Episode 11

"What are you doing here?" Jimin asked as he completely turn around.

"I should ask the same thing about you too." Chorong answered calmly, she was still in shock but nevertheless tried to compose herself. Seeing Jimin is the least thing she wanted right now after what had happened between them but it seems like luck isn't on her side.

"I asked first." Jimin curtly said and when he realized the tone of his voice, it was too late. Chorong already had a frown on her face. "I'm invited to go to the company's event there." She answered and Jimin felt the words he wanted to say get stuck inside of him.

Just before he can even react, his phone rang and he immediately picked the call up.

"Hi there cousin. I bet you're already with Chorong? Yes? Then that's good, she's invited to go to Japan too but she doesn't know that you're going there too so stop being mean to her. I already booked the guest house you and Chorong will stay at so better treat her nicely. I'm giving you a chance." Chanyeol said and before Jimin can even answer, his cousin already hang up.

"Is it... Chanyeol oppa?" Chorong asked carefully afraid that she might piss him off and might cause a scene.

"Yes, let's go." Jimin answered before turning his back away from her and going to the gates. Chorong stood there dumbfounded, Jimin had never talked to her that way. She could only sigh, maybe Chanyeol threatened him so he can't do anything, Chorong assumed.

Shaking her head, Chorong queued the line too.

"Ladies and gentlemen, Welcome to Tokyo International Airport. Local time is 5:30 pm and the temperature is 18 degrees.

For your safety and comfort, please remain seated with your seat belt fastened until the Captain turns off the Fasten Seat Belt sign. This will indicate that we have parked at the gate and that it is safe for you to move about.

Please check around your seat for any personal belongings you may have brought on board with you and please use caution when opening the overhead bins, as heavy articles may have shifted around during the flight.

If you require deplaning assistance, please remain in your seat until all other passengers have deplaned. One of our crew members will then be pleased to assist you.

On behalf of Tokyo Airlines and the entire crew, I'd like to thank you for joining us on this trip and we are looking forward to seeing you on board again in the near future. Have a nice stay."

Jimin heard the announcement and soon, his eyes flustered open. Looking around, Jimin let out a sigh as he peeked out of the airplane window and noticed that they already arrived, turning his head to the person sitting beside, Jimin frowned when he saw the person sleeping uncomfortably.

He shook his head.

"Hey, we're here wake up." Jimin said as he poked the person's shoulder.

The latter groaned. "Park Chorong wake up, we're here." Jimin said as he poked her shoulder once more and Chorong head shot up making her wince in pain. Jimin frowned too thinking that it must have hurt her.

"We're here?" Chorong asked still half-asleep and Jimin hummed in response he stood up and wore his sling bag. Noticing it, Chorong stood up too and walked away leaving Jimin trailing behind her.

"So, this is the guest house." Chorong muttered as soon as Jimin managed to unlock the door. Looking around, Chorong walked to the living room and nodded her head in satisfaction when she noticed that the place they're going to stay at is well taken care of.

"I'll get that room." Chorong stated while pointing at the first door next to the kitchen as soon as Jimin managed to close the door. Glancing at her, Jimin nodded his head and walked the other way where the other room was and closed the door.

Chorong can only frown.

Stomping her way towards her room, Chorong threw all her bags on the floor and went out of the room only to see Jimin standing in front of his bedroom too. She wanted to talk to him, but knowing that her presence alone makes Jimin already pissed off, Chorong turned and was about to retreat back to her room when Jimin cleared his throat.

"Hey." He called and Chorong slowly turned and looked at him questioningly. "What is it?' Chorong asked. "Let's go eat outside." Jimin said and walked towards the door, Chorong on the other hand cannot suppress the smile that was instantly plastered on her face.

Nodding her head, Chorong walked towards the door too and wore her shoes before trailing behind Jimin who's already out of the house.

"Where... are we going to eat?" Chorong asked carefully when she managed to catch up with Jimin while walking down the street. "You choose." Jimin said while looking straight at the road ahead of them, Chorong frowned and it didn't go unnoticed to the person beside her.

"I... don't really know where to eat." Chorong said and Jimin nodded his head. "It's alright, I know a place." Jimin said and Chorong smiled as she nodded her head. Not long after, they already arrived at the place Jimin talked about, it wasn't small nor it was fancy but it was the comfy type and Chorong liked it.

"You've been here before?" Chorong asked and Jimin nodded his head wordlessly.

Chorong can only nod back. Wanting to avoid the awkward atmosphere, Chorong just stared straight at the menu book.

"Have you chosen already?" Jimin asked after a couple of minutes.

"Err... yeah?" Chorong answered as she put the menu down and gulped when she saw Jimin looking at her. "What?" He asked while motioning a waiter to come and Chorong immediately shook her head and composed herself. "Nothing." She answered with a sheepish grin. The waiter arrived.

"So, what's your order?" He asked and Chorong looked down on the menu again. "I'll take the yakitori chicken." Chorong said and Jimin looked up on the waiter and nodded his head.

"Make that two, please." Jimin said and the waiter scribbled down on his pad. "Drinks?" The waiter and Jimin glanced at Chorong. "The usual." He said and the waiter nodded his head before leaving.

"You seemed like a regular here." Chorong commented as soon as the waiter walked away and Jimin nodded his head. "Hyung and I always drop by here." He answered casually making Chorong amused. She swear, it's the most time they never argued.

"Oh..." Chorong answered and soon silence engulfed around them.

"The interns are waiting for you." Jimin said and Chorong raised her brows. "R-Really?" She asked and Jimin nodded his head. "Yeah..." He answered and Chorong slowly nodded her head.

"You should come back." He said and Chorong lifted her head up and looked at him who, on the other hand was looking outside the window. Chorong felt like slapping herself, then again, she felt like the man she's with now doesn't seem like the cold and rude Jimin at all.

"I..." Chorong trailed. Her reputation is ruined enough, how can she go back?

"Look, I'm sor--"

"Here are your orders." The waiter said as he placed the dishes in front of the two and Chorong can only look at the latter expectantly but then, her expectation was crushed down when Jimin started to eat without even finishing his sentence.

But what made her feel relief, is that the disappointed glint she saw in his eyes.

Maybe there's still hope?

Maybe, Jimin isn't a bad guy after all.
