8 - Hunted


Stiles honed in on his prey standing in the middle of the street directly in front of him. The kid hasn't seen him yet because he was hidden in the trees. All Stiles could think about at that moment was how good it would feel to break those little arms. To feel his claws sinking into the child's heart and bathing himself in his blood.

"Mr. Wiggles is that you?" The little boy looked into the trees following the noise that the newly bit werewolf was making.

As the boy got closer, Stiles readied to pounce. Ready to claim his first kill.


Before he could pounce however, something pulled him back into the woods. Whatever it was, it was immune to the scratches he was giving it. They were far from the street when whatever grabbed him shoved him against a tree and roared at his face.

It was Derek Hale.

Stiles roared back and tried to claw at his face but he stopped him before he could.

"Calm down before they hear you." Derek looked up hearing something in the distance, "Too late. They're already here. Run."

The older man was gone faster than the blink of an eye. Stiles stood up to follow him but was stopped by an arrow flying near his head and exploding into a bright light as it hit a tree. Stiles shielded his eyes from the intense brightness, he tried to run again but he was disoriented and then he felt a sharp pain on his forearm.

He screamed and tried to pull the arrow out but three men with crossbows came and pointed their weapons at him. He stared them down. Wondering if he would be able to take on all three of them so he could run away.

When the man in the middle told his partners to take him, he began to really panic. He tried to yank the arrow out again to no avail. It was buried too deep into the tree.

Then Derek came and knocked out two guys and snapped the arrow in half and took Stiles with him.

Once far enough from those men, Stiles stopped running. He was relieved that when he looked at his hands his claws were nowhere to be found. He was human again.

"Who were they?" He asked Derek

"Hunters." He explained, "Their kind have been hunting us for centuries."

"Am I really a...a werewolf?" He knew it was pointless to ask but he couldn't help it. He wanted, no needed someone else to tell it to him so he could finally believe it.

"You are." Derek said, "And the sooner you accept it. The easier it'll be for you to control your urges and your shifts. The easier it'll be for you to control the bloodlust."

Stiles thought back to what happened that night.

"I almost killed a kid." He was horrified at what he almost did. He almost killed a little boy! He wanted to kill him. He was pretty sure that if it weren't for Derek, he would have too.

"How-how do I keep myself from doing that? How can I – I want to learn how to- how to not kill people. How to not hurt anyone on full moons." He was crying now. A hopeless, guilt-ridden cry that tore at his guts and made him want to throw up.

"I can teach you." Derek said softly, remembering what his full moons were like when he was a teenager and feeling sorry for the broken boy in front of him.

"But you can't see this bite as a curse."

"How can I not when I almost killed a little boy tonight?" Stiles glared at Derek.

"But you didn't. The bite is a gift Stiles. I know you don't believe me right now, but it is. You've been given something that most people would kill for."

"What do I do now?"

"Go home. You'll be fine the rest of the night. Meet me at the Hale house tomorrow at noon." Derek pulled him up.

"What if something happens?" Stiles asked in a panicked voice, "What if I end up hurting someone tomorrow?"

"I'll help you. You and me Stiles, we're brothers now." Derek told him before walking away.

For the second time in two days, Stiles walked back to his house. His thoughts running wild with all the things he learned that night.


That weekend started the new normal for Stiles as a werewolf. In the morning, he would jog to clear his head and hopefully get his heart rate up without shifting. Noah was shocked by his son's actions but chalked it up to him being on first line. Then after lunch, he met Derek at the old Hale house where the older werewolf spent the next four hours treating Stiles like a punching bag. After that training session, Stiles would go home and soak himself in the bath tub for hours until he could actually start to move without wincing in pain. Then he'd concentrate on werewolf research until his dad came home for dinner.

It was an exhausting routine but one that Stiles knew was a necessity. He just wished he could tell Scott about it. Several times on the weekend, he would pick up the phone and catch himself right before he dialled Scott's number. He knew that Scott was still angry and confused by Friday night, he would never forget the look of absolute fear on Scott's eyes and he hated himself for giving him a reason to feel that way. So he decided to give his best friend the weekend to cool off. He'd talk to him on Monday, apologize and then come clean about everything.


When Stiles came to school on Monday, he did his best to act normal. It was surprisingly easy since most people were already used to him being weird. Nothing unusual or ground breaking happened that day, until the bell rang and Stiles saw Scott and Allison flirting in front of the school. Obviously their date went smoothly and unless Stiles was mistaken, Scott would bombard him with all the great things about Allison as soon as they saw each other. At least, he would have if Friday night never happened and he didn't try to beat up his best friend.


Stiles cornered Scott in the locker room before practice. He was still all smiles after Allison left so Stiles figured this was the best time to talk to him.

"So, hey." Lame, but he couldn't think of anything else to say.

"Hey." Scott said not looking up at him.

Stiles sighed, he knew this was going to be tough, "Look Scott. I'm sorry about Friday night. I – I really truly am."

"What happened to you Stiles?" Scott looked at Stiles and noticed for the first time how different he was, he couldn't quite put his finger on it but something was different with his best friend.

"Not just on Friday. These past few days, you've been acting really weird and keeping secrets from me. Whatever's going on with you, you can tell me. You can trust me Stiles."

This was it. He could tell him right now the truth, he could tell him so he wouldn't have to be alone. They were brothers, Scott wouldn't look at him differently if he found out the truth.

"I'm gonna tell you something but you gotta promise not to freak out alright?" He could do this. He could trust Scott.

Scott, thinking that Stiles was gonna come clean about everything decided he would help him out by easing the tension in the air, "Okay, I promise. Just as long as you don't tell me you're a werewolf."

He meant it as a joke, but Stiles tensed at those words and instantly remembered something else that Scott said.

"What are you trying to do?" Scott asked him heatedly, "I just made first line with my best friend. I got a date with a girl who I can't believe wants to go out with me. Everything in my life is somehow perfect, why are you trying to ruin it?"

Scott did have everything he wished for at the beginning of the year. He had a girlfriend and he was on first line. Telling him the truth about his new werewolf status would only confuse him and drag him down into this messed up world he was now a part of.

Telling Scott the truth would be selfish.

Thankfully though, before he had to lie, Coach blew his whistle and called the team out on the field.

"I'll tell you some other time okay?" Stiles said and ran off before Scott could stop him.

He didn't know how he could possibly do thiswithout Scott.


AN: Ofcourse I wouldn't make Stiles a killer this early on, I'm not a monster haha

So how do you guys feel about Sciles right now?
