Time to Die

After a week

"Bye bye guys!" Hoseok waved at you and Jungkook. Everyone at the village was there wishing you both to have a great adventure. Yeah it's time to go for an adventure. You may not know this but adventuring or traveling in this world is illegal if you dont have a permission from the world government in short, it's like you and Jungkook are going to be in danger.

"Thank you everyone!" You said as you smiled happily.

"Thank you Ara and Jungkook! You helped us a lot" the people said while they were cheering for you both. For the past days, both of you helped the village about hunting, surviving and more. Despite the fact that you're a princess and still don't know about this kind of cruel world that you live in...

"You too. Thank you" You said to Jungkook as you looked up in the sky. It was a nice weather.


"It's not that you're a good person or something. I just wanna thank you. Don't get your hopes-" he interrupted you by patting your head.

"you know Y/n- I mean Ara. EHem. Today is the day" Jungkook said while he was reminding you about something.

"Yeah... Somi and the others... We will save them right"

"Oi oi. now you guys gotta go! " Hoseok shouted.

"Hmm we should hurry then... see ya everyone!" You both said as you wear your mask to hide your face.


"It's another day of life" Jihyo yawned as she looked outside.

"Yeah... I wonder what's happening right now. We don't have any news from the outside and also Jungkook... I wonder where is he right now" Somi said then sat beside Jihyo.

"Wait... can you hear that?" Somi said while trying to hear something.

"A sound of rumbling?..." Both of them were confused.

"Yah Somi! Jihyo! Why are there lots of soldiers going in this way !" Kai was running to them.

"EH?!!" they all quickly looked outside and saw tons of soldiers with a machine with them.

"W-whats happening?"

"EVERYONE GO TO THE UNDERGROUND ROOM" somi shouted as everyone started to go there but the soldiers were fast and caught them getting in the underground room.

"S-somi..." Jihyo saw Somi still standing there watching the soldiers.

"We need to go!" Jihyo said while she was still waiting for Somi.

"Bunch of leftovers... TIME TO DIE" The soldiers said as they started to destroy the place.

"N-no! Not the sky lake! It's important to us! This place has so much memory from the sky!" Somi said as she ran to the lake.

"SOMI!" Jihyo tried to follow her but she was fast.

"Please stop!" Somi kneeled and begged to the soldiers of the kingdom to stop as she closed her eyes.

"HEH? A leftover? You better go now or else you might die too" One of the soldiers annoyingly said but Somi refused to leave.

"You're not going to leave really? Then... We have no choice but to kill you too" the soldier said as he took out his sword. He prepared to slash her head as Somi closed her eyes while still kneeling down.


"Eurgh..." a groaned from the soldier as he let go his sword and slowly got down.

"H-hey!" the soldiers were nervous as they saw him. While Somi looked up and saw a familiar figure.


"Yeah... Somi go to a safe place with the others too... I'll take care of this" Jungkook said as he choked the soldier until it dies.

"Understood" Somi said as she bowed to him and quickly left.

"If ya'll continue doing this, then I have no choice but to kill you all" He said as he went closer to the soldiers.

"N-no please! If we don't do our job, the king will going to punish us!..." The soldiers said while they nervously looked at Jungkook.


"Not only us too. Our family members will be killed too if we failed this mission! So please just let us destroy this place" the soldiers begged.

"Heh... if thats so then let me kill you all" Jungkook said while a strong aura came from his as the soldiers can't move.


You looked in front of the castle as you felt peaceful. You wonder if Taehyung and Jennie is okay. They are probably doing some research too about the Sky specially Jennie...

"I am going there first anyways hehe..." You thought. You decided you want to go at the Sky even though you're probably weak. However you thought about traveling a little bit in this land.

"Eh... Sky lake..." You quickly ran there. Jungkook is there but you're not sure if he is safe.


"Jungkook..." you saw him standing with big wings on his back as you saw bloods all over his clothes and dead bodies on the ground.

"Y-y/n!" his eyes widened as he noticed your presence.

