S3 Chapter One: BEFORE TS

As you all are already aware, I got into the university and moved to Shrinkhal's place. It's been 6 months since we both moved in together and his girl roommate (any name) had also moved out to stay with her boyfriend. Everything was going good. Shrinkhal and I both always wake up at 5 am, hit the gym till 5:45 am then go back to the apartment and shower *not together*. I then rush to the university at 6:30 am meanwhile Shrinkhal chills for a bit and go to university at 7 am. I have my classes till 12 pm and he has his till 1 pm.

We were both working by now. He is a store manager so he goes to the store right after his classes*workholic*.  I was working as a store keeper so I had to reach at 1 pm. Until then I sit in the nearby park and have my lunch. We both were earning enough to sustain our life and pay the fees. He was working for almost 8 hours a day *tiring but worthy* and I for 7 hours. I reach home before Shrinkhal does so I always cook the dinner for both of us and he brings the drinks *either beer or soft drink*. We had been living like this for almost 7 months now.  We didn't get to travel other places due to our university and jobs. We didn't even have enough time for each other. We slept at 11 pm cause we had to wake up at 5 in the morning. So we were pretty struggling to give each other some quality time *story of every relationship*.

"Babe, don't you think we should take a break from our job and travel somewhere. It's been a long time since we gave each other some time. And also, our semester break is gonna start soon. What do you think?", Shrinkhal asked. "Ikr, I do think we should take a break cause we really need some us time. I will talk to my manager tomorrow about this. You talk to the owner as well okay?", I replied.

Shrinkhal replies happily, "Ah ha I will ask the owner for a week leave. He will surely allow me cause this is my first time in 8 months asking for a leave. I hope your manager allows you too. Good luck luv".
"Yeahhh hopefully. Let's sleep now. I'm very tired.", I replied*yawns*.
*both sleeps cuddling*

*tomorrow morning*
Shrinkhal woke up at 4:45 am and thought to annoy me cause why not?. * pours a glass of water on my face* Shrinkhal laughs, "Haha Good morning luv, wake up! We gotta go."  I replied, "Ughhh it's not even 5. What's wrong with you?. You go get ready first, I'll be there."
We both get ready for the gym and university. It was our last day before semester break. Plus, we both were granted a week leave. What could be a better news than this right? Both of us did our duty and got home at 10 pm. I reached sooner and prepared the dinner. While having dinner, we were discussing where we should go. Somewhere in the country or travel outside. We both came to the conclusion and decided to travel outside the country. We made a list of places to travel there and also made sure we were in a budget cause we didn't wanna spend all of our saving in travelling. We were done discussing and decided to sleep.

*y'all might have guessed where we are gonna travel. Anyways, its gonna be a travel vlog *kinda* from now. Hehe i hope you enjoy.*
