Chapter 6

2 years later...

Time flies fast and it's already two years after Ayumu has been living as Naruto and many things has happened and now he was seven years old.

After Kurama know about his part life being a woman from another world. Naruto asked for the fox to protect Ayumu past memories to make sure anyone in this world won't know about it, mostly the mind-reader clan of Yamanaka.

The fox saw his reason, agreed. In exchange, Naruto had to give him something that would satisfies him. In other word, belly rub. (Not like the great biiju would admit that he enjoy it, though)

Anyway, back on the track.

Naruto started going to ninja academy at the age of six, that time it was hard for him because there was so many teachers prejudice of him for becoming a jinchuuriki. And he had to handle the sabotaged that was given to him so many times, but it was nothing that he can't handled and he do it by putting those prejudice into their place.

(I mean, Naruto is a Royalty. How can they treat their Prince like that?)

It was not hard when his previous life as Ayumu has been doing that to her spoiled little siblings and the bullies in her school life. They think a quiet and obedience girl can't fight back, they were wrong in that.

And Naruto had been doing the same with the experience of what he had as Ayumu, he do the same by putting each of the prejudice a genjutsu that he created with the help of Kurama and Itachi. It was an illusion that had the victim experience how the life to become a villagers pariah themselves, they experience how it felt to be in his place. The genjutsu won't come off even thought how hard they tried to release themselve from it. Only him can turn off the genjustsu.

When he turn off the genjutsu, the terror in their face make him satisfies and they started to felt guilty and started to apologize to him for treating him like hypocrite they usually do.

Of course, he didn't forgive them from their ignorant and their narrow minded. He isn't a real Naruto that had a purest and kind heart and would forgive anyone that had wronged him before.

But at least he didn't have a problem with the sabotaged anymore and this make his school life more better.

After the problem with the sabotaged teachers is clear, it was the problem with his peer next. There are kids that was told by their parents to keep themselves away from him thus they avoiding him and some brave enough to get near him to taunting, calling a mean names and property harassing on him.

That also was taken care off by giving a humiliating prank on them and beat them in taijutsu class and also giving them some scared of his mastery on his wind affinity.

From then, those kids keep themselves far away from him. And anyone would know that no one would ever messing with him.

Other than that, his grade was higher than the others and thanks to that he got his admire from the girls in his class thus that's how he got his own fan club that shockingly the one that leading the club is Yamanaka Ino herself. And it was thanks to him helping her that being bullied by the oldest academy student. From then on,  the girl start to have a crush on him instead of Uchiha Sasuke.

Meanwhile, when Naruto laid his eyes on Uchiha boy. He had to refrain himself from gushing over the boy went Ayumu's woman instinct came to life. Seeing the Uchiha in the real life is kind of refreshing, Sasuke was a cute boy. No wonder many girls have a crush on him when they see how good looking he is.

Sasuke had a second grade in class and tried to keep up with Naruto to get a first grade. He even declare Naruto as his rival when their were in the middle of sparing in taijutsu class. Naruto was happy to accept his challenge to spar anytimes. Other then they rivalry, he and Sasuke get along well and start to be friends with each other.

Naruto was relief that Sasuke started to open up a little. He knows that the Uchiha massacre still not happened yet, since Sasuke were not shutting everyone off yet.

And that's where the situation goes.

At the age of seven, he stumbled into Shimura Danzo when he on his way to Jii-san to asked a D-rank mission (he need a money since he don't want to always depend on Jii-san allowance money). When he caught sight of the bandaged man, Naruto remember that Danzo is one of the player in the stories.

The man had been doing many evil deed in the shadows under Sandaime nose. When he come to visit his old home to get something in that house, he listened to the whispers of those who lived in the red light district. He heard about a man with faceless shinobi who stole orphans off the streets and clan children from the branches tragically died on simple missions. From what he know from the information, he can guess that the man that had been kidnapping children is Danzo and his ROOT agents.

Danzo was the man filled with rot and greed.

Naruto still can remember how the man chakra felt, dark and malicious.

Naruto watched and watched with his sharp eyes in observation. And what he saw left him seething with rage that burned white and hot. The wary eyes filled with resentment from the Uchiha made sense. But they were always a clan cursed to feel too strongly. So they didn't see they were being boxed in like a rabid animal. They didn't see they were being baited by Danzo and his puppet army to strike back so he'd have a justified reason to crush them.

So he thought and planned on what to do as he knew the Hokage would willfully look the other way.

In the dark of night he slipped into the hidden complex where Danzo trained and tortured his little army. The alarm seals had been laughably easy to dismantle and shred to pieces. He tweaked the seals on the tongues of children to melt upon his death. He had a bit of trouble trying to tweak the seal of the one shinobi who walked freely and seemed to know his ANBU. Naruto was glad the shinobi had gotten his first or else it would have been odd that he was the only one who didn't lose the seal.

Then he found Danzo's office. Naruto broke into his safe and pulled out everything he could find and make sure it could not be destroyed. He duplicated everything in case someone tried to bury it all.

The last thing he did was slip into Danzo home, also guarded by his puppet soldiers. He knocked them out and finished the last seals that needed to be adjusted. His home also had seals on it, but Naruto blood sang with fuinjutsu and these seals didn't stand the chance. Danzo slept unaware, he slipped further into a deep sleep as Naruto put him under a heavy seal, and then he painted a small seal next to the war hawk ear. With a small spark of chakra Naruto activated it and the awful man filled with rot and evil died in his sleep from an aneurysm. A heart attack might have been questioned, but aneurysm could happen and were difficult to spot and prevent.

Naruto smiled thinly before he melted into shadows and slipped back to his home in the forest.

Two days later, one of the elders found his body. The fallout was worth it as he watched all of the clan heads stay locked into long meetings with the Hokage and his trusted ANBU. He listened to his classmates, the clan heirs, murmur that their parents were tense and no one get any info out of them. The civilian students didn't understand the full gravity of the situation.

But Sasuke seemed a bit lighter. He was still shy and proud, but he seemed to stand straighter than he used to.

The next day, the Hokage call everyone to tell the news about Danzo death and his evil deed. The old rot is the one that responsible of Yondaime death and the Kyuubi attack 7 years ago. He also leak the information of Hatake Sakumo mission to the foreign village to let the mission fail. And he also send someone to end Sakumo and make it as suicide.

Poor Kakashi, when he heard about it, he was bubbling in rage and spouting Danzo name in venom. The Hokage also apologize to the Uchiha clan from what his old friend have done. It's look like the mummy had planned to have the Uchiha to massacre so he can take their dojutsu and planted it on himself.

It took a year for the Uchiha to ease their way back into the village. And Naruto was relief that he managed to safe the incident even Kurama that hate Uchiha were glad even thought begrudgingly.


Today like always, he just got back from the academy and he was tired. He plopped himself on his comfy couch taking some break, he sigh in relief when some of tension in his body were gone a little.

He's eyes spotted the piano that he bought and placed it near the glassed window. Feeling that it's been awhile for him to play it, he stood up and walked to the piano and took a seat. He test a few note before he decided to play 'Fantasy World' by Jurrivh.

After he done, he sighed and turn around to be met with flabbergasted Uchiha Shisui. Shisui has been one of his guard and caretaker, the same as Itachi. The two would check up on him whenever they could and since then, they getting along well.

Naruto eyebrow raised and when he saw what the Uchiha were holding, he look at the older boy with unimpressed look. "How many times do I tell you, Shisui? Do not steal my sweet! This is a third time in a row for this week." scowled him at the older Uchiha.

The Uchiha just chuckled sheepishly at him, "W-Well, I can't help it. You make a better sweets than I ever bought in the shop." said him nervously a bit scared to face the wrath of skilled jinchuuriki.

Naruto huffed, scowled still in face. He was too tired to chase out the Uchiha in his big house right now. "What are you doing here anyway? Should you been checking on me next week? Or are you only coming here for sweets?" asked him unamused with one brow raised.

Shisui shifted uncomfortable in his posture, unnerving. "W-Well, I kinda ruined my kitchen with my katon jutsu while trying my hand on cooking thus resulting for it's on fire all over the place. So...can I stay here until my house was repaired?" state him shamefully.

Naruto rubbed his temple in defeat, "For a skilled shinobi, you were hopeless on cooking, you know that?" retort him and Shisui had the authority to look sheepish.

Naruto sighed, "Alright, you can stay. But...keep your hands off from my sweets and the experiment seal that I left in my study. Understood?" instructed him and the older teen nodded in understand.

Naruto nodded, satisfies at the answer. He hold his hand on the older teen, indicating that he want something. The older teen raised an eyebrow in confused and look at the boy that he been treating as little brother for the past three years, the boy give a blank look at him, "I want a payment for the sweets that you ate, I'd low of budget right now. Pay up for the ingredient of the sweets that you keep always stole. So...2000 ryo in total."

Shisui gasped at his statement, but then pout while paying all the sweets that he took from Naruto. The boy took the money and count it to make sure its enough, he nodded in satisfied and walked to his room with his school bag hanging on his shoulder, leaving the older teen on his own in the living room.


Kakashi like usual just got back from his solo mission again, battered and exhaustion. After giving his report, he shunshin into his apartment. Took off his dirty and bloody ANBU attire and tossing it into the basket of his dirty laundry, getting himself into warm bath. He sighed in relief went he felt his sore and adrenaline were fading a little. He change into his night clothes after taking a bath and plopped himself into his bed to take some sleep after the tiring mission.

But he's awake a few hours later with nightmare still lingering in his head, it's happened whenever he was back from the mission or he was back from his depression. At least he manage to sleep for few hours.

Looking at his clock on his desk bed, it read that it's already 4:30 AM. Didn't felt the need to get back to sleep, he get off from his bed to start his day like usual.

When he get into Hokage tower to ask for the next mission, he was surprised by Hokage unexpected words. "Come again, Hokage-sama?" asked him flabbergasted.

The Hokage puffed out his smoke, looking completely unaffected by the looking his shinobi giving to him. "I said, for now on I will be releasing you from ANBU duty, Kakashi-kun. And have you to take a genin team starting for this year. It's up to you what do you want to do with them, I just want to keep you around the village, alive and more stable rather then go to suicide mission and restless night. You understand what I mean right, Kakashi-kun?"

Kakashi bow his head at the Hokage in understand, "Yes, Hokage-sama!" The sandaime Hokage nodded in satisfies at the answer, "Good! The graduation would be next month, so I hope you will be prepared. That's all, you can dismissed!" state him. Kakashi bowed again and let himself out but before he go, he had something to asked.

"Hokage-sama! Can I ask how was Naruto been doing lately? I haven't seen him for a while." excluded him straightforwardly. The Hokage blinked but then smile softly with pride, "Well for once, he is another prodigy with so many talent. He is the top in his class and I got the suggestion from his homeroom teacher that he should be graduate early saying that they out of teaching to pass it to him already. The boy is fast learner and so...he tried to learn every specialist that he was interest into, starting with Shinobi knowledge and skill to cooking, sewing, musical and etc. He would sometimes come to me to asked a D-rank mission since he need a money for his life funds and said that he can't always depend on the money I'd gave to him so he decided to work on it for himself. Thanks to that, the villagers started to open up to him little by little, with how polite and charming Naruto-kun behave, they started to warm up for him a little." told the Hokage with pride in his voice.

Kakashi eyes widened, shocked to know this, "So...will he took a graduation exam this year?" he asked hopefully. He were thinking to take his sensei's son into his custody and get to know more about him. Hiruzen shook his head in denial, "No, when I brought this up to him. He said that he want to graduate the same year with his friends. He get along with Shikamaru-kun, Chouji-kun and Hinata-chan and the four of them would sometimes gathered for bonding with each other. He said that if he graduate first, he won't have time to meet them again since he would be busy with mission."

Kakashi sighed in defeat but nodded in understand. After that, he left the office in daze, don't know what to do.

While he were in his thought, he didn't notice where his feet brought him too when he caught a tone of music instrument between his location. He walked to where he heard the sound is when stumble into one of training ground, the first thing that caught his gaze is 8 years old Naruto with violin in his hands, the golden blonde hair that the boy inherited from his father is not mistaken.

Kakashi stay there and listened to the boy play the instrument elegantly.

The song, that breaks into four parts, has a somewhat harrowing and beautiful tone. He cannot help but get absorbed in the notes and quick-paced nature of the lyrics. It would also gave a glimpse of happiness and peace, making him completely relaxed. It tries to bring hope to him, lifted him from his dampened spirits during the most difficult times of his lives. It give him the multiple purposes for his lives.

Kakashi for once, felt lighter than before. When the song was ended and he saw the boy sighed in satisfaction and put the instrument into the case, still didn't notice his presence. That's okay though, he don't think that he had a courage to meet him yet.

He shunshin to nearby trees the boy won't caught the sight of him. He examined the boy closely, Naruto had grown into a healthy 8 years old boy.

More independent and more mature. Physically developed for 8 years old with refinement of skills, coordination and muscle control. A bit slim but it's nothing to worried about, a big sharp blue violet eyes and plump lips. He had to refrain himself for thinking what those lips taste like, shocking himself from what kind of thought he was thinking.

But the most shocking is, he caught the scent of his mate onto the boy. Kakashi had to refrain himself again from growling and jumping to the boy, when the boy blue violet eyes met with his grey one. His body jolted in gasp, he hurriedly shunshin himself into his apartment before he do something that he will regret.

He's body fall to the floor of his wooden apartment with thump and he grasped his chest tightly, tried to calm his breathing. His heartbeat was beating too fast and it was painful for him to breath properly.

No way! Uzumaki Naruto is his mate. His soulmate?!

But he thought that, the woman that he met 3 years ago is his mate? He caught her scent anyway and had been remember it until now... Wait a minute... the scent that he inhaled from Naruto earlier is the same scent as the woman 3 years ago. Lavender that mixed with sunflower and ink, but he also caught the scent of foxes in the boy. But he ignored that since the boy is the holder of Kyuubi no Kitsune.

So...what this suppose to mean? Did he have two mates? But the two have the same scent. Kakashi can't think properly right now, his heart is raising and his mind were blurry. He can felt his pants getting tighter whenever he recollect the smell of the jinchuuriki scent that still lingering in his head and nose.

He can think about it again when he calmed enough. For now, he had a boner that need to be taken care of with.

