Mr Burns secretly crushing on you would include

Requested by @alexlovesparmigiana, thanks for requesting! Hope you like it. And let's all just appreciate young Mr Burns for a moment.

• He noticed you around after hiring you

• And boy, was he smitten

• You'd notice he'd be friendlier with you than the other employees 

• You know

• A little bonus here and there, him asking how you are and turning a blind eye if you take an extra five minutes on your lunch break

• Him sometimes leaving an expensive gift or two in your workspace for you

• :D

• Smithers will be a little awkward to you

• Which you probably won't understand

• But of course, all these little things are just to butter you up first

• Then he goes in for the kill

• You find his old timey pick up lines and ways a little weird

• But you have to admit he does have that old fashioned charm

• I think you'll find that Springfield's oldest resident is actually pretty hip tbh

• Have fun with your new sugar daddy!
