
Give me scars
Give me pain
That's what they'll say to me
There goes a fight~ Gym Class Heros


Things with Andrea were going great. No we weren't dating or anything but that doesn't mean that thought hasn't crossed my mind. I feel all these things when I'm around her. Like the sweaty palms and butterflies in my stomach. Stupid gushy crap. I think I like her. I mean I've held her hand and hugged her endless times. I don't know. This is all so confusing. Andrea is a very smart, bubbly, talkative person but over all she's a beautiful individual and anyone would be lucky to have her.

Andrea randomly went on and on about something. We sat under the bleachers at the football field. I ate another one of her pop tarts which I'm slowly beginning to like. Shockingly.

"Are you even listening to me?" She pouted which I find oddly adorable

"Sorry, I drifted off but I did hear about your Labradoodle and I give you my deepest sympathy."

She rolled her eyes

"Anyways what I really wanted to ask you is if you could help me out this Friday?"

The school dance is this Friday. Was she getting ready to ask me? Not that I'm expecting her to.

"What about Friday?"

"Okay you know how the dance is this Friday? Well apparently I can't go cause I'm stuck babysitting and my nephew is a very stressful kid to work with so wondering if you would come over and lend me a hand?" She asked

"Sure. I don't have anything going on but just to aware you now, I hate kids."

she laughed while other laughs echoes. I looked to the side of us and there he was. Travis Connor. I truly hated that guy with every ounce of my soul. This guy has bullied me since middle school. To this day I couldn't quite figure out what I've done to be treated so badly.

"Well isn't this just adorable? I knew you were a nobody and this just proves my point. Sweetheart instead of screwing with this boy, how about you come and get a piece of a man." He high fived his posses 

Andrea looked disgusted by his words. My blood began to boil. I could literally feel heat rise under my neck. I just about had it with this guy. 

"Leave him alone Travis." She snarled 

"Or what? You're going unleash the beast on me or should I say Chihuahua."

'Stay calm Sherman, stay calm'

"What are you going to do Sherman? Possibly give me a wedgie? Smack me across the face." He continued to laugh

Before I knew I had punched him the stomach. As he lay there screaming in agoany, I went to work with screwing his face. Punch after punch.

"Sherman, stop! He isn't worth it." Andrea tried prying me away

I kicked him once more in the back and spat next to his head. She pulled me from the football field to the parking lot. My knuckles were lightly bleed.

"Where are your keys?" She searched through my pockets and successfully found them

"Get in the car babe."

Did she just say what I think she just said. A smirk toyed my lips.

"Babe huh?" I teased

She blushed madly.

"I didn't say- you're just- Ugh, get in the car!" She exclaimed frustratingly

I laughed historical.

We pulled up at her house. She hurried inside, looking for whatever. I sat down on the couch exhausted. She came back with a First Aid Kit.

"Ooh, we're playing doctor?"

"Shut up Kings."

She gathered bandages and peroxide, beginning to clean my knuckles. I winced maybe once or twice. Andrea was very gentle. I watched how concentration she was with the slightly open wounds. She bandaged them cleaned up the mess.

"Will I live Dr. Brookes?" I joked

"For now Kings."

She layed down on one side of the couch with her feet in my lap. I really truly like this girl, maybe even love her. Love? Funny word coming from me. Yes I admit it. I love Andrea Brookes. Do I tell her how I feel?

Should Sherman tell Andrea how he feels? Does she feel the same way? Maybe they're both stubborn. Leave your thoughts here 💕

