Rod #1

Another request! I hope you like it!

It was lunch time at school, and you saw Martin call you over to his table. He was sitting in the corner with all the nerds. You didn't mind though, you two were best friends.

"Hey Martin! What's up?" You say with a cheerful smile as you sit down. "I just wanted to tell you that my butterflies are hatching from their cocoons! Such a glorious sight to see, and I wanted to ask you over to come see them tonight!"

" Sure! I would love to! " you reply, thrilled that your best friend would allow you come and watch one of nature's wonders with him.

"So you are coming tonight?"

" like I'd miss that for the world! Catch you tonight Martin! "

You were unaware that another friend was gazing over from another table with a look of envy in his eyes. It was little Rod Flanders. He had a crush on you since he came to Springfield Elementary, and was jealous of your friendship with Martin.

Later, after school, you were getting your bag out of the locker, when Rod approached you. "Oh, hey Rod!" You greet him with a pleasant smile. "Hello (y/n), say, would you mind if I accompanied you on your walk back home?

" Well, I was gonna ask Martin...but sure" he looked pleased that you said this.

"So, what's on your mind?" You ask as you both stop behind the kwik e mart. "Well, it's just...You spend so much time with Martin, and don't give a thought for me!" He cried like a needy bitch. "What do you mean? I mean, I like you but Martins my best friend! What more do you want from me? You ask.

" This! " he says as he pulls you closer, into a deep passionate kiss. You looked shocked, but kiss back, heck, you kinda enjoyed it. He continued to wrap his arms around you. He stopped. "What the heck Rod?!?" You shout, surprised.

"Well I'm sorry, but..." " I didn't ask you to stop! " you say as you put your arms around him and kiss him. When you stopped, he explained. "Well, I'm sorry, but I'm just jealous of Martin being your best friend and everything, I just wanted to be more to you"

"You mean like a boyfriend?" You ask with a raised eyebrow. " yes "

"Well your request is granted! Martin is still my bestie though!" You both just decided to finish what you both started continued your heated makeout session.
