Chapter 24: I Shouldn't Have Said That

It's been two weeks since I've talked to the boys. Remus was the only one brave enough to come and try to talk to me.

Apparently, they're scared I'll rip them to shreds. That is until today.

I was walking up the staircases when they started to move again. I got pushed and fell face first on a stair.

I started angrily muttering things like,'Stupid person that invented the stupid stairs.' And 'Who the heck invented bricks that go one above the other? Just stupid,'

I stood up and came face to face with Black. "I that I told you never to be in my presence." I said quietly, trying to sound calm.

"You never said at a certain time, or a certain place, Gorgeous." He winked that stupid wink.

"Stop calling me that, I need to get through." He stood in front of the Common Room portrait door of the Fat Lady.

"Not until you listen." He grabbed my waist and turned me around. The contact made me push him away immediately.


"I'm sorry." He actually put effort in saying it. Did he practice this or something? Pathetic. Or sweet- no. Pathetic.

"What's pathetic?" He smirked at me. I glared daggers at him. "I didn't say anything."

"Course you didn't," His voice dripped with stupid sarcasm. "Move." I muttered.

"Why are you mad at me? Snivellus is the one that called your best friend a mudblood," he looked at me in disbelief.

"I thought I told you not to call him that!" I yelled. "I said move." I said a little louder.

"And you are still friends with him after he said that to Evans!"

"Because he's like my brother and you don't leave family!" I was yelling in his face now.

"Maybe you don't know family! Maybe family is playing you so you'll be like them!" His voice was rising now.

"It's not my fault I don't have family! It's not my fault that you have awful family! Not at all family is like yours! Oh! I'm Sirius Black! Biggest player at Hogwarts and all I care about is breaking people and not caring!" At the end, my voice went down.

"And maybe your as bad as your family!" I yelled, panting.

He looked at me.

Regret washed over me. "Never compare me to those people ever again." He whispered dangerously.

He pushed past me and hit my shoulder. I turned as he was walking. He stopped, looked at me over his shoulder, and started walking again.

I sat on my bed. It was cloudy tonight, so there were no stars or moon to see.

Why did I say that to Sirius? Yes, he probably deserved it, but I know how much he hates his family.

But I know as much as he wants to, he can never hate Reg. I actually let Remus sit next to me at dinner. Sirius stayed far away from me as possible, but he always shot glances at me.

I want to apologize, but at the same time I don't. He and James hurt Sev, which caused him to call Lily the word.

Why does one thing have to lead for another? Why can't they just stay in their place?

After I layed down, I closed my eyes. And it happened like it normally does.

(Another dream)
The twins known as Harry and Ivy opened the door in a small house. In came the bushy haired girl. She hugged them and backed up.

After she came in, the red-head known as Ron came in and tackled them both in hugs.

After them came in a few other people that were familiar.

Harry looked above the small crowd of people. His face dropped suddenly. Mel wasn't there.

In came in the blond haired boy named Brady with a girl that looked a teeny bit like him.

"There you are, Black." A man with a magical blue eye said. In came a dirty Mel that had branches sticking in her hair.

"I told that dog to stop." She crossed her arms. Harry grinned and walked up to her.

He kissed her for a long time, then he pulled away and hugged her. "Oooo!" A voice teased. They pulled away and saw Ivy smirking.

"Shut up, Ives." Harry mumbled, turning red. "Hey, where's my hug?" Brady held out his arms. Mel giggled and hugged everyone.

Once she got to Remus and a pink haired woman, she squealed. "Everyone, guess what?"- "Mel"- "No. My uncle got married!" She jumped up and down.

"And Tonks is-" A hand clamped over her mouth. She let go and started jumping around.

I didn't wake up startled like I did before. This one felt familiar. Black? As in Sirius? Oh. Now I remember.


......... i have nothing to say, exept bye...... I'm so weird, don't judge me.
