

Tears fill my eyes as larissa finally gets the projector turned off. "ILL FIND OUT WHO FUCKING DID THIS..I WANT ALL OF YOUR ELECTRONICS IN MY OFFICE IN AN HOUR..AND DONT EVEN THINK ABOUT DELETING THINGS.." I scream at them as tears flood my face.

I'm about to scream at them more when I feel wednesday and Enid grabbing my arms to pull my out. I willingly go with them and they take me to my office.

"I..ILL FUCKING S..SUE THEM FOR EVERY LAST PENNY...THEY WONT GET INTO ANY SCHOOL.. OR JOB" I shout as I pace back and forth infront of the fire. Wednesday and Enid watch me in awe. This is the first time they've seen me lash out like this.


I pick up my bottle of wine off my desk and go back to pacing around. I end up drinking nearly the full bottle before wednesday takes it off me. "Mother..calm down your gonna send yourself mad.." Wednesday says. For the first time in my life I see concern on her face.

I hear the door open and larissa walks in. "I got everyone's phones, ipads and laptops." She says placing a crate of them onto my desk. "Thanks mi amor.." I say without looking towards her.

For the next few hours i sit and look through peoples belongings. The two girls are cuddled up asleep on the sofa and larissa went to go check students were in their room.

I get onto layla Darbys phone and I search everything. I find a folder in her gallery labeled 'J.W'. I click on it and my heart drops. I find the videos and photos that were shown tonight. To my surprise there are also pictures taken from my room window of me fully naked, pictures of me in the shower and some of me and larissa fucking.

Tears run down my face as I keep looking through. This has gone on for a while. It dates back to October. I scroll onto the next picture and its a photo of a board in her room filled with photos of me. Pinned on it there is my bra and thong set that I lost a while ago.

Larissa walks in and the exact girl who's phone im holding walks in behind her. "I found her what's up?...did you find something?" She asks as they walk closer to my desk. "G..get that..pervert away from" I mutter out as I push my chair away from her.

I pass larissa her phone and she looks at the photos and videos. "What the fuck.." larissa says. I look at layla and she has a sick grin on her face. I spot wednesday and Enid sitting up after waking up. "Whats wrong Mrs weems?" Enid asks.

"It was her..shes been stalking my wife.." larissa says. I watch as the two girls storm over and start beating up and torturing layla. Larissa runs out the room to get the police.

"It was worth it..have you seen principal weems naked?" She says laughing. Wednesday looks at her in disgust and kicks her head. "YOU BITCH.." layla shouts as her nose starts to bleed.

Larissa walks back in with police following her. They arrest layla and we follow them as they take her to the car. We get outside and there's a massive crowd of students. Most of them look at me. Some in sympathy and some in disgust.

I feel larissa wrap her arm around me and I lean into her side. "It will be ok love.." she whispers to me. She looks up from me and shouts at my students "GET BACK TO YOUR ROOMS..NOW". They all slowly make their way inside.

An hour later me and larissa are finally back in our room. I havent spoke much since layla got to my office. I go in the bathroom and sit against the door since it doesn't have a lock.


I'm sat on the bed reading whilst juliets in the bathroom. I hear sobs coming from the bathroom and then a tiny "ow-". I look towards the door waiting for her to shout but she doesnt. It goes quiet and I start to worry.

I get up and stand at the door "jules?...everything ok in there..jules?". I recieve no answer. I try to open the door but somethings blocking it. "Juliet rosa weems let me in this instance.." I try demanding. I still don't get an answer.

I give in and push the door open. I manage to peak my head through the gap and I spot juliet laid on the floor. Shes still awake but looks unemotional. She's changed into one of my hoodies and some jogging bottoms.

"Love.." I say trying to get her attention. "Jules...juliet love..your gonna get cold if you stay there..." she finally looks at me and gets up. I watch as she walks past me and gets in bed.


I stay silent as larissa climbs in bed and lays behind me. I wince as her hand brushes over my thighs and lands on my wrist. I pull my arm from under her and she looks at me confused. "Whats wrong love?..why did you wince?" She asks.

I don't move from my spot. " need to talk at somepoint" she says. I feel her start tracing her knuckle along my spine. I relax a bit which makes tears spring to my eyes. I turn around to face her and I bury my face into her chest.

She watches as tears run down my face onto her shirt. I notice her looking down to my thigh. "Love...why is there blood on your pants.." she asks. I look up at her and shes giving me a concerned look. She knows..
