Win or loose


Its February 13th. The day of the trial. Its 8am and im laid in bed with larissa. I have to be at the court for 11am so we decided to just lay in bed for an hour. I didnt sleep much last night since I'm worried about today. What if layla gets let out..

I'm pulled out my transe by larissa kissing my head. I look up at her and smile. "Whats going on in that pretty head of yours.." she asks. I sigh "what...what if she gets out..w..what if she tries to touch me again..or the baby...".

I calm down as she wraps her arms around me and hugs me tight. "Love...she will get put sure of it...and ill protect you no matter what.." she says. I nod and walk towards the bathroom.

After showering and doing my hair I put a dress on. Luckily I'm not showing that much yet and if anything it just looks like I've ate one to many cheeseburgers.

I walk back into the room and larissa is sat watching cartoons with bella. "Morning mama...wednesday said her and nid are going to town" Bella says. I walk over to the sofa and kiss her head "ok lovely..ill be back later tonight so just stay with either mommy or your sister".

She nods and turns her attention back to the tv. I lean over and kiss larissa "morning mi amor". She kisses me back "morning love.." and then kisses my stomach "morning rasberry". I smile.

We've been calling the baby raspberry since it should be the size of a raspberry at 8 weeks. It was a joke at first but its kinda stuck.

"Call me if you need anything love..your lawyer text and she said she will meet you there.." she says handing me my phone. "I will...remember your covering my first class at 12 and that im meant to have a few meetings with parents today in my office..oh and-" I start rambling on.

She stops me talking by putting her hand over my mouth "I know don't have to remind me". I smile "last time your hand was there was the last time your other one was down there".

Larissa hits me on the arm "jules! Bellas sat right there". "You can't blame me...we haven't had the chance to do anything in a week.." I say. "We've been working and looking after sorry love.." she says rubbing over where she hit.

I leave and after 20 minutes I get to the courthouse. Im sat down next to my lawyer when layla is brought in. She looks at me with the same evil grin on her face.

"Miss layla are on trial for the stalking of Mrs juliet weems. " the judge says. My lawyer tells me to go to the stand to speak.

I sit down and start to give my account of what happened. "I..uh...started feeling watched..and it went on for a and my wife were having an..intimate moment before a school party..and I thought I seen a camera flash..but we both brushed it off....then new years eve...there were videos and photos of me and my wife..having sex taken by camera and from cctv...I checked all students phones a..and found more videos and some photos of me naked..thats when she was arrested.." I tell.

"I DIDNT TAKE THOSE PHOTOS OR LEAK THE VIDEOS...THEY WERE SENT TO ME" i jump at layla stands up and screams at the judge. "Your phone was checked and they weren't sent to you. You also had the files from cctv downloaded." My lawyer hannah says.

After a while the judge moves onto something else. "I understand you reported an incident where miss Darby raped you Mrs that right" the judge says. I nod. "How come you reported it a week after it happened?" He asks.

"I..uh..had to have some convincing from my wife and daughter..I was scared to since she was still walking about.." I say. The judge nods. "We wouldn't be able to prosecute miss Darby without evidence...." I spot layla smirk "but we found cctv which shows the full event..ill show that now.." . Her smile drops.

I watch as the video of the rape is shown.  It shows me screaming and her running after me when I get free. Tears fill my eyes as I try to not let them go. After the video finishes I stand up and walk out. "She just needs a quick break.." I hear hannah say before following me.

I rush into a bathroom stall and throw my guts up. I feel a hand on my back as I stand back up. I turn around and hannahs stood there. "Are you ok?...I know that was hard but I didnt think you would throw up." She says as she walks me to the sink.

"Well that..brought up a lot of emotions...and that mixed with the bad morning sickness...doesnt go down well" I say whilst washing my hands. "Your pregnant? Congratulations" she says. "Shit..dont tell and my wife agreed to keep it secret.." I say starting to panic. She does a lips sealed thing and we go back.

It gets to the end of the trial and the judge stands up. "Miss layla are sentenced to 4 years in prison for stalking and an extra 5 years for will get out in 5 years time " he says. I jump up and hug hannah. "YOU BITCH" I hear layla shout as shes took away.

I stay for an extra 20 minutes to talk to hannah then I leave. I won..
