Epilogue: Prelude to Secrets of Grayskull


Keldor opens the doors to the Throne Room and enters. He immediately spots Adam sitting in the lounge, staring out the window. On the table is a chessboard, already set up.

KELDOR: Adam? I thought you were at home...

Adam doesn't look to Keldor.

ADAM: You doing anything right now?


Keldor moves a piece on the board, both he and Adam are evenly matched.

KELDOR: Surely you didn't come all the way back here just to play a friendly game...What's eating at you, boy?

Adam moves a piece.

ADAM: It's about Adora.

KELDOR: Ah, what happened between you and She-Ra? I would've thought you two might get along...

Adam sighs, he's clearly in distress.


ADAM: She's my sister...My twin sister.

Keldor's eyes widen briefly, but in an instant, he regains his composure and moves another piece.

KELDOR: I see...

ADAM: And all this time I was led to believe I was an only child...Why? Why wouldn't they tell me something like this? I'm their son, right? Shouldn't I know if I had, or have a sister!?

Adam's eyes water up a bit, frustration boiling to the surface.

Keldor opens his mouth, struggling to find the right words for his nephew.

KELDOR: I...I'm sure they had their reasons. We all handle grief in different ways. I understand you're hurting, angry even, and you have every right to be...But if there's anything I can tell you, it's that family is precious. You should hold the people you love close to you while you still can before it's too late. 

Adam looks up at Keldor, processing his words.

KELDOR: You shouldn't let the decisions of your parents rob you of what could be a meaningful relationship.

ADAM: How can you be so sure?

KELDOR: I can't be, but the bond between siblings is forever, even more so than the bond between parents and children. I don't want you to be like me and Randor.

Adam sighs. 

ADAM: Y'know, Dad would probably talk to you if you reached out to him. 

Keldor chuckles.

KELDOR: You don't really believe that, do you?

ADAM: How about this? I win, you talk to Dad, and I'll talk to Adora.

KELDOR: And if I win?

ADAM: Then I guess you get to choose...

Keldor cracks his knuckles.


Adam grins a bit as he moves another piece, capturing Keldor's queen.

Keldor examines the board, he smirks.

KELDOR: Are you sure you wanna do that?

ADAM: I finally got you this time, huh?

Keldor strokes his chin.

KELDOR: Perhaps... unless I...

Keldor moves another piece.

KELDOR: Checkmate...

Adam's eyes widen.

ADAM: No...

Adam examines the board, his king is cornered, and there's nowhere he can move to. He groans in frustration.

ADAM: Seriously!?

Keldor laughs.

KELDOR: You were close that time, really you were.

Adam sighs and stands up. He walks to the doors.

ADAM: Fine, you won't be so lucky next time!

KELDOR: I'm counting on it... now go... meet your sister.

ADAM: Alright, alright, and what will you do?

KELDOR: I guess I'll figure it out. Now go...

Adam shuts the door behind him, and Keldor's expression shifts from cheery to eerily calm. He looks down at the chessboard.

KELDOR: The key to all of this is my own niece...

A blue light shines down on Keldor.

Keldor laughs nervously.

KELDOR: What a cruel twist of fate...

Keldor looks up at the projection.

KELDOR: Wouldn't you agree?

Keldor is face-to-face with a hologram of a cloaked woman with a shaved head, her face cold and devoid of any emotion. Her glowing white eyes narrow. 

Light Hope is back!?

