23 - Meet the Argents

Since the first time she met Scott, Allison knew he was someone special. He wasn't the first boy to show any interest in her. Over the years and the many schools she's been in, other boys have asked her out and even though she liked some of them, she stuck to her no-boyfriend rule and gently let them down. What was the point in dating if she would just be moving after a few months?

But Scott... Scott was different. He made her feel different.

He made her feel like one of those lovesick girls at her previous schools. The ones who practically went beet red when their crush walked by or talked to them. When he gave her that timid little smile of his, she'd start to wonder if being in love was worth it even if it was only for a little while. Maybe it didn't matter how long she got to spend with him before she moved again as long as she had plenty of good memories to take with her. And who knows, maybe she could convince her parents to stay in Beacon until she finished high school.

For once in her life she didn't worry about the future, all she thought about was the present and the cute boy in English class. So, she was beyond over the moon thrilled when he asked her out at the Vet clinic. Their first date at Lydia's party only strengthened her affections further and she's even started imagining what it would be like if she introduced him to her family.

Her father hitting him with his car was not at all what she had imagined.

"Dad! Oh my god! Are you trying to kill him?"

Allison yelled, pulling open her car door and jumping out before her parents could say anything. In an instant, she was crouched by her fallen boyfriend's side.

"Scott?" She said, "Are you okay?"

Scott groaned, "I'm fine. A bit sore but I swear I'm fine."

Allison smiled and as usual Scott's heart felt just a little bit lighter. In fact, he could almost completely ignore the pain in his abdomen if he just focused on her smile. Though he did tense up a bit when Allison started checking him for injuries.

Chris was right behind Allison.

"I'm sorry, I didn't see you." He said, helping the boy sit up. "Are you hurt?"

"I'm alright sir. Sorry I hit your car."

"What's your name?" Chris asked, "I should call your parents."

Scott winced, "Oh uhh Scott sir. Scott McCall and you don't need to call my mom. I swear I'm fine."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes sir." Scott said.

As Allison talked to Scott some more, Chris faced a battle inside of him. One part of him, the father, wanted to get his little girl as far away from this boy and all boys. But the other part of him, the hunter part, remembered Allison mentioning that Scott McCall worked at the animal clinic. The same animal clinic manned by the veterinarian he remembered being particularly close to the Hales. The hunter part of him wanted to bring the boy inside and ask him as many questions about the good doctor.

Not sure which side he wanted to listen to, he turned to his wife only to find her already looking back at him. The hard look on her face told Chris all he needed to know.

"Chris," Victoria called, "Why don't you help Scott into the house so we can take care of his injuries."

"It's okay Mrs. Argent. I'm fine really." Scott protested.

Victoria smiled, "I insist Scott. Allison, come help me with the groceries."

Allison smiled at Scott once more and did as her mother asked. The women grabbed a bag each and disappeared through the massive house's front door and closed it behind them.

Chris helped Scott stand up. The teenager protested yet again that he was alright but Chris wasn't having it.

"One thing you need to know about my wife is that she's very determined when she wants something done. If you don't let us check you properly inside, she'll likely call your mother here. It's easier to just go along with her."

It was a short walk to the front door and Scott waited politely for Chris to open it. However, just as they reached the door, Chris' phone rang.

"You go on inside Scott, I just need to take this."

Chris stepped away to take the call and Scott could hear him talking, but for some reason he felt as if the older man's eyes were on him as he pushed open the front door. Stepping into the house, Scott couldn't help but freeze in the entryway. The Argents' house looked like something straight out of one of his mom's interior design magazines. Everything was white or black or some shade of brown making everything look so much cleaner and more elegant. The balusters looked almost like pointy arrows and were arranged almost hypnotically. Before walking any further into the house, Scott stepped back and wiped his shoes on the welcome mat.

"You alright Scott?" Scott jumped, not noticing the elder Argent had finished his phone call.

"Yes sir," He said, "You have a really nice house."

Chris smiled, "It's been in the family for generations. Built and designed by Jonathan Argent. All the Argents after him worked hard to keep the house as original as possible."

"You used to live in Beacon?"

As he answered, Chris led Scott to the living room. The two sat on the couch, Scott hiding a wince as he did so.

"Yes, but I moved out after I met Allison's mother. In fact, I haven't even taken Allison here, not even for a vacation. I did keep in touch with some friends, I think you may know one of them. Alan, Alan Deaton, he ran the only animal clinic in town the last time I was here."

"He does, I work for him. Actually, he's helping me become a vet myself."

There was an impressed look in Chris' eyes that helped Scott breathe a little easier.

"Already working towards the future, not just thinking about it. That's good Scott, so how is Deaton?"

"He's good." Scott said, "He seems really happy with the work and he knows what he's doing."

"So he doesn't have those weird clients anymore?"

"Weird clients?" Scott asked.

"Yes, Deaton used to have these clients coming in at all hours of the day saying their dogs were injured and demanding that Deaton help them. Deaton would help of course. He'd clear the clinic and focus all his attention on helping those clients even if he shouldn't have to."

Scott frowned, he didn't know Deaton used to that. He knew the doc was a good man and very nice but did it get to the point where people were taking advantage of him?

"Uhh no," Scott shook his head, "There hasn't been a client like that since I started working for the doc. Did people really take advantage of him like that?"

"Unfortunately, yes. There was one family that abused his hospitality the most. The Hales."

Scott felt his breath catch. Why did it seem like everywhere he went he was getting bombarded with things pertaining to the Hales? First the murdering psychopath was cozying up to Stiles and now he finds out that Derek's entire family took advantage of the kindest man Scott has ever known.

"Why would they do that to him?"

"I don't know." Chris said, "But you said no one like that has come by the clinic, right? Maybe that means Deaton has finally learned not to associate with those types. But if they do come back and push my friend Deaton into helping them, you could give me a call. Maybe having another adult in the premises would make them rethink involving Deaton in their business."

Scott smiled and agreed to call the other man if unsavory, pushy clients come to the clinic.

"I do have something else to ask you though." Chris said, "Has there been any animal attacks lately in Beacon?"

Not the question Scott was expecting. He thought it would be a grilling or Mr. Argent asking him about his intentions with Allison.

"Allison likes to jog in the woods after school." Chris explained, "I can't be with her all the time so I want to know if those woods are safe for my daughter to run in. Is it?"

The first thing Scott thought of was the dead body he found the night before school started. It was most probably an animal attack and he could tell this to Allison's dad, show him Scott was trustworthy and wouldn't put Allison's life in danger. But telling him about the body might also convince the older man that Beacon wasn't safe and that he had to take his family out of there.

He took a deep breath, "Honestly sir, the Beacon Preserve does have a bad history of animal attacks, but there hasn't been one in years. My best friend Stiles and I go into the preserve all the time and I've honestly never seen an animal more frightening than a deer."

Except for the freaky animal I heard howling and the random furious growl I heard yesterday in the woods. Scott thought.

"It's good to hear that Beacon Hills is safe for my daughter. To be honest with you Scott, that was the main reason I never took her here before, I heard about those attacks too and I didn't want my daughter at risk. Her safety is everything to me. I only came back here because my friends told me the dangerous animals that used to live here in Beacon are gone."

That was it, Scott could have left it at that. He wasn't lying, he just failed to mention recent events. He wasn't hurting anyone. But what if Stiles was right and it was a wild animal that killed that girl? What if it got Allison next because Scott didn't tell her dad about the real dangers in the preserve?

Suddenly, Scott's mind decided to remind him of the dead girl's body only this time it wasn't a random girl, it was Allison. Beautiful brown eyes turned dull and lifeless as they stared back at him.

"There was a body though." Scott blurted out.


"Right before school started some joggers found a dead body in the woods."

Trying to banish the image of Allison's dead body from his mind, Scott told the older Argent everything he knew about the dead body including how he found the missing half in Derek Hale's property leading to his arrest. The only thing he didn't mention was Stiles being bit by a wild animal and his involvement with Derek Hale.

"But I promise everything's safe now." He said, "My best friend's dad is the Sheriff and I know he's doing his best to keep everyone safe. And since Derek Hale's been arrested, you have nothing to worry about now. Allison will be safe when she runs and if you want, I can go with her when she jogs, keep her company and safe at the same time."

Scott watched anxiously as the older man seemed to digest this latest information. He crossed his fingers behind his back just hoping that this won't scare Chris Argent enough that he would consider moving his family out of Beacon Hills again.

"I admit that this makes me believe that Beacon Hills isn't as safe as I'd hoped." Chris paused and Scott's breath hitched. "But, I don't want to uproot Allison again unless I absolutely have to, so I'll be speaking with the Sheriff first to know how safe things are. Can you give me his number?"

Relieved, Scott complied and gave the Sheriff Department's number to Chris.

"Now that we've got that cleared away, what do you say we take a look at your torso and make sure you're really okay? Before you protest, know that I live with two very astute women, they will know if we don't do as they ask and trust me, you don't want to get on their bad side."

Scott dutifully lifted his shirt to reveal his slightly reddish torso. It was tender but he didn't think it was anything too bad, an assessment that Chris echoed as he looked at the damage.

"It doesn't look too bad. Just a bit of bruising. Does this hurt?"

Scott flinched when Chris poked his tender side.

"Sorry about that but you should be fine after some ice."

Pleased that he was still okay to play tonight, Scott pulled his shirt down. The girls chose that moment to join them. Allison sat on Scott's other side while Victoria took the seat across from them. The older woman was carrying a tray with some gauze, plaster, and a small jar of something green.

"How are you feeling?" Allison asked.

"Good, I swear it doesn't even hurt. I've had worse hits at practice."

"Really? Maybe I should get you some ice. Mom do we have -"

Victoria nodded, "Yes, they're in the freezer but I have something better."

Allison's mother opened the jar on the tray and spooned out a thick, green mush that smelled really earthy. Hiding his right hand behind his back, Scott just crossed his fingers and hoped that Mrs. Argent wasn't about to ask him to eat it.

"This is an old family recipe Scott." Said Victoria, "We use it on cuts and bruises to help it heal faster. Would it be alright if we gave you some?"

Oh god she is gonna make me eat it. He thought.

He looked at Allison for her opinion only to find her encouraging him to take it.

"Umm, how uh, how does it taste?"

Allison giggled next to him and even her parents cracked a smile. Scott blushed, why was that funny?

"You don't eat it Scott. It's a poultice." Allison explained, "You spread it on your skin. It's just some crushed up herbs and stuff. I've used it before and it really does help."

"Oh." Scott said, "Okay then."

Chris stood up to give his seat to his wife. Once more, Scott lifted up his shirt, this time to allow Mrs. Argent to spread the mushy green stuff on his bruise. Then Mrs. Argent covered the entire thing with some gauze to keep the poultice in place and keep it from staining Scott's shirt.

Being the son of a nurse and working part time at an animal clinic, Scott was a lot more sceptical of the efficacy of home remedies like the Argents' poultice. He didn't have anything against it, but in his opinion, if home remedies like that worked perfectly, why would doctors and scientists prescribe medicine instead of that? So, imagine his shock when he felt a tingle in the area with the poultice and almost instantly the slight pain he was feeling just disappeared!

"Wow." He said. "That, that feels great. I can't even feel the bruise anymore. What is that made of?"

Victoria smiled, "Like Allison said, it's just a bunch of medicinal herbs mixed together. That and the Cahill family secret ingredient."

"A secret ingredient that I don't know about despite being a Cahill too." Allison joked then at seeing the confused puppy dog look on her boyfriend's face, explained. "Cahill is my mother's maiden name."

"You'll know soon enough Allison." Chris promised.

Victoria turned back to Scott, "Would you like me to make you a batch of your own so you can reapply it?"

"No, you don't have to do that." Scott protested.

"It's the least we can do Scott for hitting you. It will only take a few minutes. By the time I'm done, it'll be time to remove the poultice. That should be enough time for you and Allison to talk. But you two will stay out here in the living room and no funny business."

Before Scott could protest or even say thankyou, Allison's parents had already left the room leaving him alone with hisgirlfriend for the first time that day.


AN: Before I say anything else, more important news first...


Who else is freaking out? Are you freaking out?

What would you like the plot of the movie to be about? 

Personally, I'd like to get Kira back from the skinwalkers with full control of the kitsune. Maybe, feature the Calaveras.

Okay, now, back to Shifted. I am aware I'm writing a Scott that you guys are having umm less than pleasant thoughts about. And I'll probably keep going in that direction.

In my defense, Canon!Scott was severely irritating in Season 1 and 2, pretty close-minded and all he cared about was Allison. Also really, dude didn't even believe he was a werewolf when he was the one getting all those 'symptoms', how much more when he wasn't seeing  (acknowledging) any symptoms in Stiles?

Fear not though, I won't keep them apart for too long, Scott will just need a bit more time to... process...
