Chapter 14

Kakashi and the Sandaime first stop is Sasuke family home. Mikoto welcome the two with tea and snack, after that she shows them her youngest son bedroom to let them inspect it. Sasuke room was neat and orderly but that was expected if living with family. His room wasn't that bright for an innocent child but there is still a few personality Kakashi can felt in the room. Friendship and loyalty, Kakashi can see there is a lot of photos the boy had with his friends and most of it shown the loyal friendship the raven boy had with Naruto. The Copy-nin can see that the raven haired took his friendship seriously.

Next, they move to Sakura house. When he visited her home, her room consisted of things normal teenage girls had. There's a question of whether or not she takes being a ninja seriously due to her obsession with the Uchiha young heir.

And finally, his mate house. Kakashi had to hold his jaw from gaping like a fish when Hokage-sama brought him to their resident jinchuriki house. Kakashi can say, he didn't expect to see Naruto live in comfortable environment despite how the villagers treat him.

He have heard that the blonde have move into a better place rather than that rundown apartment but he didn't expect for him to live in this big fancy house.

"Um, Hokage-sama? Is this really Naruto's house? Because I didn't quite believe that..." he let his words hanging. "That he can't afford to live in this fancy place?" Kakashi whined when the elderly Hokage finished his sentence.

Sarutobi chuckled lightly, "It's look like many people had underestimated the boy's set of mind. It's sure shocking to know that the boy capable to take care of himself without needing some guidance. The boy has save up his money just so he can live in comfortable life. Turned out, his former landlord keep overprice his rent and they still cut the heater despite the boy begrudgingly pay the expensive rent. So, that's why the boy requested to move in better place so that he won't get treated badly anymore."

Kakashi hummed and nodded solemnly, he didn't know that his mate have been through that much! Despite for him wanting to get close to Naruto, there's still many thing he didn't know about the blonde. But that can be fixed since Naruto would be in his team. He don't mind of their first relationship would be teacher and student, he need to work slowly to get his mate attention.

"Well then, we can't just stay like this. Let's go inside." suggest the sandaime and the man knocked on the door politely.

They wait until someone opened the door for them and Kakashi was meet face to face with his sensei child from another dimension. He have heard the situation but didn't have a courage to face the children yet at the time.

Though, upon seeing her now, he really can see the resemblance. Golden blonde hair, tanned skin, blue eyes of the sky and three whisker marks on each of her cheeks. Though the different the girl had with her counterpart is her young age, the eyes colour and a streak of her red hair, but still adorable in Kakashi opinion.

The six year old caught sight of her Jii-chan and smiled brightly, "Oh, hello Jii-chan! I wasn't informed that you came to visit." the girl cheerfully said and opened the door wider.

The sandaime smile warmly at the girl, "Hello to you too, Haruna-chan! I didn't have the time to inform your brother so we decided to came in surprise. Can we come in?" greet the old man and politely ask if it okay for them to came in.

Haruna nodded and step aside to let two adult in, offering them a house slipper while at it. When the two were inside, they both look into the house with a great interest. The house was neat clean and orderly, the two can felt the calmness and warm energy in the atmosphere of the house, making the two relaxed for just be in here.

Sarutobi then turned to the girl that have been staring at Kakashi, looking at the silvered in curiosity. "Oh, I haven't introduce him to you yet, am I?" Haruna shook her head in respond while Kakashi give her an eye-smile.

The scarecrow bend himself down into her eyes level and introduce himself, "Hello, Haruna-chan. My name is Hatake Kakashi, I will be your brother's Jounin sensei starting this tuesday." He introduced himself gentlemanly. He watched how the girl nodded back at him politely and started to introduce herself, "Uzumaki-Namikaze Haruna."

Kakashi and the Sandaime blinked when the girl gave her full name, "Did Naruto-kun tell you who your parents is?" asked the Sarutobi calmly. Haruna nodded in replied, "Don't worry Jii-chan, Nii-chan already told me about Tou-chan enemies so I will not tell my full name to the stranger or in public." said the sunshine girl in assurance.

The old man smiled softly at her and patted her gently, "Glad to hear that than. By the way Haruna-chan...Is your brother here?" state the Hokage, looking for the older blonde.

The young blonde tilted her head cutely, like she tried to sense something. "Hmm, Nii-chan in his workshop. Though, judging by the calmness of his chakra, he had fell asleep there while working on something." she stated leisurely.

The two blinked at the detail description, "Haruna-chan, are you a sensor?" asked Kakashi curiously. Haruna nodded with her proud grin, "Yup, Nii-chan said that my sensory skill is special because not only I can sense chakra, I also can sense people emotion." she informed the scarecrow happily.

Kakashi and the Professor blinked in surprise, to have sensory skill was rare and to even sense an emotion are more rare. "Then, those that mean Naruto-kun also a sensor type?" asked the Hokage casually.

Haruna glance at the elderly man and nodded elatedly, "Un, Nii-chan sensory skill is awesome, you know. He's range can be about 20 miles from his location. Ah, Haru also awesome too, you know. Haru's range is 10 miles, dattebane." bragged the girl cheerfully, she was to excited that her mother verbal tick came out unconsciously.

The two adult smiled softly at the sunny girl, having her smiling like this make their tough heart melted after seeing such a bright and genuine smile from innocent child like Haruna.

"I see, that's really amazing Haruna-chan. I'm sure you will do great with it." praised Kakashi genuinely and ruffled the girl hair fondly. Haruna grinned further, happy at the praise she got from someone other than her brother.

Then she remembered that she didn't offer the two a seat yet and didn't even make a drink for them. "Ah, please have a seat. I'll go make some tea." she offered politely and gesturing for them to have a seat at the living room while she goes to the kitchen to make some tea. If she remembered correctly, her brother safe some good tea at the kitchen cabinet on the left.

Kakashi and Sarutobi decide to accept the offer, they took their seat on the living room couch. The two adult sighed in relief when they felt their fatigue, relaxed a little. What can they say? They have been walking and standing none stop for the day so of course their tired.

Haruna then came back with a tray of tea in her hands and pour a cup for them. Sarutobi smiled in thanks to the girl and accept the drink, "Thank you Haruna-chan." The girl grinned and nodded happily, "You welcome."

The adult took a sip of their drink and hummed in satisfied at the taste. "By the way, Haruna-chan. You said earlier that Naruto-kun at his workshop, isn't it? What did he work on into?" asked Sarutobi curiously.

Haruna tilted her head naturally, "I don't know. Nii-chan like to do a lot of things, for example he like to invented something. One of them is like this one." Haruna opened the cabinet at the corner of the room and take out something to show it to them.

She show the two a tiny gold metal box and let them inspected it. The Hokage took it and looked at it with great interest, when he realise that the box can be opened, he opened the box carefully.

The two looked into the mechanic inside of it, intrigued. "To activated it, you need to push your chakra below the box." Haruna instructed leisurely. Sarutobi turned the box upside-down and saw a tiny blue stone stick in the middle.

Curious what the invention can do, he pushed his chakra in it. Then the mechanic started to move, giving a music sound.

Kakashi and Sarutobi was totally fascinated at the music it created. The sound makes them relaxed and calmed their long time stress when they heard the music. "It's called 'Music Box'. Nii-chan like to make this and play it so it don't felt too quiet when one of us were left alone in the house." commented Haruna metaphorically.

The two adult hummed pleasantly while listening to the music calmly. "Haru!" the three jolted when someone called Haruna and turned to the source of the voice. Kakashi hold his breath when he look upon the sight of his mate just woke up from his nap. A drowsy adorable blonde with a loose shirt hanging on his shoulder, showing his smooth tanned skin of his exposed neck. Kakashi had to refrain his inner wolf from jumping on his soulmate and trying to bite the blonde expose neck to mark him as his.

The scarecrow turned his face away from the boy when he felt his self-control were losing by just staring at the beautiful blonde in front of him.

"Ah, Nii-chan! You're awake. Jii-chan is here with your Jounin sensei." chirped Haruna, oblivious of the emotion turmoil that the silvered had toward her beloved brother.

Naruto blinked beadily at her and looked at the two adult in the room. His mixed blue violet orbs fixing on the old Hokage first and smile warmly at the man, "Oh, hi Jii-san. You didn't inform me that you came to visit. Do you need something from me?" greet the twelve year old softly in half awake.

Sarutobi smile fondly at the boy, "No, it's okay Naruto-kun. I'd just came to check on you and Haruna-chan while also decided to look around the house since I haven't seen it yet ever since you move here." said the Hokage honestly.

The maelstrom tilted his head casually and nodded, "I see. Feel free to look around. Ah, but if you goes to the study room or the workshop, make sure you keep yourself away from the paper seals or mechanic around the room. Most of them are dangerous if you touch it carelessly. The last thing I want to know, you got yourself blown away and get yourself wounded while also ruin the house." warned the boy firmly.

The Hokage smiled gently at the talented boy, "Thank you for the early warning, Naruto-kun. But I think we will only looked into the bedroom for now."

The boy just shrugged, "Suite yourself. Are you staying for dinner?" he nonchalantly said and looked at the old man and then his eyes then fixing on the silvered that have been sitting still on his seat.

Naruto raised an eyebrow at the scarecrow when the man keep avoiding his eyes contact with him. What's wrong with him?

The Hokage saw how the boy totally fixed on the silvered and how Kakashi keep avoiding eyes contact with the boy, look amused at the two. Clearing his throat, he smiled at the blonde boy when his attention were back to him. "I think I'd to pass on the dinner, Naruto-kun. I still had a work to do in the office. But thank you for the offer thought, I'm really appreciate it."

Naruto nodded in understand, though, solemnly. "But...I think your sensei would be free to join the dinner with the two of you." state Hiruzen and looked at Kakashi with the glint of his eyes.

Kakashi jolted himself and turned to his village leader with wide eyes while the Uzumaki siblings gaze at the scarecrow expectedly.

The Hatake felt the gaze directed at him, he turned his head slowly to meet with the hope eyes of children, mostly his soulmate curious and innocent eyes.

Seeing that eyes from his soulmate, Kakashi reason to refused is loosing it option.

Meanwhile on Naruto part, when he's mixed blue violet orbs met with a charcoal of Kakashi, he felt the spark of his inner fox asking to release his pheromone, which Naruto had to keep it in control.

Inwardly sighing in resignation, the scarecrow eye-smile at the two, "If I not bothered, I'm gladly accept your dinner invitation." said him nonchalantly.

Haruna cheered happily while Naruto huffed in satisfies nodded, "Well then, I'll go make a dinner for us. Feel free to do whatever you want, Haru can entertain you guys while I'll busy myself in the kitchen." commented the maelstrom aloofly and walked himself away to the kitchen, leaving the three for their own devices.


While Naruto were stirring the ingredient for dinner tonight, Kurama suddenly interact to him. "Hey, Kit." The blonde hummed to his tenant in respond, telling the fox he heard him.

"Do you remembered what I've told you about soulmate bond?" Naruto internally blinked but nodded at the old fox nonetheless. "Yeah, I'm remembered. You explain to me that spirits or human that close to spirit have their soulmate. Since I'm kitsune, that was also count as spirit, I have a soulmate waiting for me. That's what you said, right?"

The jinchuriki felt Kurama nodded, "That's right! And when you make an eyes contact with the Hatake earlier, I've figured that he is your soulmate." Naruto stop his stir, since he facing the wall, no one would see his change of behaviour and how surprised he is, after knowing this.

"You're kidding right? He's 10 years older than me. How can he be my soulmate?" hissed the blonde to his tenant, didn't quite believe what he just heard.

"Believe it or not, that's how fate work and he's truly your soulmate. Beside, age isn't matter if you fall in love, kit. Mostly if you live in the world that always involved with life and death, where went your love one would be leaving you without you even knowing." Advice Kurama firmly.

Naruto was quite for a moment when he sighed, "I'll get it. All I need to do is give it a try and give my soulmate a chance. I can do just that if our love life won't get in the way of our plan." said him in resolve, determine to do this the right way.

"That's the spirit, kit. I'm proud of you...Just a reminder though, that you will got your heat cycle by the time you turned fifteen. Make sure you two were together by then because I don't want to suffer with you while having a maximum libido."

Naruto blushed hard when he though of himself that would hungry of sex and would sexual all over. "You don't have to remind me of that! God, just thinking of me like that is total embarrassment." scowled the blonde to his tenant.

He heard the old fox snicker in laughter, making him grunt more in scowled and decide to ignore the fox completely so he can finish making a dinner.

