Chapter 4


He jerked upwards in bed, eyes wide. Naruto glanced quickly at his side and blanched.

04:53, the alarm clock read. Who the hell is awake at such a hellish hour of the morning?!

"Naruto!" a familiar voice shouted. Jii-san? He got up clumsily and walked slowly towards the front door.

"Jii-san?" he called out softly in confusion.

"May I come in Naruto? I have a list of houses that you could buy and move into if you wished." the man's old voice carried gently like the leaves that surrounded the village through his apartment door and rooms, soothing something like the panic that had built up steadily after waking so abruptly.

Naruto unlocked the door and took a step back in shock when met with the sight of an ANBU with a crow mask standing behind his Jii-san's left shoulder.

Out in the open where everyone could see them.

The Hokage smiled softly at him, "Do not worry, Naruto, Crow was asked by me to be your shadow to protect you for a week and also help you to move into your new house. Now, shall you invite us inside?"

Naruto blinked and nodded sluggishly, stepping aside to make way for the Hokage and the Crow ANBU, now that he was focusing more on the chakra signals again he could feel several others surrounding his rooms that hadn't been there before, at least he thought they hadn't been there before.

Once the door was closed he joined his jiji at the coffee table in his living room, the man was steadily packing out piles of papers from a scroll that kept on unsealing several more until the piles came to a stop. By then, Naruto's eyes had gone impossibly wide with surprise because he hadn't thought that there would be quite so many houses out there in the forest up for sale.

The Hokage pushed three piles to Naruto with a grin while he took the others and place them back in the scroll. He gave the man a confused frown before beginning to lift through the files on the houses.

Naruto lift through the files, making sure that he took in all the pros and cons of every place that he flipped past.

Most of the houses were just not what he imagined himself staying in comfortably.

However, nearing the end he found four that had potential.

There was one far from the village and near the walls, surrounded by wisteria and large meadows. The house itself was beautiful but not exactly big enough like what he wanted.

Another was just as far, if not further from the village streets and markets. It was bit too big as well, yet it had a swimming pool and had its gardens and was surrounded by both Sakuras and Wisteria trees.

Yet, it was far, the space it had too big. He didn't think it would work out for him that much.

One was so close to the village that he wasn't too sure of it, so he set it aside.

The last one was on top of the Hokage mountain, hidden amongst the tall trees, and was marginally huge.

Naruto furrowed his brows as he considered the four files.

"Hey, Kurama?"

"Yes, Kit?" the fox rumbled softly at him in answer, his presence in his mind just as if not more so soothing than that of the Hokage's

"What do you think?" Naruto inclines his head subtly to the files spread before him. After all, he wasn't the only one who was going to live in the house. And a house would never be a home without love. "Which one would make a perfect home for us?" he added. The fox was silent once more and he wonders if he had shocked him or if the fox was just contemplating his answer.

"The second one." Kurama said.

"Why though? It's soooo far from the village, what if something happened and we weren't close enough to help or get help?" Naruto questioned with a frown.

"We will not need to fear that, if you keep up your rigorous physical training of yours eventually you'll be so fast that you could walk to the village from the Fire Temple in five minutes. Moreover, I have faith with your own hiraishin that you just goes with lightning flash in a second wherever you goes. I kind of admit, your idea of your own hiraishin is more awesome than your father and Nidaime's own jutsu." Kurama assure him.

He was pretty sure that the fox was right too.

"Be back in a sec!" he called.

Naruto pushed away from the table and bolted for the bedroom before either the Hokage or the ANBU guard could register what he said.

He grabbed his coin pouch and counted out the exact amount of money needed to buy the house before rejoining the Hokage and placing the file and the coin in front of the man.

"What do you think, jii-san?" Naruto asked when after a while the man was still studying the file with a small frown.

He seemed to shake out of his thought before smiling softly at the boy.

"I think this is a brilliant idea, Naruto. However, I'd like to make a request of you, would you allow Crow to check up on you every now and again during when you've settled." Sarutobi offered.

Naruto frowned and stared at the man in confusion. Why would the Hokage trust this man so much with his safety?

He turned to scrutinize the man and eyes him carefully.

Crow had a long thin black ponytail tied at the base of his neck, his mask was obviously that of a Crow and suddenly realization struck.



"Okay, but only when he promise to keep too himself and you about my training then I'm fine with it."

Sarutobi nodded in understand and look at his ANBU and saw he also nodded in agreement, promising of the secret.


Kakashi pov

Kakashi just got back from his mission. Ever since the death of his sensei and Kushina-nee, Kakashi was sad in grief and despair, he keep shutting himself out from everyone and keep taking a suicidal mission.

Kakashi know that he not suppose to do that, he not suppose too condemn himself with grief and guilt. But he don't have a choice to think those negative thought, he know that he was the reason Obito died. He didn't even keep his promise with him to take care of Rin. Instead he let Rin died by his own hand, leaving him with guilt, grief and misery. He keep telling himself that he don't have the right to live anymore and he should die instead but there still the light that keep him alive. Keep him sane enough to continue his life as a shinobi, and it was thanks to his sensei and his wife.

Thanks to them, Kakashi keep living, keep himself sane, keep himself mentally stable. But that was change when his sensei and his wife die on the night of Kyuubi incident. That night when he heard about the death of his sensei, Kakashi broke.

He cried in despair with grief and terror, feeling his heart shattered in piece when he lost his light that night. He want to follow his sensei, Kushina-nee, Rin, Obito and his father to the pure land. But he didn't do it, and it was thanks to Gai, Sandaime and his new light; his sensei's son Naruto.

Uzumaki Naruto is all he have left, he was the only thing that keep his strength and will to live. Naruto is the only light he have left from his sensei, his only legacy that was left for Kakashi to protect, to cherished, to keep from the darkside of the world.

The boy was too sweet and innocent for this world but thanks to what the burden the boy carried, he don't think he would be innocent for to long. He had been watching after his sensei's son in shadow to keep from getting harmed, but he can't always watching him 24/7 since he had another duty to do.

Like, taking a suicidal mission alone, to condemn his guilt and he didn't even take a rest. Why should he? Whenever he close his eyes, he was greeted with nightmares of him keep losing the people he loved, one by one, and keep seeing a repeated scene again and again.

Anyway, Kakashi just get back form his suicidal mission. When he done report his mission, he asked for more but the Hokage refused and told him to take a rest. Until he get a rest enough, then he would consider to let him go to the mission again.

So here he was, sitting on the bench at the park, looking resigned and tired. He's mind were in daze until he was greeted with dreamless sleep for the first time in five years.


Normal pov

Other than training and keep himself healthy for always eat nutrient food, Naruto spend his time learning a new thing like playing a music instrument. Ever since in Ayumu life, she had an interest in music but her family was very strict with religion and moral, they don't fantasized themselves with this kind of entertainment, so she can't learn to play the instrument and had to force herself into studying.

But now, in this current situation. He can do whatever he want without a parents that would always pressured his life just like they wanted him to be too. So, with that, he learn how to play guitar, piano, drum, bass and violin. He found a book of music instrument in the library and learn in by himself.

He train with it when he had time, he wasn't pro still but at least he wasn't a beginner. He sometimes would play a melody that he remember in his last world and mastered it.

Other than learning music, he also learn sewing, cooking, make his own weapon and create more seals.

Today is also his day off from training, since he just move into his new house and realize he don't have much thing in his house, he decided to goes shopping.

He change his clothes and pick up his wallet, using henge seal, his appearance change into a 21 years old woman with her black hair and blue-violet eyes, a perfect curved body with D-cup breast and pale smooth skin. He decided to use this appearance because this is what his past life look like. And he goes as Hanada Ayumu when he in this appearance.

The Hokage already know about him using this appearance for the warning if he or other shinobi suddenly spotted a stranger in the village and brought him into interrogation.

Locking his new house with the seal he created as barrier to protect his home from outsider, the only people that has a key for the seal is the Hokage and Itachi. Maybe, if there was other person that he can trust he would key they blood into the seal. He start walking to where the village population is. Suppress his chakra in civilian level when he nearly arrive at the market streets, he or she walk to every store and buy anything that she needed for her new home.

When she felt that she buy enough necessary and find that it almost dawn, she took a break at the bench of empty park.

She took a calm and relaxing breath enjoying the scenery of sunset, when she felt something heavy plopped onto her left shoulder. She take a glance and saw a mop of silver hair and a sleeping half masked man.

Now, she know who this man is. It was Hatake Kakashi, the last student of Yondaime Hokage. A Jounin and an ANBU captain, code Hound. The sharingan of Kakashi, a Copy-ninja. But well the information in ANBU is actually all came from in Ayumu memories.

She look at the slumber ANBU, wondering if he is that tired to had himself sleep in this opened space. She took a notice of the bags on his eyes and his slight thin cheeks, did he not take some sleep or rest? Also...why he look so thin for her own liking?

Well...if he's that tired, she don't mind landing her shoulder for him to take some good sleep. The poor Hatake really need it.

