Chapter 23: Unexpected Comment

My dreams have been becoming a random thing now. I don't know when they're going to happen, they just do.

I still don't know what they mean, and I don't know who the people are. Maybe I am going crazy.

It's sooner than Marlene expected.

Today, I caught Rose and Sean snogging. Who does that in public? Well it's not really public, but it's in the middle of the corridor.

"Get a room!" I yelled over my shoulder. But they didn't seem to hear. I joined Marlene and Lily.

Before I could warn my friend, Marlene fell face first on the brick ground, flinching.

"You okay down there?" Lily chuckled. "Yes. The floor looked lonely, so I gave it a hug." She shrugged. She took my hand and got up.

"Your clumsy, like really clumsy." I smiled.

Lily's smile disappeared as we went outside. "oh no," She mumbled, before running off.

We saw a crowd forming at a tree. I looked closely. It was Severus. I shared a look with Marlene, and we ran.

"Who wants to see me take Snivvely's trousers off?" A voice said.

"Potter!" I yelled. James and the others in the crowd turned to me and Lily.

"Sirius!" A laughing Sirius turned and saw me. His smile faded. I hope my glare burns that hair.

"Oh, hey Lia, here to see the show?" He smirked. "Put him down! Now!" Lily yelled, crossing her arms.

"And why would I do that, Lily-Pad?"

"Don't. Call. Me. That."

"Put him down!" She tried again. Severus was struggling to get his wand.

"If you go one a date with me."

"I would rather date a troll," Lily was fuming.

Multiple 'oohs' were heard from the crowd.

"Put him down." I hissed. He said the counter curse and Severus fell. Regulus came running from the side to help him.

"I don't need help from filthy Mudbloods like you!" Sev yelled. I turned and saw Lily's pale face.

"Fine." Tears brimming her eyes, she turned and ran to the castle.

"Apologize now!" James got his wand out again. Sirius was no longer smirking, but glaring at Sev.

"Go away!" I yelled. They hurried off towards the castle, Remus and Peter following.

I thought I could trust them. Remus especially. But he is just as bad as them, he didn't even try to get them to stop.

And Sirius. I thought Sirius had learned not to mess with Sev.

I helped Severus up, who's eyes were watery. The whole time we walked back, we didn't even say a word to each other.

"I didn't mean to call her that." Sev muttered, tears threatening his eyes.

"We know," Regulus put a hand on his shoulder.

"She's never going to forgive me." He shook his head.

"Hey," I lifted his chin up. "We've been best friends since we were ten. I know Lily like the back of my hand. Yes, she's very mad at you, and it's going to take her time, but she'll forgive you."

"No, you don't understand, I....ugh."

"What don't I understand?" I questioned. Regulus was leaning as well as me.

He finally said,"No."

I sighed, and shared a look with Reg. "Severus Tobias Snape, I love you very much, but I will not hesitate to mess up your face."

Sev let out a chuckle. "Okay, Liv."

"Why are you taking his side? He called me M-Mudblood!" Lily exclaimed. "He didn't mean it, he was angry, Lily. He didn't mean to say what he said, we all do things when we're angry." I sighed.

A frown appeared on her face.

"He was my first best friend and brother. You don't just expect me to leave him?" I put down my goblet, my face mirroring her frown.

"Gorgeous!" A voice said

Sirius came running to me. I ignored him. "Lia?"

I arruptly stood and grabbed my stupid books. "Go away, Black."

"Racist." James muttered. Peter snorted.

"Lia-" Remus started.

"Since when do you call me Black?" I turned swiftly, grabbed his tie and pushed him against the wall.

"I wouldn't talk to me if I were you. I can do things that I won't regret." I hissed under my breath.

But he didn't look at all scared, rather amused. "What kind of things?" He whispered with a smirk.

"Stop it!" I pushed him into a space I didn't know was there. "Don't talk to me ever again, don't look at me ever again, don't even step foot in my presence if you want to live longer."

I let go his his tie harshly and pushed the people that were staring wide eyed at the scene.


I like cake..... RANDOM FACT #1
