
I'm holding on
Why is everything so heavy
Holding on
To so much more I can carry
I keeping dragging around, what's bring me down
If I just let go, I'd be set free~Linkin Park

Clang* Clang* Clang*

You know that annoying sound you get when plate and utensils smack against each othe? Mostly it can be found during different meals of the day. Breakfast is the worst. Maids place food before my family. They talked about yesterday events and other things that I wasn't listening to. I couldn't bring myself to eat. It's not hard. My stomach felt empty. But I'm not sure if food could fill it.

"Eat Sherman. You'll be skinny if you don't."

My father tells me.  Don't listen to him. I know what he's doing. I won't let him push my buttons. Not today. I'm too tired to deal with it. He stands from his chair and walks over to mine. He slammed his fist on the table making everyone jump, including me.

"Stop pretending like you're pathetic spoiled brat. Now eat your damn breakfast."

My jaw hardens. I roughly pushed him away and stormed upstairs. It took less then 10 second to get ready. Making my way downstairs, I saw my father from the corner of my eye. He scowls words but I didn't listen. My feet already had me out the door. Where I was going. I don't know. But hopefully where ever it is, it's far away from here.

Bells chimed as I stepped into a diner dowtown. I remember Andrea saying she worked here during the day. That's where she found me in the back. I was a mess. The first time I actually cried in public. I watched as she skates around, collecting plates into a bin. My voice was gone, my feet wouldn't approach her. I waited for her to notices me. When she did, a bright smile plastered her face. She comes towards me, placing the things down. All of a sudden it's gone. That beautiful smile. Where'd it go?

"Sherman, are you okay?"

Somehow I found myself hugging her. She stands stiff but then wrapped her small arms around my tall frame. I couldn't described what I'm feeling. So many emotions ran through me.

We stayed like that for a while. People started to stare. They weren't my concern. I focused on Andrea and being with her at this moment. She smelt like warm vanilla. Hair as well. Her skin felt extremely soft underneath my fingertips as I rubbed her arms. I never wanted to let go. So strange how I just met this girl like a couple of weeks ago and I'm already so attached to her. She makes me feel these weird things that I didn't even know existed. Is it possible that one person could do this to an individual?

She now pulls away, leaving me cold. I nearly whine in lost of contact.

"If you could give me 10 minutes, my shift will be over. Want something in the meantime?"

I shook my head. She continued her tasked before and took orders. I sat in a booth, waiting patiently. Not like I had anything else better to do. Probably besides getting drunk and lay somewhere on the street. Sounds dangerous. You don't have say it twice. As a couple minutes flew by, Andrea came up to my table. Her clothes are now causal instead of  the uniform dress. No matter what she was in, she's still breathtaking. What is wrong with me?

"You ready?" I nodded

We stepped outside, walking along the sidewalk as cars drove by.

"No car today?" She joked

When I left home, the last thing on my mind was car. Dad makes me so angry and frustrated. He's constantly giving me crap about how rich I am and that I should be enjoying it. I could care less if I were the most popular guy in school with over 100 girls in his arms everyday. I didn't ask for any of this and whether he knew it or not but this life is overwhelming. People know who you are and hold high standards to your name. Meaning if you mess up, you'll lose the people's respect.

"Sherman are you-"

"Can I stay at your place tonight?"

Umm Sherman? Leave your thoughts here💕

