The plan

Everyone was shocked and confused about what they just saw. Some of them started to whisper...

"Taehyung what are you doing here?" Jin chuckled but he sounded worried about the situation.

"Hm. Well I just wanna help my sister. I am sure you also don't wanna marry her right?" Taehyung said as he started to take off the wedding dress. He was wearing a T- shirt and a shorts.

"Well she's kinda cute. But honestly, you're right about that... Anyways I don't know your plan but I'll help you I guess" Jin sighed as he looked at the crowd.

"Hm. Well the next step in my plan is to RUN" Taeahyung ran while he holds Jin's hand as Jin started to run too.

"Jin where are you going?!!" Jin's father shouted as he tried to catch up to his son.

"Sorry father! I just have something to do! We will talk later!!!" Jin shouted back while he still continues to run outside.

There were guards who is trying to block their way but Taehyung was strong enough to fight them back.

Y/n's Pov

"Eh. It looks like Taehyung did it" Jennie smirked while she was driving.

"Hm..." I nodded as I looked at the right side of the window as I watched the crowd being a mess.

"You're finally leaving Y/n... Thats a good news to me. Cause I am now gonna be the next ruler of this Kingdom"


"Don't comeback!" Jennie chuckled.

"Yeah!" after I said that, she then fastened her driving as I hold tight to the chair and seatbelt. Jennie was smiling and was having fun driving while the guards that noticed us wasn't able to catch up to us.

"STOP" one of the guards said. There were atleast 20 guards in front of the car as they stopped us from driving.

"Damn it...I guess we have no choice Y/n" Jennie said then took out a small can from her pocket.

"Hey you know what to do right? After I-"

"I know" I interrupted her words as I prepared myself. While she rolls her eyes.

"1...2...3" she counted and after that she threw the small can outside the window while I quickly opened the cars door and escaped. No one saw me because of the smoke effects of the can.

Thanks to my siblings...I didn't expected them tsk now I feel bad for them.

Flashback 4 days ago

Its still boring...I know I am used to being alone. But knowing that my father is watching my actions makes me feel uncomfortable. Emilyco, I still don't know where is she...

"Let me in!!!" I heard someone shouted from the outside. The voice was familiar. I went near the door and tried to hear them.

After a few seconds, I heard the door opened and I was surprised to see them.

"Jennie? Taehyung? What happened to the guards?"

"Don't worry they're just sleeping~" Taehyung said as he wondered my room.

"Didn't know that your room is this big..." Jennie said as she sat down on my bed.

"What are you doing here?" I asked them.

"Pfft don't tell me you really wanna marry Jin?" Taehyung laughed while looking at me.

"I dont... But I dont know if I can do anything about it" so they know the wedding thing huh...

"Hey, if you marry Jin, then my possibilities of being the next ruler will be more lower. And the fact that you're still young and a 15 years old...Damn what the hell father I wanna kick hi-" Jennie was ranting but Taehyung stopped her.

"Y/n. This is so sudden ehh do you really plan to marry Jin?" Jennie and Taehyung both looked at me worried.

For a few second I was surprised about how they both acted.

"Why would I? Just like you said, the wedding was so sudden for me. Jin is just a stranger to me."

"I see. Then do you wanna cooperate with our plan then?" Taehyung said while he looked at me while waiting for my answer.

A plan?


"Looking at you, I guess its a yes then Heh. But remember, once the plan started... its impossible for you to become the next ruler of this kingdom"

Yes. The plan has started. My title will be nothing. I am gonna be a nobody. But at least, I wanna be free.

Back to present

I ran and ran while I am hoping that no one will see me. Then I remembered a good place whee I can hide for now.

At the garden, most people don't go there... I bet its a good place to hide for a bit.

Author's Pov

You went to the garden by yourself. You peeked for a little bit outside and it was good that there was no one following you. While trying to hide, you suddenly felt a presence of someone at your back. You slowly checked it and it was...

"Princess Y/n. You're here" It was Emilyco. You were happy to see her.

"Emilyco...its been a while..."

"hmm you're hiding here right? Don't worry Princess. I am not gonna tell anyone." Emilyco smiled as she went closer to you.

"For now, I am just waiting for the crowd outside to be quiet. I escape for now since there are too many guards." you said to her.

"It's going to be fine Princess Y/n" she said while she slowly patted your head.

Emilyco was being quiet and somehow... weird. She wasnt being cheerful. It was also rare to receive head pats from her.

"After this... I bet its gonna be impossible for you to be the next ruler... I wonder if the King really plans you to make you the next ruler... The king really hides too many secrets. Just like how he killed my family."

"E-emilyco? What are you doing?" Emilyco then took out a knife as she went more closer to you.

"In order to get revenge...I have to kill you Princess Y/n"

