
A/N: Sorry for the lack of updates, I got hit by a bus.

"¿No podemos comerla todavía? Obviamente está muerta."

     Y/N woke up. She was lying on the carpet while Dora was sitting on her lap, staring Y/N down with her soulless eyes. Y/N screamed and backed away in fear. As she sat up, a sharp pain came from her left hand, which she realized was all bandaged up.

    All the memories of what happened came back. Duolingo choking her. Her hands bleeding all over the carpet. The stupid football head. Writing Duo's name in the death note.

    Suddenly, something hit Y/N's face and she fell back to the ground. When she got back up, she realized ot was the that stupid Rat png from before. It said "Hey would'ya like some-" before Y/N grabbed it by its neck and tossed at the Taco Muncher. The Rat boomeranged back into Y/N's hand. Y/N realized that she just found her new weapon.

    Footsteps were coming down one of the many hallways around them. It was shrek!! Y/N ran to Shrek and gave him a big old smooch.  "Wowzers!" Shrek said "Not that you're all better, we can continue our journey to Thanos. Come on Dora!" Y/N stuck the Rat to her back with a wad of gum. "Ugh. Do we have to bring that thing?" She said, gesturing to Dora. "Of course!" Shrek replied "She's adorable!" Shrek spread out his arms and picked uo Dora. As Shrek turned around, Dora gave Y/N a dirty look from the crook in his neck. "Pareces atropellado." Dora whispered to Y/N.

     Y/N followed Shrek throughout a few  hallways before finally finding Thomas. "Oh, h-hey Y/N!" Thomas said, blushing. Y/N waved back. "Here, take this!" Thomas the Tank Engine tossed a phone to Y/N. "Make sure to do your Duolingo lesson so that stupid bird doesnt come back."

    "I need go pee." Shrek said. He dropped Dora and ran out of the room. Y/N started her Duolingo lesson and realized how adorable Thomas was. His lips were so perfectly moisturized and his skin was so smooth. "Thomas. I have a gift for you." Y/N said. Y/N gave Thomas a big juicy kiss. They made out. "I love you Y/N." Thomas said. "Y/N? Y/N??"

     "Hello?" Thomas brought Y/N's attention back from the day dream. "Oh uhm ....what?" Y/N replied, flustered. "Do your Duolingo lesson." Thomas replied. "Ok!" Y/N started on her Duolingo lesson again.

Why had her brain made that day dream? Was she actually in love with Thomas? Y/N blushed.
