Artie Ziff #1

Requested by @beansandpeanutbutter, thanks for requesting! Hope you like it.

You took a quick look around and sighed. You were at your high school reunion and you were wondering if it was really such a good idea to have come here. Your old crowd had turned into a right old crowd.  you felt like you were the only who wasn't married or had kids and you didn't realise just how unfulfilled you really were. You got yourself another drink and went back to your table. Your mind was too clouded with thoughts to think where you were going and so you bumped into someone.

"Oof!" You gave a cry as you managed to topple the stranger to the floor as he was so small. "Oh! I'm so sorry!" You apologised and helped him up as he fixed his thick glasses. "Uugh, I'm soaked" You moaned as you saw that you spilled your drink all over your new outfit.

"Oh, it's alright" He wiped the dirt from himself. "It's really me that should be apologising to you for spilling your drink" He put his glasses on and squinted a bit as he took time to notice you. "(y/n) (l /n), is that you?"

You were a little surprised that he knew you cos you couldn't think who he was. "Yeah, that's me, in the flesh, soaked to the bone" You joked. "And uh, who are you again?"

"Don't you remember me? Artie Ziff?" He grinned and fixed his clothes a little.

"Oh, weren't you that little creep who used to simp for Marge Simpson?" You snapped your fingers as you remembered this strange kid.

"I WAS, yes, i was, you'll remember that i took her to the prom" He smiled as he thought back at his glory days.

"Oh, yeah! Who won?" You asked curiously.

"I did" He frowned. "We did" He shrugged.

"Cool! Do you see much of Marge these days? I heard she married that Homer guy"

"Unfortunately" He scoffed in disgust.


"Nothing" He lied. "(y/n), might i say what an attractive and stunning individual you have become since our school days" He said awkwardly. his glasses were moist from sweat and slipping down his nose, so he quickly pushed them back up again so not to appear strange.

"Uh, thanks? I think. Though I'm sure I'd look better if i weren't wet like this" You looked drown at your soaked clothes and sighed. "I really should be leaving to go change out of this wet clothes"

"Oh no, you don't have to go right now. Stay, I'll buy you another drink" He panicked at the thought of going away so soon. He only just got to see you and had no idea that you turned out like this. 

"Oh, really, it's fine" 

"No, come, stay, let's catch up" He led you by the hand and got you a new drink. You didn't really care all that much for him, but you both got to talking and he told you that he wasn't married either. You brightened up a little when he said this as you realised you weren't alone in that respect. You found out that he was also a successful businessman and owner if his own company, Ziffcorp. He kept telling you all about that, but you didn't want to know about that, you wanted to know more about the man behind it all.

"Artie" You said finally. "I think it's really cool that you're so successful and everything, but what about you?" 

"What about me?" He asked in confusion.

"Well you've told me about all your possessions and business feats, but what about you? I'm sure you're very interesting"

He looked taken aback that you would actually be interested in him, but pleased all the same."Well, i do have an i.q of 132" He chuckled awkwardly. No one was ever this interested in him before. He was pleased when he heard that you weren't married either and so he actually listened when you told him about yourself. You never really knew each other well back then, but you were getting on like a house on fire tonight. He was surprised to find someone who was actually interested in him for who he was rather than the money he made, and it was pretty good to not be shallow like that. You both left together and he was determined to make a good impression on you, he even tried to control his grabby little hands, hands that wandered too far when talking, but he was on his best behaviour tonight so not to put you off.

You both watched the stars together from his car bonnet and eventually made out. He was definitely going to invite you back to his place tomorrow, once he had cleared out his shrine to Marge.
