Tang Sheng was smiling and angry, not knowing what to do with her mouth. After thinking for three seconds, he suddenly strode over to her and wanted to press her against the wall, directly blocking her mouth.

Yu Rubing looked at these big steps, and immediately had an ominous hunch in his heart, turned around and ran away.

Tang Sheng and she suddenly ran away, and froze for a moment, then caught up and shouted, "Stop, what are you running for!"

Yu Rubing didn't answer him. She slammed her feet and ran wildly. She ran to the construction site and looked at the full staff in the studio. The ominous feeling in her heart was finally suppressed.

She stood and gasped slowly, not forgetting to say hello to the staff.

Tang Shenghe chased up breathlessly, stooping and sucking in the air, saying intermittently: "You run ... what do you run ... and I ... will not do to you ... what ..."

Yu Rubing jumped on the spot calmly twice: "Well? I just wanted to warm my body, and didn't say what you want to do to me?"

Tang Sheng froze for a moment and snorted: "You can ... you really do ..."

Yu Rubing looked at how he could not breathe for most of the day, and he said twice, "You can't, you can't."

After a short run, it kicks in like this. What physical qualities does this have?

It really can't compare with Qiuqiu, who has a great body in her family.

Yu Rubing: Younger brother.

When Tang Shenghe heard her say that she could not do it, the male's self-esteem instantly rose, fiercely clasped her wrist, forced her to look directly at her eyes, and said with a weird smile: "I can't do it, how do you know if you don't try it? "

Yu Rubing looked at his domineering expression, and then looked at his grasped hand, and the facial features suddenly wrinkled, making a very soulful voice: "Whee--"

The more you dislike your expression and tone, the more you dislike it.

Without giving in, she withdrew her hand vigorously and waved a cool breeze across the chin of the two. She held her reddish wrist and said painfully, "... I'm dirty."

Tang Shenghe: "???

Yu Rubing reached out to stop a passing staff member and asked, "Is there anything to disinfect?"

The staff looked stunned: "Ah?"

Yu Rubing stretched out his reddish wrist: "I want to disinfect." Another face said sadly, "Otherwise I can only chop my hands ..."

Tang Shenghe: "..."

Is she okay?

Tang Shenghe felt funny: "You just dislike the seniors?"

Yu Rubing let the staff go, patting his wrist like he was shooting ash, and said: "That's not it, I'm too disgusted."

The truth is bloody.

Tang Shenghe said again: "I can't beat my sister at all?"

Yu Rubing said: "You can't match her even after the decimal point."

Tang Sheng and his eyes were full of gloom, his lips raised, and his smile was full of sarcasm: "Then wait and see."

"Look at me and her who will marry you into the door of the Tang family."

As soon as Yu Rubing heard this, it was terrible, and he said with excitement: "Here we are, has the big dog blood love drama finally arrived on me!"

"Will Tang Dong and Mrs. Tang give me hundreds of millions to let me go?"

"Seriously, a king empire like the Tang family, if you don't give me hundreds of millions, I will really look down on your family."

"Oh, it's exciting to think about hundreds of millions!"

She hasn't seen hundreds of millions of checks yet. She really wants to open her eyes at first sight.

Earn a few hundred million yuan from Tang Dong's hands, and then turn back to use a few hundred million yuan to touch her Qiuqiu.

The two of them can also use this to launch an emotional drama of **** and sadism. When necessary, she does n’t mind Tang Hanqiu ’s use of imprisoned PLAY against her.

As long as he and Hemeimei HE are in the end, the process will do!

Tang Shenghe: "..."

Is she serious about looking excited?

How do I feel what a weird world is opening in her mind?

Tang Hanqiu's birthday at the Tang family's mansion was actually very simple. Without inviting others, the Tang family gathered together for a meal.

Tang Moyuan and Jiang Yingyao also rushed back together, and Tang Sheng and rushed back to the Tang family mansion after shooting the advertisement.

Tang Hanqiu stood at the front of the stage with his hands on his chest, looked down at Tang Sheng and came down from the car, seeing that he had nothing, and his emotions were very stable, and he could not help raising an eyebrow.

It seems that Yu Burubing really gave her a little face and didn't cry him.

Tang Shenghe met Tang Hanqiu's eyes full of scrutiny as soon as he raised his eyes. He smiled and said, "Happy second sister's birthday, long time no see, your dear brother misses you so much."

Tang Hanqiu was accustomed to his hypocritical appearance. At this time, he could not lift the slightest waves, and directly said: "The advertiser did not think of inviting you."

She went to check later, and the advertiser never thought of inviting a male celebrity endorsement from the beginning to the end. He found Tang Hetian himself as a backer, begging to say that he wanted to shoot this advertisement, and Tang Hetian hurt him. The advertiser injected capital and plugged him in.

As for why a person who doesn't care about taking pictures at all, why would he suddenly want to take this advertisement, the answer is really obvious.

"Tang Shenghe," Tang Hanqiu said coldly, "Stop fooling around, and be more mature."

Tang Sheng and stepped on the stairs slowly, approaching her little by little: "I am mature, I know everything I do and want."

"Second Sister," he stopped beside her, "Let me enter Huayao, how?"

Tang Hanqiu's eyes were cold, and his eyes slowly turned to him: "Your contract has a long period of time, don't deliberately break the contract, a little spirit of contract, don't always trouble others."

Tang Shenghe said indifferently: "It's just a broken contract, and our family doesn't have money to give."

The family of the Tang family is big and big, and the small amount of millions of dollars for the breach of contract is not enough to see. The Tang family can earn more than that in a day.

He wouldn't take "little money" as money.

Tang Hanqiu said: "I hope you have a concept of" unnecessary expenditure ", and I, Hua Yao, shouldn't be unpredictable and entertainers without a contract spirit."

Tang Shenghe said unhappy: "I am your brother."

Tang Hanqiu asked back, "Did you treat me like your sister?"

Tang Sheng and Immediately started the hypocritical set: "Of course, you are my favorite second sister!"

It ’s just not easier to control than before.

Tang Hanqiu glanced at him lightly, pulling the corner of his mouth: "That's best."

Tang Shenghe then embraced her arm again and kissed her intimately: "Second Sister, I like Yu Rubing. I want to chase her. You help me, she listens to you."

Tang Hanqiu slowly withdrew his hand and refused, "Impossible."

He has too many problems, and his temperament is sometimes too paranoid, not an excellent communication object. She doesn't want to push Yu Rubing into the fire pit.

She believes that Yu Rubing also has his own sense of merit. What kind of people deserves to be liked, and what kind of people should stay away, she knows clearly that she doesn't need to use her to point fingers.

Tang Hanqiu turned around and walked in, Tang Shenghe stood behind and looked at her back.

Yu Rubing changed.

His second sister has also changed, his temperament is more and more outstanding, and his aura has become more and more like the elder brother and father of the mall. Just a back figure makes people want to kneel down and bow down.

Where is the stupidity that used to be around love all day?

He had to admit that Tang Hanqiu was getting better and better.

But he didn't like it, she and Tang Moyuan were more and more like Tang Hetian and Liu Wenqing, and they didn't like the way they were rejected by others.

From small to large, Tang Sheng and what he wanted were not available. What if Tang Moyuan and Tang Hanqiu were excellent? As long as Tang Hetian opened his mouth, wouldn't they obediently give his "toy" to his younger brother?

He opened his mouth behind her: "Second sister, no matter how deep you hide the toy this time, she will be mine after all!"

Tang Hanqiu suddenly stopped, staring back at him, cold stars flickering at the bottom of her eyes, especially terrifying: "She is not a toy."

She is a very precious person, a living, flesh-and-blood person, worthy of others to love and pamper.

Tang Hanqiu said with a cold face: "I will warn you last time, I don't like you so disrespecting her, I hope you don't have the next time, otherwise you will be at your own risk."

Tang Shenghe was caught off guard by a few steps, and suddenly forgot how to answer the question.

Tang Hanqiu threw a sentence coldly: "Not even respecting people, talking about likes." He went straight away, without any slight attachment.

However, Tang Hanqiu's warning made Tang Shenghe annoyed and wanted Yu Rubing even more.

Sooner or later, he will marry Yu Rubing into the Tang family and be angry with Tang Hanqiu!

The second round of the ninth issue of "Rising Star Idol" has also been broadcast, and the remaining trainees have also officially entered the tenth period of the original track duel preparations.

In this period, the winning group has the right to increase votes, and the person with the highest score in the same group has the additional right to vote. In addition, in this issue, fan voting will play a key role.

The eleventh issue is the general election. It is the day to form a group and determine the name of the group. All the successes and failures will be announced here.

Each trainee puts up 120,000 points of energy into these preparations, practicing day after day, trying to achieve the best.

Yu Rubing is no exception. No matter how strong she is, she must practice carefully to improve her business level and make herself more outstanding.

The 009 auxiliary system still shielded her by throwing a task, and she didn't want to talk to her at all.

The third day after the broadcast of the ninth issue, on December 3rd, she received the tenth task from the system. But she did not forget her original intention, saying that if she didn't do it, she wouldn't do it. She left the tenth task behind her and waited until zero o'clock in the evening.

She is very familiar with this process.

After nightfall, time flies, and soon a new day is ushered in, and the tenth task is also judged as a failure.

She didn't take it seriously, and when she was going to sleep, a cold mechanical sound suddenly sounded in her mind.

[Judgment: Ten tasks failed and the trigger condition was met. 】

[Trigger: Correction system. 】

Yu Rubing suddenly opened his eyes, looking at the darkness, the voice in his mind continued.

[The correction system is being connected ...]

[The correction system is connected. 】

[Correction system 008, at your service. 】

The correction system 008 greeted her politely: [Hi, hello, I am the system 008. 】

Yu Rubing also politely replied: Hello, I am your new father.

008: [...]

Does she have any particular attachment to being a dad?
