shackles but Gothel just laughed at her attempts.

Hearing someone pull open the door to the cellar, Gothel turned and hid in the corner of the room, hidden by the shadows.

"Aurelia!" Hook shouted.

She tried to scream, to stop him from coming down but it was no use. Her words were still muffled. Hearing her muffled screams he rushed down the stairs.

Aurelia rushed to the front of the cage, shaking her head as she tried to tell him he needed to leave, or at least turn around.

"I'm going to get you out of here," he said, about to break the lock when he felt a knife plunged into his back.

Aurelia let out another muffled scream as she watched him drop to the floor, with Gothel standing behind him. She dropped the knife and pushed Hook to the side.

"God, men are so useless," Gothel said, opening the cage. Aurelia was still in so much shock all she could do was stare at Hook who lay helpless and groaning in pain on the floor.

As Gothel grabbed her arm and pulled her out of the cage, she kept trying to scream wanting to heal him. Gothel tugged at her growing frustrated at how much Aurelia kept fighting back, trying to stay with him.

"Stop fighting!" she shouted. Aurelia managed to tug and push the gag out of her mouth.

"No!" she shouted, groaning as Gothel dropped her to the ground. "No, please. Just let me heal him. I'll go with you I promise. I won't run and I'll stop fighting you. Just please let me heal him."

Gothel rolled her eyes but gestured for her to do so. In a hurry, Aurelia rushed over to his side, her eyes pooling with tears when she saw the amount of blood that pooled underneath him.

"You're going to be okay" she promised.

"Aurelia" he groaned. "You can't do this. You can't go with her."

"I have to," she said, his hand cupping her cheek. "I have to save you."

"Remember what I told you. Sometimes fate will intervene" he said.

"What?" she asked, confused. In a split second, he grabbed her hair, using the knife Gothel dropped to slice clean through.

Her hair, now only shoulder length, quickly turned into dark brown with Gothel's screams coming from behind them.

"No! No! What have you done?" she asked, stumbling backward as she fell against the wall. Her body slowly started to age, turning back into the old woman Aurelia first met her as until eventually time caught up with her, her body turning to dust.

Stunned, Aurelia turned back to Hook, his skin growing pale.

"No, no, no" she mumbled, grabbing his hand as she tried humming the familiar tune but nothing happened.

"Aurelia. It's okay" he said, his voice weak. "No. Please. Please don't leave me" she begged.

"Thank you," he said.

"For what? It's..it's not working. I can't...I can't help you" she cried.

"You helped me see things clearly again," he said.

"Killian, please. I can get you to a hospital. I can-" Aurelia froze when she realized she could no longer see the rising and falling of his chest.

"No. No! Killian, wake up. Please wake up" she said, a sob wracking through her body as she realized he was gone.

"I'm so sorry" she mumbled, a tear falling from her eyes onto his cheek. She kneeled over, resting her head on his chest as she continued to cry. Her eyes were glued shut as she silently prayed this was all a dream.

Suddenly, a cough shook through his body, and Aurelia gasped as she sat up and saw his eyes opening again.

"Killian? Killian!" she said, relief rushing through her when she realized he was okay. "You're alive" she cried, trying to wrap her arms around him but couldn't do to the chains still wrapped around her wrist.

He looked down, using his hook to break through them. In an instant, Aurelia wrapped her arms around him as he rested his hand on the back of her head, holding her close.

Pulling back slightly, Aurelia surprised herself when she pressed her lips to his. Surprised, Hook barely got a chance to react before she pulled away as if realizing what she had done.

"Oh my god. I'm so sorry. I didn't-"

Hook cut her off, pulling her back into him, this time his lips taking control of hers. Nerves still wracking her body, Aurelia managed to push them away as she kissed him back.

Aurelia pulled away with a gasp, her eyes wide. "Mary Margaret! Her baby, Zelena's still out there!" she shouted.

Hook nodded as he stood up, pulling Aurelia with him. "Let's go. They're probably still at the hospital."

Aurelia nodded, following him out as she spared one last glance at where Gothel once stood, now just an empty cloak lying on the ground.

next update on wednesday!
