The Best Friend Squad stands in the middle of a massive suite with a two-sided staircase leading to two large bedrooms. Catra flops onto a couch.

CATRA: So why did you do it, Sparkles?

Glimmer looks to Catra.


CATRA: I mean, that guy clearly doesn't want us to come with him, so why did you say we'd go?

GLIMMER: C'mon, Catra. You know why. We're all been thinking it!

BOW: You mean that Adam looks just like Adora?

GLIMMER: That's one part of it, besides...

Glimmer looks back to Catra.

GLIMMER: Don't you at least wanna know who could possibly create an exact copy of Adora?

ADORA: I'm still here y'know!

GLIMMER: Adora, if you don't wanna come, we could just tell Adam and Teela to leave without us.

ADORA: No, it's fine.

Suddenly a green hologram of a humanoid figure appears in front of Adora.

Adora summons the Sword of Protection while Catra unsheaths her claws and Bow reaches for his bow. The hologram raises its hands, slowly moving towards the door.

HOLOGRAM: Wait! No need for such hostility!

Everybody lowers their weapons and powers down.

HOLOGRAM: Allow me to introduce myself: My name is Roboto, the palace's automated assistant, and security system. I will be serving as your aide during your stay. Pleased to make your acquaintance!

Adora stares awkwardly.

ADORA: Uh...same?

Roboto nods.

ROBOTO: It was brought to my attention that you will be joining Young Lord Adam and Captain Teela this evening.

Glimmer looks to Roboto nervously.

GLIMMER: How did you know about that.

ROBOTO: It's my responsibility to know everything that happens within the castle...Everything...

BOW: Uhhh...

ROBOTO: That was a joke...ha...ha...I might be an AI but I am not an obsessive creep.

Bow and Adora laugh nervously. Glimmer and Catra continue to stare at Roboto, recalling memories of their previous encounters with holograms.

ROBOTO: Anyway, I was sent by Captain Teela to remind you to meet in the Palace Courtyard in an hour. If you need anything else, simply use the dialer on the wall. Please, enjoy your stay.

Roboto de-rezzes, disappearing.


Teela sits at the edge of a fountain, wearing a white and gold blouse and pants. She also wears golden falcon-shaped earrings.

She spots Adam entering the courtyard. His outfit is unchanged, only adding a tie. His hair is now tied back in a man-bun.

Teela stands up to meet Adam, the two of them are the same height.

TEELA: You clean up nicely...

ADAM: You're wearing heels...

Adam looks down at Teela's gold high heels.

TEELA: What can I say? They've been sitting in my closet for a while.

ADAM: Yeah...

TEELA: I mean, this is the first time in months that I'm not wearing all black...

ADAM: Or that weird bird mask.

TEELA: Hey, the mask is awesome!

Adam laughs.

ADAM: Right...

The two of them sit by the fountain. Adam looks down, fidgeting with his fingers.

ADAM: Why did you invite them?

TEELA: Adam...

ADAM: I mean I get if it was just us, but. Y'know how my parents can be...

TEELA: It's because you never talk to them. I mean, they take time out of their schedules to spend time with you and you bailed on them...thrice. You hardly talk to them, or me, or anyone that isn't Keldor. They miss you...I-

Adam looks to Teela, who turns away to avoid his gaze.

She quickly regains her composure.

TEELA: And besides, the look on your mom's face when she sees Adora is gonna be priceless!

Adam chuckles softly.

ADAM: Yeah, you're right.

TEELA: And look, I promise to be on my best behavior.

After a brief pause, they both break out laughing.

Adam wipes away a tear, trying to stop laughing.

From the corner of her eye, Teela spots Adora, Bow, Catra, and Glimmer entering the courtyard.

TEELA: Took you guys a minute!

CATRA: Sorry about that, Adora got us lost.

ADORA: What!? No! I...I didn't get us lost!

Adam stands up and begins walking through the courtyard while the others watch.

ADAM: Are we gonna sit here and stare at each other or are we going?


The WIND RAIDER, a sleek, bird-like aircraft, flies above the sprawling futuristic metropolis. Beneath them are other hovering vehicles, people walking from place to place.


Adam sits in the pilot's seat, controlling the Raider; Teela sits next to him, leaning against the window. Adora, Bow, Catra, and Glimmer sit in the second and third rows of the Raider, looking out the panoramic windows. They watch as the cityscape slowly fades from view, and as forests and mountains take their place.


The Raider begins to descend until it lands in a clearing. The Raider's wings retract, folding into its body, and the panoramic windows open up like gullwing doors. Everyone steps out of the cockpit and into a serene forest lit by fireflies. There's a cobblestone path lit by blue lanterns, a path that leads up a hill. At the top of this hill is a large house that's a blend of Scandinavian and First One architecture.

Adora looks up at the house, butterflies in her stomach. Something about this place feels familiar to her but she can't put her finger on it just yet.

TEELA: This is it...Grayskull Manor.
