

As we walk back towards my office a few people look at me since I'm dressed what they would call casual. We walk into my office and Wednesday and Enid are sat talking to fester.

Wednesday looks at me "whats wrong...your dressed like Normal people do..". I panic and try to figure out an excuse. I decide to show her the least questionable option. I pull the collar of the hoodie down so she can see the hickies.

"Ew.." she mutters. "Atleast your parental figures don't produce kids like rabbits.. im glad my parents stopped...doing that..after my little brother.."  Enid says. I look towards larissa and she smiles at me.

I sit down at my desk and larissa sits next to me with her hand on my thigh. After a while of doing paperwork I fully forget everyone else is here except larissa. "Mi amor we need to start looking for houses nearby so rasberry can have a room" I say.

"Mother?...rasberry?" Wednesday says. "Are you pregnant?...please be pregnant Bella would be cute with a little sibling" Enid says. "Is that why your wearing baggy clothes?" Wednesday asks.

"Juliets not pregnant...rasberrys one of our friends who needs to move in with us..the hoodies just for her neck.." larissa says as she can see me panicking. Wednesday gives me a questionable look and Enid shrugs the whole thing off.

I lean over to whisper to larissa " i have my 12 week scan tommorow". She nods and kisses my cheek. The girls leave and so does larissa as they have things to do.

Fester sits infront of my desk. "You need to tell them" he says. "Its getting harder to hide" I say standing up and lifting my hoodie a bit so he can see. "Maybe its twins since your that big" he says.

I glare at him "will you shut up with that...larissa said it too...its not twins..id know by now surely". "I was joking..jeez" he says laughing. We sit and talk for a while before he goes to do whatever.

The next day me and larissa go to the appointment. We get to the doctors and I go to reception. "Appointment for Juliet weems please..its for my 12 week scan." I tell the woman. She nods and tells us to go sit down.

After 20 minutes im called in. Larissa sits next to me as she sits next to me. "Ill just do the first step which is to check the babys growing ok...ill check everythings the right size and stuff" the doctor says. I nod.

I gasp as she puts cold gel on my stomach "thats cold". I watch the doctor as she puts the scanner on my stomach and looks at the ultrasound screen.

She looks at my file again then back at the screen. "Is something wrong?" Larissa asks. "No its just....your having twins" the doctor says. "You fucking what?" I say.

Larissa puts her hand over my mouth "language love". "Your having twins juliet..they are in separate sacs so they will be fraternal twins" The doctor says.

I stare at her in shock as she checks the sizes of the babies. "Your still measuring at 12 weeks...twin b is a tiny bit smaller than twin a but we will give you a scan every week to make sure its growing at a normal speed.." she says.

I stay silent and just nod. " with twins they sometimes come earlier..you can find out the genders in 3 weeks" she says. We leave after 10 minutes and we go back to the car.

2 minutes into the drive I still haven't spoken. "Whats wrong love? You haven't spoke much since we found out about the twins" larissa says putting a hand on my bump. "I'm not talking to you...or fester...you both jinxed it...what are we going to do larissa...we will need to buy a four bedroom house...and what about the school...they can't go a year without a principal" I say as I stare out the window.

"Love...we will figure it out..just calm down..you can't stress too much" she says as she moves her hand down to my thigh. " its hard to not stress when there's so many things to think about...how am I gonna hide it.." I say looking at her.

She sighs and concentrates on driving again. After a while she speaks "its our aniversary in 2 months..what do you wanna do for it?" . I shrug "id love to get drunk but ill be 5 months pregnant by then..so thats a no...maybe we can go to that fancy restraunt I was telling you about in burlington?".

She nods at me and goes back to driving. "Your still stressed" she mutters. "Well...I can't help it..if you can you do that" I say. I look at her confused as she slides her hand down the front of my pants. Her fingers slide into me and I let out a moan.

She massages my clit as she does her magic with her fingers. I grip onto her arm as she brings me closer to my orgasm. I whine as ashe pulls her hand away from me to park in the school carpark.

She smiles at me then gets out the car. "Larissa you can't do that" I whine at her as i run after her. "Do what?" She asks with a smirk on her face. "YOU KNOW WHAT...DONT GET SMART WITH ME" I shout at her. She laughs and walks away from me to go to our room.

I go into my office and sit in my chair in a huff. After ten minutes wednesday comes in. She locks the door and sits infront of my desk. "Whats going on with you..your acting weird and your not dressed posh.." she asks. "Nothings going on " I say putting a bourbon biscuit in my mouth.

"There must be...you don't eat those..you say they are too chocolatey" she says scowling at me. "I promise you nothings going on hun" I lie straight to her face. "dont hun me...I will find out " she warns before leaving.
