Chapter 1: Hogwarts

I arrived on the platform of Hogwarts, feeling the breeze before me. And I just happen to be a fifth year, the same year as the gang known as the Marauders.

I suddenly bumped into someone, causing us both to fall. "Oh, sorry Remus, I wasn't paying attention." I apologized. I stuck my hand out to help him up.

He grabbed it with a smile. "No problem, Olivia. See you at the Sorting." He smiled and went back to James Potter, Peter Pettigrew, and the biggest flirt in all of Hogwarts, Sirius Black.

I only happened to have Lily Evans, my best friend, and the girl that Potter apparently likes, walking beside me.

"Hey, Lia. Have a nice summer?" She asked me. Her red fiery hair was in a ponytail for once, and like always, her bright green eyes had a twinkle.

"What do you expect, Lils? I live in an orphanage that has rats and spiders. And I hardly get food." My American accent flooded her ears.

"I shouldn't have asked," She muttered.

"But, I'm never going to get out of there until I'm seventeen, no one wants to adopt a fifteen year old. People tend to like babies that cry and make your ears bleed, other than a loud and smart teen." I said, smiling slightly.

"Close enough," she retorted.

"Shut up!" I hit her in the arm, as she laughed viciously.

We entered the great halls of Hogwarts. It was good to be back here again. I felt like I was really home, Dumbledore was at the front.

The Sorting started and we got a few Gryffindors, an equal amount really.
A light brown haired girl with brown eyes sat down by me.

"Hey, Rose!" I grinned at her. Roslindale Wulfric was also one of my best friends. She smiled softly.

Rose didn't talk much, she liked the quiet, but she was sweet and always smiling. But you don't want to see her when she's mad...

I gasped, causing Rose to jump. "It's gravy." I said loudly.

Lily sent me a look, oh. She still hasn't forgotten when I threw her cat in that pool of gravy... I slipped.

I was not ready for today, I forgot to see Sev yesterday. He was one of my friends as well.

"SEVERUS!" I yelled happily. I jumped on top of him. We fell over, earning stares. We stood up and grinned at eachother.

"I missed you, Liv!" He tackled me in a hug. "I miss you to, Sev." We broke from our hug.

"It was that bad?"

I was sitting at the Slytherin table with Severus.

"Yes, though I survived, it wasn't that bad actually." I nodded.

"Well, I got to go, Severus. I'll see you at lunch." I waved and strutted off. Sometimes I wonder how people put up with someone like me.

A circular glasses wearing, messy haired boy came walking by me. "Hello, Olivia." He grinned at me.

"James, how do you even know my name?" I asked him. Word doesn't get around that fast, does it?

I'm the only American in Hogwarts, so people tend to talk. Not that it bothers me..

"I'm a stalker, it's a Potter thing." He smirked. Then, a short, a bit chubby, blond haired boy came by James.

"Hello, Peter." I smiled slightly. He blushed a bit as I talked to him. After that, a boy with sandy blond hair came with a book.

"Finished the book already, Remus?" I improvised. "Now, let me see, who's next?" I pretended to think.

A boy with chin-length dark hair, with stormy grey eyes appeared in front of me. "Olivia,"

"Sirius, I expected you to be somewhere bullying a first year, but look, he's here." I gave him a fake smile.

They all suddenly pulled me to Gryffindor Tower, and pushed me onto a couch.

"Do you promise not to tell anyone?!" James asked me.

"Tell wha-"

"Do you promise?!" He asked once more. I nodded violently.

Sirius took something out of his pocket, it looked like parchment. He set it down on the table.

"Well go on," They pushed their hands. "Reveal," I put my wand on the 'thing'.

It revealed brown words that said:

Messrs Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs are proud to present the Marauders Map

I opened it. The first thing I saw was the words 'Severus Snape' above footprints that were heading to the dungeons.

"It's Snivellus!" Sirius spat. What did he just call him?! I stood up furiously.

"Don't call him that!" I yelled in his face. His gray eyes stopped me. "Don't ever," I finished quietly.

I looked back at the map, Roslin was apparently wondering to the Hufflepuff Common Room. She's meeting with Sean again.

"Does this make us friends?" Remus asked from his book.

"Well, does showing a girl a map describe friend to you?" I shot back.

"Yes," James smirked.

What have I gotten myself into?

How did you all like the first chapter, if you've read my two books in the Two Times series, you'll know who everyone is.

