The portal opened in the backrooms. Y/N, Shrek and Thomas exited it as it closed behind them. Y/N gasps. They had seen those memes that those young folks posted on the interwebs but seeing the backrooms in person was surreal.

The smell of moist carpet wafted through the air as the dim light reflecting off the walls.

Y/N Tucked their hair back because theyre not like other girls. They begin to pull out their copy of How To: Be Not Like The Other Girls when suddenly, Shrekky weccky senpai pookie bear oatmeal Breadstickpai screamed, breaking Y/N's focus. He was stamppering and jumped into Thomas' arms. He was pointing at the floor.

Y/N looks down and sees what appears to be ......a png of Remy from Ratatouille...? It was weird. Like one of those Roblox chase games. Y/N knows this because instead of makeup, they spend their time bullying kids online.

Shrek was shaking uncontrollably and fainted. "Hey, would'ja like some pastttaaa?" The Rat image said, lips not moving. Y/N stared at the thing. There was a beat of silence then, the Rat spoke. "Hey, would'ja like some pastttaaa?" He repeated. Y/N thinks for a moment, hesitating. To be honest, Remy was sort of a baby daddy senpai uwuowo mushu from lionking babagorll.

Y/N kicks Remy. He flew through the air and glitched through the walls. "How tf?"  Y/N asked Thomas.

Thomas shrugged his non-existent shoulders. "This way!" He said turning a corner. "Make sure you don't get lost!"

Shrek and Y/N started violently making out as they followed Thomas. His big gooey tongue slithered around Y/N's teeth. Shrek's third tounge flew down Y/N's throat, pulling that little dangly thing. Blood spewed as he tugged the dangly thing off. Y/N swallowed. Shrek belched inside of Y/N's mouth. Y/N licked up the air in their mouth, tasting the delicious onion breath.

Suddenly, Duolingo bird appeared behind them, staring. Y/N broke from the passionate kiss, scared.

It was at this moment that Y/N realized that  they forgot to do their Duolingo lesson before they entered the backrooms.

The Duolingo bird stared a little. Then it spoke.

"Spanish or Vanish" it said coldly. There was a moment of silence and then the bird lunged at Y/N.

Y/N gasped for breathe they were being choked. The Duolingo bird pinned them to the ground. They hoursely yelled "T-Thomaspoo!" But it was so faint that the words barely left their mouth.

There was a loud scribbling in a note book sound and then suddenly the bird let go of Y/N. It took a few steps back and then it's neck snapped in half. It's lifeless body fell onto the slightly damp floor.

Y/N took a moment to collect themselves after that traumatic moment. Their brown orbs flickered a little. They turned around and looked at their friends.

Shrekussy Baka Pookie Daddy stood in shock, scared for Y/N's life, while Thomas was somehow holding a small black notebook labeled "Death Note". He smiled.

Y/N gets up and immediately runs to Shrek Pookie. They start making out. Shrek's hands start running down Y/N's skirt.

"We need to go.." Thomas said as he began to violently shit butter on the floor.
