Chapter Seven: ONE LAST TIME

(I checked my notification. Shrinkhal was near my house. I wiped my tears and went to the bathroom to wash my face as well. I didn't wanna look like a half dead pig in front of him.)

*Ting Tong*
Yep that's him. I teleported myself downstairs in a blink of an eye *i did the naruto run* I was wearing an oversized tshirt with shorts and messy ass hair. I was looking homeless. Meanwhile, Shrinkhal was dressed up pretty well. A black hoodie *he doesn't feel the heat istg* , black trousers with his slippers and that SRK hairstyle *chef's kiss*.

I was speechless for a second cause I didn't expect him to show up at my house. I invited him inside but he refused. He told me he wanted to have one last cup of tea with me at the same tea stall we went to a week ago. I told him to wait 5 minutes and I'll go get changed. He didn't let me. He grabbed my hand and took me there while I looked homeless.

We reached the tea stall. I started the conversation this time cause I didn't wanna waste any minute not talking to him. I asked whether what I heard was true or not. He replied it is true. My heart was already very heavy. I asked him why he didn't tell me sooner.

To which he replied, "I didn't know how to tell you. All I knew was you will get hurt if I tell you out of the blue. I don't wanna go but I have to. You are the only person in such a long time with whom I have spent beautiful moments and I don't wanna leave you here, alone. I know you. You are a loving girl and also very understanding. So I thought you would understand me even if I told you in the very last moment. That's why I wanted to have this last cup of tea with you." *awwww *

*about to get hit by anxiety and fear of letting someone go*
*Also i guess at this point he knows that I love him*

Note: I might love him while he lives his dream or give up on him.
