In the face of the sudden anti-Japanese war, Yan Li seemed somewhat at a loss.

How did the story of first love jump to the War of Resistance Against Japan? What happened in the middle of this world, the story of weeping ghosts and gods?

Yu Rubing looked at Yan Li calmly. As a person who surfs the Internet when she is idle, she still knows a lot about Yan Li.

Yan Li looks handsome and his acting skills are remarkable. He is one of the popular students and can bring a lot of traffic to this drama.

But now between Yan Li and her, the flow is hers instead. Because she has a hot search physique, she can not only circle because of various beautiful stages, but also because of various sand sculpture famous scenes in variety shows.

Good-looking skins are everywhere, and interesting souls pick one from another.

She combines the two into one and successfully achieves the image that the public likes. The people who like her are more and more, and her traffic is getting bigger and bigger. Yan Li has long overshadowed this only. The person who plays idol drama business.

The most important thing is that she still has the beautiful face **** Tang Hanqiu in her group c, how can the attention be small!

However, Yan Li made her debut earlier than she is now. Basic literacy has kept her the most polite to him and regards herself as a junior.

As long as he doesn't rush to die.

But the actual result is obviously not like this. Here he comes, he comes with his first love story!

Yu Rubing searched frantically in the plot and finally found her. Yan Li was indeed one of the male mates, but she didn't have a face-up. She only appeared once and was responsible for creating a little misunderstanding for the male and female protagonists and warming their feelings.

He didn't wait until Tang Hanqiu, the vicious female mate, didn't know that there was his character, otherwise he would have been torn by Tang Hanqiu in his previous life.

As soon as he found out that it was a male match, Yu Rubing's brain hurt a little. He raised his hand and squeezed his eyebrow, just like Tang Hanqiu's headache.

Forget it, strangle the small flames that are standing up.

Anyway, she strangled so many female mates, and there was no lack of one.

Yu Rubing glanced at Yan Li in a state of aggression and asked, "Can you speak?"

Yan Li was forced: "Ah?"

Does she really want to listen? !

Yu Rubing condensed his eyebrows and said solemnly: "Don't you even know the historical event of great significance like the Anti-Japanese War?"

Now that the weather has turned warmer, people have taken off long, thick winter clothing and put on suitable summer clothing early. When summer arrives, Leng Jing, who is afraid of the cold, no longer needs to tremble, and the spirit of the Leng people is also revived!

Yu Rubing pulled out his truth lever and released the skills of Shanggang online: "There is a saying called 'Forgetting history means betrayal'. Do you know nothing about heavy historical events like the Anti-Japanese War ?! Now, your bold thoughts on our beloved motherland! "

Yan Li: "???

Wait for you to be online!

Fearing that she was more and more outrageous, Yan Li hurriedly said: "Wait, I have no bold ideas about the motherland, I am very patriotic!"

Yu Rubing raised an eyebrow: "Oh, really?"

Yan Li nodded vigorously: "Really!"

Yu Rubing: "Then you memorize the core values ​​of the twenty-four words."

Yan Li: "???

Whoever is idle will remember that!

Yu Rubing saw him through at a glance: "I know, you won't." He said, "Go away."

Yan Li continued to be forced.

Yu Rubing put the Shanggang line to the extreme in a straightforward manner: "People who say that they are patriotic but do not even recite the core values ​​of the twenty-four words are not worthy of speaking to the successor of this communism!"

The black question mark on Yan Li's face-how could she raise the bar like this? ? ? This "Shang Gang Shang Xian" is too fascinating!

The reason why he wants to talk to Yu Rubing is because when he first saw her, a subtle change occurred in his heart. This subtle change seemed to be called "love at first sight."

Yu Rubing came down from the car in a tulle dress, with black and bright hair, long and straight. The half-silver star ear clips are worn on the ears with distinct auricles, and the eyes are shining brightly. When politely greeting others, every smile is very charming.

She has a wonderful feeling on her body.

She is very interesting in variety shows, especially when she is with Tang Hanqiu, the whole person looks animated and very cute, like a teenage girl. And on the stage, it is ever-changing, **** and glamorous, and people's eyes just want to follow her.

But when Yan Li and she really met here, they found that her words and deeds, with a sense of maturity and stability that people could not ignore.

She can be cute, sexy, mature and steady, which sounds contradictory, but it is wonderfully integrated on her, and it makes him perturbed.

That's why I want to talk to her, use my girl tricks to talk about first love, so that she can comfort and comfort herself, and then open the topic behind.

How could she expect such socialism? ? ?

What the **** is this style of painting? !

Yan Li scratched her head suspiciously, feeling that her love at first sight was almost trampled by her socialism, and now she still has a little interest to hang on.

He felt that dealing with an upright communist successor like Yu Rubing might require direct play, so he summoned the courage and said: "I don't hide it, I like you a lot."

Yu Rubing said politely: "Then trouble you to reclaim this intention."

"It's true, I don't want to be liked by you."

Seeing it right, mercilessly.

Yan Li: ""

His career as a girl was the second time he met Kan.

The last time was Tang Hanqiu, but she was also warned by "change male host".

Thinking of Tang Hanqiu, he remembered the relationship between the two of them, so he couldn't help but ask, "Does Tang always recite the core values ​​of twenty-four words? If you talk to her, you will never ask her to recite it, too? ? "

Tang Hanqiu and her are really friends, he is not clear. However, he did not believe that Yu Rubing and Tang Hanqiu were friends, and would also ask Tang Hanqiu to recite the twenty-four-word core values, otherwise he would not speak to her.

He felt that Yu Rubing was deliberately embarrassing him.

Then he would embarrass her and see what she would answer.

When Yu Rubing heard that he actually compared himself with Tang Hanqiu, he narrowed his eyes suspiciously and asked, "Are you equipped with a few keys, dare to compare with our **** Tang, who is a god?"

Her family Qiuqiu has the beauty of a prosperous age, a distinguished family background, excellent education, and outstanding work ability. Her family Qiuqiu has too many advantages.

He, a man who can only talk about first love and can only act, has a hammer that can compare with her Qiuqiu?

Do you have a key for three dollars? !

Yan Li smiled: "Why can't you compare?"

Is there any particularity?

Yu Rubing immediately fired at him: "We Tang always has a prosperous beauty, family background, education, work ability, you have a hammer, dare to compare with her?"

"It's expensive to be a man of self-knowledge. You're so overwhelming. Li Yunlong listened to all his mother-in-law's desire to give you a shot!"

Yan Li was frightened by her aggressive posture.

What is cute, what is sexy, what is mature and steady, all are fake, will be a real person!

Yan Li's daze instantly turned into shock-it was the first time he saw a girl talk like this!

He almost didn't block her mouth, and frowned, saying, "You are a girl, how can you talk like that?"

Yu Rubing was shocked. What time is it now? Does anyone even think about how girls should be?

Yu Rubing looked at him with a face on his face, saying one by one, "No one can stipulate what girls should say, girls say whatever they want, everyone is free, everyone can do whatever they want. Children are willing, girls can still be your father! "

"How is it? Do you want to call Dad to listen?"

Yan Li: "!!!"

This is too wild!

Yan Li's interest was finally wiped out by her "daddy", leaving only the unbelievable: "I can't believe it, you are so vulgar, why would Tang always be a friend with you?"

Yu Rubing said: "I can't believe it, how can a dog talk?"

Yan Li was angry: "You!"

Yu Rubing chased after the victory: "I warn you Yan Li, take your first love story away from me, make a good film, don't engage in bells and whistles, the old lady has no interest in your wisdom!"

You haven't been there for a long time, and finally flicked your hands and left angrily.

As soon as Yan Li left, Yu Rubing's agent who had been watching the battle came up and looked at Yan Li's angrily back, saying, "You just got into hatred with the actor on the first day of entering the crew"

Yu Rubing brushed her hair and calmly said: "Don't panic in small scenes."

Don't look at who is supporting her waist bar!

The agent said again: "Aren't you afraid that he would be difficult for you when filming?"

Yu Rubing raised an eyebrow: "Working with emotion, then he has a problem."

And obviously he had to come over to poke her and make a wise speech. After a return, he would be annoyed and angry. Are you going to embarrass her?

Then she really looked down on him, and had to complain to her Qiuqiu!

Yu Rubing said he would do it, and immediately bowed his head to send a message to Tang Hanqiu.

Tang Hanqiu was looking at Yu Rubing's itinerary and Qiu Yunli's recent itinerary. He repeatedly confirmed that the two did not overlap, and then collected the documents.

As soon as she turned her head, she saw that the mobile phone on the desktop suddenly lit up, displaying a WeChat message with a note of: Mrs. President.

It was Yu Rubing's own change last time. She said it sounded good.

She turned on her phone,

[Mrs. President]: President, your wife has been sent to the crew for a while

Tang Hanqiu paused, and could not help laughing.

[Tang Hanqiu]: Has anyone seen it?

After entering the crew, she must greet each actor to facilitate the next game.

[Mrs. President]: Not yet, the hostess has not come

[Mrs. President]: But the lady said that she had successfully avenged her hero

Tang Hanqiu: "???

Are you moving so fast? ? ?

The author has something to say: Mr. Han: President, my wife wants to go to Africa to mine.

Mr. Tang:

General Manager Han: She said that she would come back to support you when she digs up more money than you.

Mr. Tang: ? ?

Mrs. President [carrying a shovel]: I am ready!

Mr. Tang: Give me peace!
