MICAH is halfway up the steps, holding a clipboard and a pen wearing a headset., frantically ordering around workers on the ground level.

MICAH: Hey, I need that moved over here!

Micah puts his hand up to the headset to listen better.

MICAH: No, that shipment needs to arrive today...What do you mean you can't!?

MICAH continues yelling into his earpiece, reconstruction efforts have been stressful.

Catra and Adora descend the front steps with MELOG. Adora is without her jacket.

CATRA: For the last time, I haven't seen it!

Micah waves to the couple.

MICAH: Good Morning!

ADORA: Hey, you wouldn't happen to have seen my jacket anywhere, would you?

MICAH: No, I don't think I have. Did you lose it?

Adora paces around.

ADORA: That's so weird, it was in my room yesterday and now it's gone!

GLIMMER teleports behind Catra and Adora

GLIMMER: I've been looking for you! Entrapta needed to speak with you...something about our road trip and some planets or something?

ADORA: So where is she?

GLIMMER: Honestly, I'm not sure. Between the reconstruction here and the other kingdoms, it seems like everybody's all over the place.

CATRA: Okay...so where exactly are we supposed to find Entrapta?

GLIMMER: I don't know, ask Hordak...

Glimmer strokes her chin, surprised by herself.

GLIMMER: Wow...Never thought I'd say that.

There is a loud crash in the background startling everyone. Somebody broke something.

Micah removes his headset, his eye twitches. The chaos and lack of sleep are catching up to him. He sighs in frustration, handing Adora his headset.

MICAH: I gotta handle this, think you can keep an eye on things for a minute?

Adora confidently puts the headset on, grinning.

ADORA: You can count on-

Adora looks to Micah, but he's already gone.

ADORA: -me...

Adora begins ordering workers around in the background while Catra sits at the bottom of the steps, tablet in hand as she makes a call.

Hordak appears on the screen, his backdrop is his lair in the Fright Zone. His eyes are still green from his encounter with Horde Prime, but his outfit and hair are closer to his earlier design.

HORDAK: Catra...what an unexpected surprise for you of all people to be calling.

CATRA: I need to speak with Entrapta, I was told you'd know where she is.

HORDAK: Entrapta is unavailable at the moment. She's busy rebuilding the lab you destroyed the last time we saw each other.

CATRA has the smuggest of grins.

CATRA: Ha, and to think I thought you'd put up more of a fight.


ENTRAPTA interrupts swinging with her hair from the background of HORDAK's lair.

ENTRAPTA: Somebody call for me?!

Entrapta squeezes into the frame, pushing Hordak out.

ENTRAPTA: Oh hi Catra! Did you get my message from Glimmer?

CATRA: Only some of it, I didn't get all the details.

ENTRAPTA: Hordak and I have made a biiiiig discovery! It's possible that there is biological activity within our spatial radius! Lemme grab my research!

Catra is both annoyed and a little confused. Her eye twitches.

CATRA: Why don't we just go over there?

Scorpia appears behind Catra, seemingly out of nowhere.

SCORPIA: That would be great! You can see the new palace that's being built!

Catra jumps when Scorpia starts talking, she had no clue she was behind her this whole time.


SCORPIA: Not too long, I think it was right after you called Hordak weak, and he was about to call you an impur-.. impru-.. imup-... imp-something.

There is an awkward pause. Catra stares at a smiling Scorpia with a blank expression.

Scorpia and Catra hear Entrapta yelling in the background on the tablet.

ENTRAPTA: EMILY no! Don't cut that cabl-

The call cuts and goes static.

SCORPIA: Guess we're all going back together now! This is gonna be so much fun!!!

Cut To:


Micah walks along the hallway, clearly stressed when SWIFT WIND walks up behind him.

SWIFT WIND: Heyyy, King Micah! Got a moment?

Micah sighs, exhausted

MICAH: Not really.

Swift Wind looks at Micah and understands what's going on.

SWIFT WIND: Y'know what? It can wait.

Micah and Swift Wind return to-


Construction is going poorly, Adora is not good at this. Several Construction Workers look extremely confused in the background.

ADORA: Okay how do I..umm...

Micah walks up to Adora.

Adora grins sheepishly.

ADORA: Think you could give me a hand?

Micah extends his hand, and Adora returns the headset in defeat. She runs down the steps to where Catra, Scorpia, and Glimmer sit.

ADORA: Any good news?

CATRA: Entrapta still needs to see us.

GLIMMER: I said I'd help Bow with something, but I can drop you guys off.

Glimmer grabs Adora and Catra's hands, and Scorpia's claw.

The four of them teleport away from the palace.
