The Thief

I prepared myself as I went closer to him...

"You..." That's him?! Wearing an all black clothes with a black mask...

"Who are you? How did you get in here?" He was standing like an...idiot. No, I can't let a commoner in here.

"Lucky! Hmm...Your balcony was open...Ahh what a nice room. There is a lots of books. This is really like you Y/n!" He looked around the room. He kept acting like he knows me. I don't know what he wants here but it's better to beat him. He have no rights to talk to me like that.

I observed him for a second and noticed that he doesn't have any weapons with him but I am sure he isn't safe. But before that, I jumped to him and made him lay down on the ground. I looked at his masked and was about to took it off but he suddenly grabbed my hand and laid on top off me. I still can't see his face and also can't move because of his strength.

"Y/n-ahh, sorry but you can't take off my mask...Also that hurts don't jump please" He stood up and offered his hand to me. I just stood up not accepting his offer and looked at him. Despite the fact that he wears a mask, I can feel his stare on me.

"You're...weird. Why do you know my name? Answer me or I'll call the guards"

"Sorry, sorry Heh. Why do I know your name? It's a secret! Well I am just actually finding something for a long time...I just found it in here. But don't worry! I didn't stole anything from you...Well you see, I came from the outside and umm it's just been a while. The weather is good today. You know I saw a cute cat earlier and I petted it..." He kept talking and talking faster. Talking about useless things and can't shut up.

"SHUT UP..." as I said that, he stopped talking.

" You're a thief...I heard you're making problems in here these days...You deserve to be in jail or else father might execute you" I went near him and looked at his face.

"Oh...So you know. But even if you try to catch me, you won't succeed. " He said as he stared to me. We were close to each other and was like doing a staring contest. The quietness was loud for a few second.

"Foohhh" As he did that, I closed my eyes.

"Did you just-"

"Pffft HAHAHA. Y/n-ahh please stop being cute. Anyways what are you reading?" He laughed then looked at the book that I was reading earlier.

"You...You're reading about the history of the Sky?"

"It's none of your business. You should pay for what you did in Kingdom of Moon-"

"Moon, Stars, Sun, the kingdoms that exists today, but where did they come from? The #### people, who are known for being the devils that ruined and started a war thousands of years ago...No one still know what happened after that. But, why did they start a war? Hm....? No one has answered that question" He interrupted me.

"Why did they start a war?...It's probably because they wanted to eliminate the people of Sky"

"Eh? Wrong. What a dirty education is that...Heh"

"Well, do you know the real answer?"

"I will not tell you."

"Why?" Even though I know he is a bad person, I feel like he knows something about the history, It made me interested in it. I feel like I should know more,

"I'll tell you, if...What about you go on an adventure with me?!"

"No way! Why should I?! Specially a commoner thief like you!!"

"Lets travel the world! Like rebels! Lets learn about the history? Ya know?! There are place that are snowy, a place full of water called sea, a dessert, a tall mountain, and maybe the other kingdoms too! I've been wanting to travel with someone!" I can't see his face, yet I know that he is being real. A thief like him?

"One, you're a stranger, two, I don't know your name, three, I can't see your face, and four you're a thief! And I am a royal. Princess Y/n of the Moon" I said with full of pride.

Travel? Me? Thats impossible.

"Eh? So you don't have any interest in adventure..."

"You serious?"

"Of course. It's probably creepy to ask you to go on an adventure with me but...what about I take you outside later at night? Lets go outside and watch the Sky...If that changes your mind...Will you travel with me?"

This boy...

"Silence? Then I'll wait for you later at night outside your balcony"

"Princess Y/n? The king wishes to see you" It's Emilyco....This is bad.

"Oh. Someone is entering your room. I should go now! By the way..."

" My name is Jungkook!" He gave me a smile before he jump off the balcony. I quickly went to the balcony but he was gone...

"Princess Y/n? Are you there? I'll come in" Emilyco went in my room.

"What are you looking at the balcony princess?"

"Nothing...What is it?" I looked at her.

"Oh, your father wants to see you at the dining room. He would like to eat lunch with you later with your other siblings too"

"Sure...I'll go"

"First Princess, Kim Jennie, known for being smart but lacks strength. The one and only Prince, Kim Taehyung known for being strong but lacks knowledge, and lastly, Second Princess, Kim Y/n, known for the best candidate for the next ruler of the kingdom. She is best for being perfect and trained well. This is the current status of your children, King Jiho." The butler said as he waits for the kings response.

"I see...Then I would like to meet them at lunch. All of them"

