With a smile on his face, Tang Hanqiu cut off the phone and turned to Qi Yunli, who was astonished, and said in a panic: "Now, can Mr. Qiu stay away from me without any worries?"

Qiu Yunli was stunned by this sudden divorce operation, and he hadn't recovered for a long time.

When Tang Hanqiu saw him in a daze, he stepped forward, and suddenly raised his hand to grab his suit and tie, and the blue muscles on his wrists burst out, violently towards the side, as if throwing garbage. He threw it into the arms of Qiu's housekeeper Liu Shu: "Go away."

Then he grabbed the hand of the weak little white flower Yu Rubing with a thunderous glance, and looked at her shiningly.

Yu Rubing was wearing clean and tidy white shirt jeans at this time. The tall ponytail exuded a light fragrance of shampoo. The beautiful and beautiful appearance was only coated with a light makeup powder. The whole person was fresh and delicate, with a green Astringent and energetic.

There was a bright red slap mark on her white and clean face, which lasted for a long time, and it was obvious how heavy it was.

"I'm sorry." Tang Hanqiu did not hesitate and admitted directly.

Yu Rubing shivered, and a weak little white rabbit looked like a fierce tiger.

Tang Hanqiu: "..."

Did this accidentally cast a psychological shadow?

Tang Hanqiu immediately released her, stepped back, and suddenly shouted, "Dong Bo."

Yu Rubing glanced at her hurriedly, not knowing what she was going to do, immediately turned her head anxiously, and subconsciously cast her eyes on Qiu Yunli for help.

Then I heard Tang Hanqiu say: "Stand in the middle."

"Spread the word."

Yu Rubing turned his head, and a question mark slowly appeared on his head: "...?"

Dong Bo responded respectfully: "Good lady." And then took a big step, like a strong mountain across the two.

Qiu Yunli was stabilized by the Sixth Uncle, Huo Ran turned around and was about to rush forward to protect the love again. Tang Hanqiu's footsteps froze coldly in the next second.

The inherent arrogance allowed Tang Hanqiu's aura to spread endlessly and instantly increased by 800 meters. She lifted her chin slightly, exposing the delicate and beautiful jaw line, just like the noble queen overlooking all living beings.

A queen Qiu Yunli has never seen.

Tang Hanqiu gave him a much lazy look, and then turned to Yu Rubing.

Yu Rubing has always been very innocent and very miserable in her impressions.

Yu Rubing was hostile by Qiu Yunli, so she thought she was innocent. And now Yu Rubing hasn't liked Qiu Yunli yet, and was really wronged.

Later, even if Yu Rubing accidentally fell into Qiu Yunli's gentle attack, he would keep his distance from him because he couldn't dissolve the marriage contract. So she thinks she is good.

But miserable is miserable, she was taken by Qiu Yunliqiang, just because she had gossip with other actor, and want to start again with other men.

For the first time in the name of love to forcibly take away a woman, Qiu Yunli is a **** bad guy!

He can become the male lead of this world. Tang Hanqiu felt that if it were n’t for God ’s blindness and his head was hit, there would be no such result.

So how much Tang Hanqiu disliked Qiu Yunli in his life, and how pitiful Yu Rubing was, and she also sincerely regretted her.

The ice and snow in Tang Hanqiu's eyes slowly melted away, a kind smile on his face, and he said: "Miss Yu, I did something wrong this time, I am willing to bear all the costs of your follow-up, I am very sorry, please forgive me . "

Uncle Dong turned his head to Yu Rubing and said, "Miss Yu, my lady said: 'Miss Yu, I did something wrong this time, and I am willing to bear all the costs of your follow-up. I am very sorry, please forgive me. . '"

Her attitude is very sincere and sincere, Yu Rubing froze: "... No, it doesn't matter."

Uncle Dong turned around and said seriously: "Miss, Miss Yu said: 'No, it's okay.'"

Yu Rubing: "?????" There is no need to retell such a word!

Tang Hanqiu sighed, his temper was as soft as his previous life. She asked, "Is it really okay? Should I accompany you to the hospital?"

Because of her strength, Yu Rubing didn't get her teeth spit out.

Dong Bo continued to do his due diligence.

Yu Rubing subconsciously: "... no, nothing."

Dong Bo passed on the same word.

Yu Rubing: "..." Damn mouth!

Then Tang Hanqiu picked up his mobile phone: "How much does Miss Yu call?"

Dong Bo turned to look at Yu Rubing, Yu Rubing immediately said: "Would you like to take a break?"

Dong Burton paused, and Tang Hanqiu's voice came from behind: "Listen to Miss Yu, Dong Bo, you have a rest first."

Dong Bo bowed slightly: "Good lady."

Tang Hanqiu nodded his phone screen, his face was clearly smiling, but his tone was too hard to refuse: "Number."

Yu Rubing had a feeling of suffocation when she did n’t give it, she was forced to report her number. After the report, the phone screen turned on, a strange phone number came in, and then she hung up herself. Too.

Tang Hanqiu hung up the phone and smiled slightly: "This is my number, just call me if you have anything, then I will take you to the hospital now?"

Since she is the one who hit her, then she will be fully responsible in the end.

Yu Rubing grabbed the phone at once and quickly shook his head: "No! Just go by myself!"

The voice fell to the ground, and she didn't wait for Tang Hanqiu to say anything again. She turned Huo Ran, hurriedly, and left the focus area without any nostalgia.

Tang Hanqiu stood on the spot, watching the hurried steps.

Without telling the truth, she felt like Yu Rubing was running away.

Miss Tang Er, who felt that she was still close and friendly, said that she did not understand.

Tang Hanqiu watched Yu Rubing leave, and slowly gathered his eyes on Qiu Yunli. From the complex expression on his face, he could not tell what had happened.

Tang Hanqiu laughed. She knew him in the past life, and she guessed that he must be surprised now, and also felt unbelievable. Because in his cognition, every woman who is obsessed with him will only hold him higher and lick it more powerfully, and he will never resist him, ignore him, or hostile to him.

Even if he is stupid and rotten, it is not worthy of being liked at all.

At the intersection of sights, Qiu Yunli read the disdain in Tang Hanqiu's eyes, as if he was really rubbish. He frowned uncomfortably.

Tang Hanqiu ignored his expression, put on sunglasses, and converged all emotions behind the lens. His dignity and nobility made people dare not easily come up to provoke her.

She moved her calf and said softly to Dong Bo: "We should go back."

Then with Qiu Yunli as the center, he turned his foot and walked out of a large semicircular arc, avoiding him like a **** of plague.

Qiu Yunli: "..."

Qiu Yunli drank her: "Tang Hanqiu!"

Tang Hanqiu stopped and looked back: "Please be polite and call me Miss Tang."

Qiu Yunli could not bear it: "You are attracting my attention ?!" Besides the innocent girl like Ru Bing, why would anyone treat him like this? !

Tang Hanqiu paused, then turned to Dongbo and said, "Call the hospital to register."

Eastbury dropped out of his phone.

Tang Hanqiu said earnestly: "Give Mr. Qiu a brain department, you must be quick."

Qiu Yunli: "???

She walked away with disgust: "It's not that there is something wrong with her mind that she can't say such a thing."


A domineering and luxurious Maybach 62S leisurely crossed the noisy urban area and drove into the quiet green lane. Everything is silent, and time seems to be frozen at this moment.

Tang Hanqiu sat in the comfortable back seat like a first-class cabin, smeared the medicine without a word, and calmed himself down to recollect the time of all changes.

It wasn't until the medicine oil was dried that she woke up like a dream. Instead she picked up her cell phone and dialed Yu Rubing's phone.

"Miss Yu," she said, "is your face all right?"

Yu Rubing stayed alone in the bedroom and looked at his face in the mirror. Without the previous panic, he said expressionlessly: "It's okay." He asked, "Is there anything wrong with Miss Tang?"

Since she is so direct, Tang Hanqiu will not turn around and open the door straight away: "Does Miss Yu consider signing for Hua Yao?"

Huayao Film and Television Company, which belongs to the Tang Group, is the current president of Tang, and Tang Moyuan, Tang Hanqiu ’s brother, decided to expand the trial product of the entertainment circle.

Tang Hanqiu's return to China this time was to take over the position of president of Huayao, preparing to open up a new industry world for the Tang family.

However, although Hua Yao is backed by the huge Downs Group, it is still a child without any merits in the entertainment circle. It urgently needs a work that can start its own name.

The world-famous superstar Yu Rubing is undoubtedly the best work.

Tang Hanqiu's bones flowed through her father's bloodline, which was deeply engraved with the merchant's savvy. After careful calculation, she will not let Yu Rubing a good work.

And she is also willing to give her more help and protection for her last life, and let her stay away from Qiu Yunli's rotten man. Of course, if she really likes Qiu Yunli not like it, then when she Tang Hanqiu never thought about it.

Yu Rubing held the phone for a moment, and her eyes in the mirror were gloomy.

"Sorry Miss Tang, I don't think about signing for now." She said.

Tang Hanqiu Ming clearly heard a refusal, and there was no dissatisfaction, calmly responded calmly: "Okay, bother."

Yu Rubing hung up the phone, and suddenly an annoying "Qi" came out of her mouth, then got up and walked into the bathroom.

Thirty minutes later, Yu Rubing ’s roommate Xu came back early. As soon as she opened the door, she saw that Yu Rubing suddenly rushed out of the bathroom, suddenly opened the window, and said disdainfully: "Fool, system, dad let you know dad now How rebellious! "

Then he jumped from the seventh floor without hesitation!
