Episode 19


"Doomed, I know."

Sunny sighed. "Chorong, are you really sure about him? Are you sure he's not just another fling? Are you sure--"


A familiar voice called. Looking to where the voice came from, Chorong faked a smile when she saw Jimin standing a few steps away from them with a cup of coffee in his hand.

"Hey." Chorong and Sunny both greeted.

"Am I interrupting the two of you?" Jimin asked and Sunny cleared her throat before abruptly standing up surprising the two.

"No, I was just about to leave this lady here so I'm glad you came. She needs some company." Sunny said with a smile and Jimin glanced at Chorong. "Isn't she needed for recording yet?" Jimin questioned and Sunny shook her head. "Not yet, she's still free for a few minutes. By the way, I'm about to leave now. She's all yours." Sunny finished with a wink and Jimin awkwardly smiled before nodding his head.

"Bye!" Sunny said as she waved goodbye and left the cafe.

"So, what took you here?" Chorong asked as soon as Sunny was out of sight. "Chanyeol hyung made me ran errands and I got hungry." Jimin answered and Chorong nodded her head as she motioned Jimin to take a seat at the chair in front of her. "Oh, he made you ran errands early in the morning?" Chorong asked. "Yeah." Jimin shortly answered and Chorong glared at him. He sighed knowing that she didn't liked his short answer.

"His assistant called in sick today and the files that were to be delivered are urgent files." Jimin quickly added. "Why you?" Chorong asked before sipping her drink.

"Hyung said that instead of sending the interns, he chose to send me instead. It's a sign of respect, he said." Jimin answered and Chorong nodded her head. "What about you?" Jimin asked and Chorong raised her brows while looking at him questioningly. "What about me?" Chorong asked before coolly and calmly sipping her drink. Jimin, upon seeing this smirked before looking at his wristwatch and showing it to Chorong who almost spit her drink on him with wide eyes.

"Oh sh—"

"No cursing." Jimin said cutting her off and Chorong rolled her eyes as she grabbed her purse before running out of the café in a hurry not failing to gain the attention of some customers that where inside. Shaking his head, Jimin looked down on the table again and was about to sip his drink when he saw Chorong's phone on the table, furrowing his brows, Jimin picked her phone up accidentally pressing the power button in the process making the phone light up.

His brows raised.

Her lock screen, their first picture in Japan.

He clearly remembers everything, how Chorong awkwardly held her phone as they stood by the river with the lane of cherry blossom tears behind and the city at front. He chuckled as he shook his head.

Taking the phone to his pocket, Jimin stood up and went outside the café too.

"Chorong?" Jimin called as soon as he entered the recording room. Hearing her name being called, Chorong on the other hand put the paper she's holding down before turning her head and smiling when she saw Jimin standing by at the door. "What are you doing here?" Chorong asked trying to suppress the joy of seeing him there. Of course, she doesn't want to sound like a crazy fan girl or an over joyed coworker to him. HE can't know anything about her feeling for him, not just yet.

"Wow, aren't you glad I'm here?"

I am, Chorong thought.

"You're interrupting me." She said with a deadpanned expression while pointing at the papers resting above the coffee table with lyrics on it. "I'm sorry, I'll get to the point then." Jimin said before fishing out Chorong's phone from his pocket and as soon as the latter saw what he's taking out, Chorong rushed and snatched her phone away from him before Jimin can even react. "Wha..." He trailed, still in disbelief how Chorong managed to grab her phone in lightning speed.

"Did you open this?" She asked, her voice a notch higher and in panic. "N-No." He answered, puzzled why Chorong reacted that way.

"Why? Are you hiding something there?" He asked with a smirk and Chorong's face grew pale, it was like all the oxygen and blood inside of her had been sucked out. "What?" Baekhuyn asked, the sudden change on Chorong's face didn't go unnoticed.

"No, just... go. I'm trying to finish memorizing the songs here." Chorong said and Jimin, even when still confused, nodded his head and walked out of the recording room.

As soon as Jimin was out of sight, Chorong on the other hand exhaled deeply as she dropped herself on the couch and opened her phone.

A lock screen of them.


Jimin's stolen picture back in Japan.

Chorong sighed as she closed her phone and threw it and the table. Closing her eyes, Chorong pressed both her hands against her face and groaned.


"Hyung." Mingyu called as soon as he saw Jimin about to enter the lift at the music floor. "What is it?" Jimin asked after turning around and facing the younger guy. "Our reports are sent to Chorong noona already, have you seen it?" Mingyu politely asked and Jimin furrowed his brows and shook his head. It was for the interns and their work reports for the company, and he's supposed to handle it. "Not yet, you said you sent it to Chorong?" Jimin asked in confirmation and Mingyu nodded his head confirming it.

"Yes, hyung. She said she'll deliver it to you but she'll read it first to look for mistakes so you won't scold us." Mingyu explained and Jimin nodded his head. "You need it today right?" Mingyu asked knowing the date of submission Jimin announced. "Well, yes. I need it today." Jimin answered as he glanced at his wristwatch. "It will be used as a base if you can work here or not." He added and Mingyu nodded his head. "I apologize if it's not sent to you yet hyung, I'll go talk to Chorong noona." Mingyu said and bowed to leave when Jimin grabbed his arm before he can even walk away.

"Is there something you need, hyung?" Mingyu asked. "I'll be the one to get it." Jimin said and Mingyu was about to politely decline when Jimin cut him off.

"Call Irene and Wonwoo, tell them to get the paper stocks with you at the storage room and deliver it to the graphic's floor. How's that?" Jimin asked and Mingyu immediately nodded his head and gave him a bow before dashing towards the lift leading to the graphic's floor. Seeing that the younger guy was out of sight, Jimin walked towards Chorong's table at the music floor and grabbed the folders named 'Intern's Reports' as he knocked Chorong's picture frame in process because of the small space.

About to make it stand back, Jimin stopped when he saw something clipped behind the frame.

"Chorong, why do you keep pacing around?" Sunny asked in irritation as she watched her friend pace back and forth inside the recording room. "I don't know, Sunny. I'm being restless. It seems like I've forgotten about something." Chorong said as she stopped pacing back and forth and bit her lower lip while tapping her feet against the floor. Sunny can't do anything but to sigh. "What is it that you forget them? Something about work? Do you need to deliver something—"

"Crap." Chorong suddenly said cutting Sunny off. "He can't see my table." Chorong muttered.

"What?" Sunny asked but got no answer as soon as Chorong dashed out of the room.

"What's this?" Jimin asked as soon as he picked the thing clipped behind the frame. There was something written on the white surface but Jimin didn't bother as he flipped the white paper over with his eyes widening at the process. He felt like all the life inside of him had been sucked out when what he saw finally registered on his mind, a picture of him, clipped behind Chorong's frame.

He flipped the picture over.

Scribbles that said:

'I like you, more than anything else.'

Author's note: BUSTED!!! > <
