Chapter Six: EVER AGAIN?

(We reached our home by the time we finished that conversation. He hugged me and high fived a bye. I wasn't ready for what was about to happen next.)

Our school was closed for a week. It was a summer vacation. So I couldn't meet Shrinkhal for a week. *you feel me?* We also had zero conversations and interaction in social media. I knew something was wrong. I texted him a lot *a lotttttt* But he didn't reply to a single text.

I didn't know what to do. Then I remembered, one of his friends is connected to me via Instagram. Hence I texted his friend, "Hey, do you know where Shrinkhal is? He hasn't replied to my text yet. He has never done that." His friend replied, "Oh hasn't he told you anything about that?". "About what?", I asked.

His friend replied,"He told me he's moving abroad for further studies. He has told everyone. I wonder why hasn't he told you yet." I was fucking astonished by this reply. *eyes full of tears* I asked him if he knows where Shrinkhal is atm. He didn't know *sadly*. I was raging so bad. I mean WHY WOULD HE DO THAT?.
I was waiting for at least a single reply or a text or anything from him.

*Ting* He turned on his location.

*Balling my eyes out. It's swollen istg*

Note: It's either gonna be bad or good. There's no in between. More chapters coming up....<3
