
Run, run, lost boy
They say to me
Away from all of reality
Nevereland is home, to lost boys like me
And lost boys like me are free~Ruth B

|⚠Please do not read if you are easily to be trigger. Read at your own risk⚠|

Young Sherman

"Papa! Did you see my goal?!"

"No lad, maybe next time." Mr. Kings typed on his computer. He didn't even bother to look at Sherman.

"But papa, I worked really hard on that goal."

"Sherman, not now! Go to your room."The young lad bowed his head and did what he was told.

Sherman removed his soccer gear and placed them neatly in his closet.

'Papa never has time for me.'

A single tear hurried down his face. Sherman quickly wiped it away. He's been told that crying was girls and boys were strong.


"That is correct. First place goes to Sherman Kings. Congratulations!"

He had looked in the audience to find his parents. Sherman remembered them not being able to come because of a business meeting.

Sherman sat next to sit his trophy outside of the school. He waited patiently for one of his drivers to pick him up. The sky cracked loudly with thunder as rain toppled down onto his umbrella.

"But mommy it's mine." Sherman whined as he watched his brother play with one of his actions figures.

"Sherman, stop being selfish and share. There are plenty of other toys in this house."

"But mommy-"

"I don't have time for this. Go to your room and take a nap."

His small lips quivered and climbed the steps to his room.

"Look Mom and Dad. I got an A on my chemistry test."

Sherman watched his parents praised his eldest brother.

"We're so proud of you son."

Sherman gritted his teeth. He began despise the attention his brothers received from his parents. They wouldn't even look at Sherman.

'Why can't they be proud of me?'

"You're being a little brat Sherman. We've done nothing but clothed, feed you, and put a roof over your head. You have maids working in your favor and money always in your hands. We gave you everything any child dreams of having."

"Maybe I don't want all this fancy. What if I don't this life?"

"Do you hear yourself? How ungrateful you sound? Go to your room. No dinner for you tonight."

Sherman growled angrily and stomped upstairs.

"Ugh, I hate this family!"

Nothing but anger oozed from his body. Sherman trashed his room completely. Clothes were everywhere including; papers, books, furniture.

He tore apart anything in sight.

"Where's our money Kings?"

"I don't have it. Please." Sherman murmured

"You don't have anything? That's not good enough my friend." Travis laughed before striking a blow to his stomach

Sherman moaned and leaned for forward. Travis than smashed his against the lockers behind them. Blood seeped through the now open wound on Sherman's head. His other friende joined in, throwing punches and kicks at Sherman's body. He protected himself the best way could.

"Until I get my money, I will be taking these off your hands." Travis pulled his shoes off his feet and swiped his watch

"Have my money next time or we'll do a lot worse."

Sherman tried to collect himself from off the floor but his muscles were too weak to move.

He sobbed loudly to himself. Sherman couldn't wrap his head around it. What did he do wrong? Was it because they way he looked? Or the way he dressed?

Sherman wanted for the pain to go away. Even if it meant dying.

'Just die.'

Those terrifying demons laughed at how pathetic he was.

Blood leaked on the floor. He almost threw up at the sight but also felt relieved. Sherman began to slip away into a world of darkness. It was peaceful. No more voices. No more pain. He had did it. Or so he thought.

Instead I did flashbacks. I wanted you to see a little into his life but you will be getting a full explanation. Leave your thoughts here. Remember, you are beautiful. Please never think this is the only way.

