Spanish and Lucky

A/N: Okay, this includes a spanish player and a youtuber that's not in the top 100 list. Do NOT be racist about it if I use spanish language. WARNING: Spazzes from a screamer! COVER YOUR EARS.

EDIT 4/5/16: I putted the translation for you :) The last one I don't understand and it sounds wrong D:

(BOOM! 3 players fell from the sky.)

Etzer: What the fuck is this?

TriAxis: Yay, we came out at the same time.

Colon: Geometry Dash World? Is RubRub CRAZY? Oh my RubRub- WHAT THE FUCK, I JUST SAID OH MY RUBRUB! What is this Geometry cruel world? UGH!

RT: Welcome, uhh...*confused*

Etzer: RubRub, why did you bring us here? And why the fuck is there three of you fuckers?

RT: Clones. Don't worry, all your stuff are in that building. I'll explain that when every player I invite is here.

Tri: Yeah, I was busy doing a level, then I saw this button. I came here. End of story.

Colon: Oh, hey RubRub...

RT: I need help from you guys to make more areas or levels while I build these plain houses. Think of an idea and add it. I'll tell you where you guys are going to live and sleep on. With 2 more roommates. *lenny*

Etzer: A sleepover? 8) and your icon looks so fucking nice...

A/N: Etzer doesn't allow lenny faces on his stream, he likes 8) instead. Just a heads up.

Tri: *chuckles* yours too, Etz. 8)

Colon: Cool.

RT: Uh, Colon, you belong to these houses.

Colon: They're plain though...I'm going to sleep there?! To be honest, it looks like a doghouse... Wait a minute, I have a theory...

RT: okay, first hint is I only invited the top 100 users list. You? Your lucky. But still, your living in that house.

Colon: *stares at the plain houses* mm, much build, very artist, wow, 10/10 -IGN.

RT: Here's more. Enter that house. It's all yours *lenny*

Colon: *enters* :O SUCH STUFF, MUCH NEAT, WOW, OOOOOO MYYYY GODDD. Ahem...that was my soundboard. But seriously, so awesome! :D it has my levels, my coins, everything. Thanks m8 :)

RT: No problem! Glad you like it m8 ;) When you reach 6k subs, I'll let you stay with the famous players in that building.

Colon: noice, that's cool with me.

Riot: Robert Topala- uhh...

RT: Rito, did you just say my full name?

Riot: It came out of my mouth, I swear. I don't even know how that happened. :/ What does your full name mean?

RT: Our lord and savior.

Riot: Makes sense.

Tri: Hey, Riot!

Riot: Hey, who's this?

Tri: Your friend, TriAxis!

Riot: Oh, I didn't recognize your voice there. Sup?

Tri: Cool, man! Did you try out 'Unity' yet?

Riot: No but maybe I will in the future.

Tri: I did it with my all time favorite, FunnyBae *lenny*

Riot: Noice *lenny*

Tri: Oh wait...It's rated 'Insane'...

Riot: ... Okay.

Tri: Yeah, sorry. I know how much you love demon levels.

Riot: That's okay, I don't care whether it's demon or not, because your levels are awesome!

Tri: Aww...thanks.

Riot: No problem dude.

RT: Okay, let's focus. Add some stuff in this town and make it safe! *looks at Etzer swearing everywhere* Etzer, you need to calm down because even the kiddies are coming, but you can build a bar for us players...With creative flavors!

Etzer: Mmm...a bar with FLAVORS you say??? *lenny*

TriAxis: Oh sweet RubRub- ...*realizes what he just said* Okay. I'll build some happy place with cute things!

Riot: Hmm...uhh...i'll just build uhh...

RT: It can be anything, Riot :)

Riot: Cool. I'll build a stadium for that gym over there. Behind it! *rides with a default ship* Fuck, I miss my dolphin and my colors.

RT: It's at the building, you'll get it back after you help me. Same with you guys.

Colon: *outside* Okay, just explored my stuff.

RT: Colon, add something to this town.

Colon: I can help you even though i'm not that famous? Damn! I'm so lucky...not to brag about it, i'll build an arcade with my levels and maybe also Sweetdude's! It's gonna be hard to play them.

(1 player fell from the sky. I used Google Translator to type Spanish. See, this is the part I don't want you to think about. Use the translator to guess what GuitarHeroStyles said!)

GHS: qué? ¿Dónde estoy? Where am I?

RT: Hola, Guitaro Hero Styles!

GHS: Rubrub? ¿Eres tu? o que uno de allá ... estás en todas partes! RubRub? Or you over there? ...You're everywhere!

RT: Si. Soy RubRub.

GHS: Oi! Hola! ¿Entiendes el español? Do you speak Spanish?

RT: A little bit, I don't really speak it that much...

GHS: ... yo sólo sé un poco de Inglés. ...I only know a little English.

RT: Oh.

GHS: !!! es que Riot y Triaxis? !!! Is that Riot and TriAxis?

RT: is. Sorry if your confused. Also, you all look like me, including you and many others coming here.

GHS: Ah, okay. *looks up* O_O YUHHH! (<--- A type of scream, but dont be racist about it) LOOK! mierda me olvidé que tengo las manos y por favor decirme qué carajo es esa cosa? LOOK! shit I forgot that my hands and please tell me what the fuck is that thing?  

RT: I can't understand...lo siento. Type it in your phone.

GHS: AH! *types on his phone ITS FALLING and shows to RT*

RT: Watch out!

GHS: *dodge* Ugh...que estaba cerca de mi oh nooo RubRub- que quería decir ¡oh RubRub- importa su pegada D: ohh *tries to cover his face* por que? POR QUE? (<---I typed that) 

  Ugh... that was close to my oh nooo RubRub-I wanted to say oh RubRub - noo your stuck D:  

Zobros: *yawn* oh crap, I feel lazy right now...somebody fix this, i'm fucked.

Riot: RIP...

RT: Okay, take a break. Do you remember your floor?

Zobros: ...

RT: Floor 3. Go go go!

Zobros: Thanks. *dashes to the building*

RT: Careful. If you trip or bump into it, you respawn. Hehe...

Zobros: NOOO- *BOOM and respawns* You are kidding me...

RT: I tried to warn you.

Zobros: Y U do dis...*dashes to building*

RT: Safety first! Okay, guitar, add something here and it can be anything.

GHS: Ok, voy a construir un escenario para mí ni a otros a realizar o cosas presentes. *types translation and shows* Ok , I'll build a stage for me or others to perform or present things.  

RT: Cool! Start it up!

GHS: Gracias! *dashes to an empty area and starts building*

Oct. 25 A/N: OKAY! I just watched Riot's QnA today and I heard he doesn't like sports (he used to), he's more patient (now that he's in icon he ain't patient no more), and thinks the GD community is annoying and cool, so I might make Riot more strict, funny, and serious in this story. He got tired of demons (idk) and gonna do some easy-hard levels...I think thats what I heard. Maybe. I'm sorry for the spoilers if you haven't watched it.
