10 - Star Wars Club

The other day with Derek left Stiles with a lot to think about. Not only was he a smaller, skinnier version of the Hulk, but there was another werewolf running around Beacon Hills biting teenagers. Stiles didn't know why the Alpha hadn't come for him as a human. To at least talk to him and convince him to join the Pack. From all the research he's done about werewolves and wolves, he knew that both were stronger with a Pack and that lone wolves were more likely to end up dead. So why didn't the Alpha take him? Was it because of Derek?

The older werewolf didn't tell him anything else about the Alpha after showing him the color of his eyes leaving Stiles to figure it out on his own. And he was determined to do so.

So he got started on his crime board. He printed off everything he could find about Alphas, both wolves and werewolves, and determined which sounded the most realistic. The older and rarer the source, the more likely it was to be true. He found that Alphas were the strongest, fastest, and the best of the wolves. But other than that, he couldn't find anything credible.

He knew the only way to find out anything real was to go to Derek himself. Something he didn't plan to do unless the other werewolf showed him that he trusted Stiles. His father always told him that a police officer's success in the field relied as much on their skills as much as it did on their partners. You had to trust your partner and they had to trust you, because without trust, the possibility of dying only got bigger. So Stiles was determined to stay away from Derek until the grumpy old werewolf learned to trust him. He figured it wouldn't be long before they talked though. He still needed werewolf lessons and Derek admitted that he needed Stiles' help to track down the Alpha.

Even in school he couldn't stop thinking about the Alpha and the million questions surrounding that five letter word that seemed to awaken his werewolf side. He tried not to let his distraction show, especially since he and Scott have started talking again. His plan was to figure out the right balance between his new werewolf life and his regular school-dork-who's-suddenly-a-lacrosse-star routine.

Hopefully, he could manage it.


Step 1 in Stiles' plan to balance his regular life with his werewolf issue is fixing things with Scott. When he first got bit, he considered letting him in on the whole werewolf thing, but now he planned on fixing things with Scott without letting him know that he was now a supernatural creature that could be a danger to everyone in town. Oh and there's a group of werewolf hunters out to kill him.

It shouldn't be too hard, right?

Besides if simple talking failed him, he had a back-up plan. Two words: Movie Night.

And this week's theme is Star Wars. Unlike Stiles, Scott has never seen a single Star Wars movie. He's seen bits of some of them but no matter how many times Stiles urged him to watch the entire series, he just kept weaseling his way out of it. Stiles was hoping that watching at least A New Hope that night would put him back in Scott's good graces as well as get his best friend to finally know the difference between R2D2 and C3PO.

Stiles waited until after their last class of the day before approaching his best friend with the tickets just to make sure they weren't interrupted by the bell or classmates asking if they already started their assignments while subtly (or not so subtly) trying to ask if they could copy their answers. But that isn't to say that Scott and Stiles didn't talk the whole day, of course they did, they just figured out how to talk around the giant pink floating elephant in the room.

"Remember when we used to have weekly movie nights? I think we should start it again tonight and I have the perfect movie." Stiles said while putting his books back in his locker. "We could even watch the original trilogy since we don't have practice today. I could pick you up at the clinic after your shift."

"Sorry Stiles but I uh, well I have plans."

"Oh, you got plans with Allison?"

Too preoccupied with arranging the books in his locker, Stiles failed to notice Scott look at Jackson over his shoulder.

"She seems nice. Way out of your league but nice."

Stiles smiled, for all that he teased Scott and felt just a little bit jealous, he really was happy for his best friend and his new girlfriend. He wasn't even that upset that his planned Star Wars marathon would have to be postponed.

He said, "By the way what's Allison's Facebook name? I don't think we're friends yet. If she's going to date you, she needs to know what she's getting into. I think I'll tell her about summer."

"Please don't."

Stiles grinned, "In fact, maybe I should send her that photo along with my friend request."

He took out his phone and made a show of opening Facebook. In a flash, Scott was on Stiles reaching for the phone in his hand. Stiles laughed, using his long arms to keep the other boy away from his phone as he typed in Allison's name in the search bar.

"Got it!" He cheered and sent Allison a friend request before Scott could take the phone from him.

He was still laughing when he scrolled down her news feed and saw something that abruptly stopped his laughter. There was a picture of Allison smiling with an older blonde man beside her. The man looked younger with that smile on his face but Stiles would never forget that face. It was burned into his memory after merely a second of seeing it.

After all, who could forget the face of the man who fired arrows at him and tried to kill him the one time they met.

"Do you know who this is?" He asked Scott, "The guy with Allison."

Scott looked at the picture, "Oh, that's her dad. I sort of met him in the parking lot when he picked her up the other day."

Scott was telling him about Allison and all that was good about her, but all that kept going through Stiles' mind was,

My best friend's dating the hunter's daughter.


Mind racing over what he just discovered, Stiles barely noticed Scott say he had something to do first and go on home without him. Stiles didn't mind, he needed time to think about this latest revelation in a series of earth-shattering discoveries in a span of a couple of days. Seriously, why couldn't life as a werewolf be as easy as him trying not to kill anyone?

Why did his best friend's girlfriend have to be the daughter of the hunter who tried to kill him? Was his new life just one big cosmic joke now? What was next? Vampires? Witches? Freaking zombies?!

He was so lost in thought that he almost missed the sudden shaking of his hand. He frowned, confused at the tremor then he heard the sound of a body hitting the ground. He turned around and saw a blonde girl on the sidewalk writhing and twitching in pain. He ran to the fallen girl, his mind now more focused on the blonde rather than the drama series that his life has turned into.

"Hey, hey you okay?" He reached the girl and had a momentary panic attack when he saw she was having a seizure. He had no idea what to do, so he got his phone and quickly dialed 911 and then told the operator what was happening. The operator told him to stay with the girl and keep her from hitting her head while timing the convulsions.

"Okay, okay, shouldn't I put something in her mouth or something? I think I saw that on TV once."

"No. Don't put anything in her mouth! Just keep her from hurting herself. An ambulance is on it's way."

Stiles nodded and placed the girl's head on his lap to keep it steady.

"Hey," He said to the girl, "I just called 911 okay? You're going to be just fine."

The girl's seizure lasted about three minutes. Stiles stayed with her the whole time and yelled at any idiot who came to watch and record the episode on his phone. When she stopped seizing and the girl wanted to get up, Stiles held her down, he forgot to ask the operator if she should stay put or if she could stand up after the seizure so he just kept her there until the paramedics arrived. He just held her hand and talked about the one thing he can never stop talking about: Star Wars. The girl never said anything, she just looked at him and listened to him ramble on about the Force and Storm Troopers and how insane it was that there wasn't a Star Wars club at school.

It wasn't until the ambulance came and took the girl that Stiles realized he forgot to ask her name and tell her his. The paramedics told him she would be fine and that he did the right thing by calling them, he could calm down now. But he couldn't calm down. Even though he knew there was nothing he could do for the girl, he still felt concerned and responsible for her.

He didn't know who the girl was. But he could vaguely recall seeing her at the back of Harris' class doing her best to not attract attention from the sadistic chemistry teacher. He remembered this one time that he sat in the back away from Scott to see if that would make Harris quit picking on him. Ofcourse, it didn't work, no matter where he was and who he sat with, Harris called him out. But the blonde was there, warning him when Harris was looking at his table.


One of the crazy things about small-town Beacon Hills was how big the town's territory technically was and yet only a small fraction of this was used. Most of the town's territory was nothing but trees and apparently, the town never had enough in the budget to do something about the woods.

Former Sheriff Spencer Dooley hated the woods. He hated the mud that stuck to his boots, the annoying creatures that bothered him every second of every damn day, and the long road he had to take to reach downtown because the woods took too much space. So imagine his level of frustration when he was forced to live in a small house on the outskirts of the woods after his ex-wife impoverished him after their divorce years ago.

He supposed he should have used some of his savings to buy a new house in the center of town but he already lost most of it in online poker. Now, he spent most of his time grumbling in his little house and thinking about all sorts of schemes to make money.

He was in the middle of a three-hour poker game with PokerMaster487, Bennn6, and MissDollar when it happened. He was bursting with excitement at the straight flush in his hand, when he heard someone knocking at his door.

"I'm busy!" He yelled.

The knocking came back, louder and more insistent this time. He grumbled under his breath, leaving the computer, Dooley yanked open the door, prepared to yell at the insolent cad who was costing him hundreds of dollars. But there was no one at the door.

He left the doorstep to look around the house but there was no sign of the person who knocked. Deciding that his game was more important than a mysterious knocker, Dooley went back inside his house and closed the door.

He sat back at his computer prepared to show his hand and win the $2346 cash prize, this would be the biggest win he's ever had and he could not wait to show it off to the guys at the station. His finger hovered above the mouse, to show his hand and win the game when the power suddenly went out and Dooley's computer shut down.

Panicked, Dooley ran to the breaker box on the side of the house and desperately tried to turn the power back on. He flipped the switch, not even questioning how it happened in the first place as he ran back inside to his computer. He logged on immediately and restored his game but the damage has been done and Bennn6 has won the game.

His gaze was locked on the screen, trying to understand what happened. For the first time in his life he found himself torn between rage and despair. Then he saw something reflected on his computer screen. His eyes widened when he realized what it was, just as he opened his mouth to scream...

