
A/N: This isn't just about Riot's exposing video of Zelector, but also where the hackers belong. If I type something incorrectly, I meant it. Also I have a huge feeling that a lot of you will think I don't understand the video. If you say something like that, that's okay, chickens are dumbasses and I won't reply.

4/5/16: Translated 4 u :)

(1 player fell from the sky. This time, it's glitching.)

Zelector: Que? What?

TriAxis: *Gasp* How...how did you get here?

GHS: Hola? Hello?

Zelector: Noo...Donde estoy? Ow...*feels the pain of glitches* Where am I?

RT: Welcome, Zelector...

Zelector: ¿Estoy muerto? ¿Por qué siento? I'm dead? Why do I feel weird?

RT: Your glitching...What happened?

Riot: *dashes outside* :O Zelector...hello...

Zelector: *freaked out* Oh, hola Riot...*scared* 

TriAxis: Okay, I'm gonna just stand here building while you two talk.

Riot: How did you get here? I thought you hacked, confessed, when suddenly you beated Cataclysm with your hack skills, and did NOT put hack right next to your video. What's going on? Still trying to gain subs and be famous?

Zelector: No ... yo quiero ser feliz ... Tengo muchas amenazas de muerte en la sección de comentarios ... me siento tan triste. *texts that in english* I want to be happy ... I have many death threats in the comments section ... I feel so sad.  

A/N: mmm good job translator SPOT ON 8) 

Riot: I saw, because you did not do what I was telling you. At LEAST put 'hack' right next to your video. After I exposed you, I saw many paragraphs in my comment section about me cyberbullying. I'm not. I'm being honest of how well you hack. That's why your glitching.

Zelector: ¿Hay una habitación en la que puedo ir? Además, me siento avergonzado porque RobTop es a tu lado ... *shaking* espera, ¿cuál? Is there a room where I can go? In addition , I feel embarrassed because RobTop is on your side ... * shaking * wait, what ?  

RT: Oh, we have a place for you alright...

Zelector: Me estoy baneado?!?! *glitches* Ow! I'm banned? !?!  

RT: No...just a place for you to sleep in with other hackers. *builds a hacker house* There. Prison.

Zelector: Oh. Pensé que tu vas a borrar las estadísticas de mi ... me siento tan asustada ahora. I thought you are going to erase my stats ... I feel so scared now.  

RT: I won't clear your stats. What Riot said, you confessed. So i will not, but I will put you in a place where you won't ruin our city. Far away.

Zelector: ¿lejos? *gulp* far?

RT: Yes, so you won't take out the things we built. Now enter the prison.

Zelector: *moves slowly and enters* ¿Ahora que? Now what?

RT: Riot. You too.

Riot: What?

RT: *whispers* Make him confess again. Do some pep talk.

Riot: I see what you mean. *enters hacker house*

RT: Adios, amigos. *lifts up the hacker house and puts it far away where no one will go*

Zelector: Oh. *sigh* estoy solo... I am alone...

Riot: Nope.

Zelector: O_O *teary eyed* Noooo este es el peor ... *cries* Nooo this is the worst...

(The hacker house lands down out of the field)

Riot: Hey...i'm gonna go easy on you.

Zelector: Que? *texts Why r u in defalt?*

Riot: I can't get my stuff back until I finish that stadium, but i'm gonna take a break because of you.

Zelector: *texts Please..don't hurt me for you have hurt my feelings. You said at the end of your video to destroy me. That is rude.*

Riot: Look, i'm just gonna do some QnA thing. Tell me, why are you still hacking?

Zelector: *texts I just want to be happy and not lose my friends...*

Riot: Okay, now number two is Can you just confess you are hacking? Number three is Remember our talk when you removed your confession video? That made me really mad.

Zelector: *;-; I want to, but I might lose my friends. It's all I have now. You are ruining my life about this. And yes I remember. But still, I need to hack so I won't lose my friends.*

Riot: *tries to facepalm* That's it?

Zelector: *nods* Yes. *texts I need to.*

Riot: Fine, I guess your gonna stay here for a looonng time...well, bye. I'll deal with you more sooner or later...*dashes all the way to town*

Zelector: *glitch* OW! Mierda! Fuck!

A/N: Do not talk about this, i'm not good with rants and cyberbullying. I suck at it. This chapter is offensive.
