A Wild Voop Appears

3/9/17: Hello!!! I may have not watched the youtubers recently, but luckily, I still know how they act and their achievements :)
It's been 2 years that I haven't updated this. Well... here's what I saw before moving to another fandom that has been bursting since 2015.

- Geometry Dash x [my current fandom, look at my profile pic and you shall or shall not get triggered] and they look cool
- TriAxis did some pringle chip tower but it fell RIP lol
- I don't think Riot is in the fandom anymore, but everyone still talks about him
- "At the Speed of Light" has gained 1mil views cause BLOODBATH!!
- AFTERMATH, the third level of Bloodbath released!
- I think his name is EnerioGD who returned from college and his skills got lost (he's the bunny icon with the carrot) 
- A rumor that someone from the fandom died (I forgot who)... I saw it at Geometry Dash Water's channel
- There's a group called the GDS (Geometry Dash Storm? I forgot, this was at 2015 guys) 
- GD fangame for a youtuber, I think? I saw it on a website.
- Colon GD's Flappy Bird came out, NOICE!

At 11/6/15, I came back to finish the chapter... It has been left there since October 2015...
But don't worry! I'm still in this fandom, I still have knowledge of all Geometry Dash players and icons...

2 weeks ago, I found Colon GD's voice reveal too cause it was his birthday :D

And I recently reread this and I wrote this when I was simply 12 years old. I'm 13 now, becoming 14 soon in a month, so finally... here's a new chapter.

"Jack's Adventure" will return when this book is finished. For now, it is discontinued, on hold for a looooonnng time.

I may have changed a bit... so watch out for "bootleg/triggered/memes/cringe" mentions... Wait, didn't Colon GD go through those bootlegs? Like GEOMETRY BLAST? I remember a copyright was sent to them lol he was happy that bootleg died

im so sorry that I became one of those people on youtube... and I still see myself as a chicken :'V 

Rumble rumble...

Minesap: *snickers* Was that you? 

Toxic: I'm hungry, yes. I didn't know shapes can be hungry...

Minesap: Then build a cafeteria but DONT put toxic in it 8)

Toxic: I won't :P 

(BOOM! 1 player fell somewhere random)

Viprin: Wow, Geometry Dash World! :D *dashes fast* For some reason, I feel like i'm default. Ooh, a building! *dashes all the way*

Riot: *drinking*

(Viprin dashes all the way to the building, interrupting Riot's drinking.)

Riot: That's the third time. Players these days... I feel wet. *feels his triangles soak the water* o_o Also what was that shadow? 

(Viprin dashes past Toxic and Minesap)

Toxic: Was that a shadow?

Minesap: Monster.

Toxic: K *continues building*

Richinator: Huh? *sees a square figure* Oh no! A stranger is entering. 

Viprin: *reads building* School for Famous. I'm famous! *dashes to a portal* Floor 2? This is a hotel, not a school...*gasp* maybe I live here! *dashes to portal and enters floor 3*So many doors! *reads* Toxic, Minesap, and...:O Me?! I knew it. *opens door* Wow, it's so awesome here! *enters Routine* Oh...


RT: Whatcha building?

Toxic: A cafeteria because i'm hungry. 

Richinator: *dashes* RobTop, I found a shadow recently, dashing inside the building! 

RT: Oh, must be a new player...i'll go and see. How's the building?

Richinator: Almost done! 

RT: Awesome, keep it up! *dashes to building and waits* ... I'm gonna eat breakfast. *enters his room*

At floor 3...

Viprin: 32 attempts! Yes! The soap part was so complicated XD but I got my things back so now I can see my friends! *dashes all the way down to floor 1 and exits building* 

(Viprin zips again all the way down, bumping into Etzer's ship. BANK! BOOM! He respawned.)

Viprin: Okay then, you can respawn back to your room. 

(Viprin does the same, but this time, he went to the portal stage to take a look.)

Viprin: Hmm...looks cool.

(He enters the portal room.) 

Viprin: What's this? *jumps in big portal*

(Viprin ends up at Rekedge's Jump Like Frogs level.)

Viprin: All green...okay...*jumps over a quadruple spike* Challenging...but easy. *portal* A coin! *gets* :D *portal* Ball form *dodges but then BOOM triple spike* ...


Etzer: Hey, is that a cafeteria?

Toxic: Yeah, help a friend?

Etzer: Yes, I will be a cook for dis 8)

Toxic: ayyyy thank you :3

Etzer: I will cook chicken and that's the first food on the menu. Go ahead and build the tables and chairs.

Toxic: Okie but...what about your bar?

Etzer: My bar is just like a friendly slot machine giving shapes a drink, I don't have to go there unless I think of new flavors. But...say no to drugs 8)

Toxic: Lol if you put the alcohol there everyone will be dashing like crazy and destroy their ships without noticing 8)

Minesap: Lel that's so true! 

At the dream stage...

Zobros: So dreamy...

Tri: That describes it. You gonna try out Unity? 8)

Zobros: Soon...

Back at the portal stage...

Rek: K, i'm gonna take a break. *hears music* Wtf? Some fucking player is trying out my level. *enters level*

(Rek ends up on his level.)

Rek: Who. Is. THAT? Squints my eyes *BOOM* ugh i'll wait.

Viprin: *portal* Robot form *portal* Hmm, this level is cool. Easy demon it said. *verifies* Done. 12 attempts is good. 

Rek: *feels earthquake when Viprin verified level* Noo, they escaped...now how the fuck do I get out of my level? Exit?!

(Rek goes back to the portal room.)

Rek: That worked. 

(Rek continues his second level.)


Zobros: Dude. Etzer...

Etzer: Ya?

Zobros: Your ship got a scratch.

Etzer: I don't care.

Zobros: No, a big one. Look at it.

Etzer: Later, i'm concentrating on a cafeteria thing...

Zobros: Alrighty then, suit yourself. 

(Zobros dashes to the building, when suddenly he bumps into a shadow and respawns back right next to Etzer.)

Etzer: What happened?

Zobros: I respawned. I saw someone.

(Zobros dashes to the building.)

Etzer: Okay...*looks at the damage* My ship is fucked. Fine, I care about it.

(The figure dashed through Etzer, around the technology building, and the dream stage.)

Viprin: Everything looks cool!


Rek: *sings* Kappa kappa kappa kappa...

(Rek hits on the blocks and places them with his icon.)

Rek: At least it's not tiring to keep stomping on buttons with yourself. No feet? Not a problem. 

(Viprin came in.)

Rek: *hears a weird sound* WHO GOES THERE?

Viprin: Hey.

Rek: Viprin...is that you?

Viprin: What? Does my icon look familiar to you?

Rek: Not much I remember.

Viprin: Okay. Cuz ppl think i'm some kind of shadow...

Rek: We didn't see you spawn, that's why. 

Viprin: Yeah, I spawned somewhere random but not far. I guess a wild voop appears...Haha.

Rek: Cool. 

Viprin: Well, i'll be going now. Nice to see you in game form. Bye! *ZOOM*

Rek: *coughs* Bye. Damn, he's fast...


Viprin: *ZOOM* Hey!

Riot: ...

Viprin: Riot, it's me!

Riot: *turns around* Hey Viprin.

Viprin: Hiii! 

Riot: Wow, your fast.

Viprin: Yeah. Sorry if I spilled your drink.

Riot: That was you? I thought it was a stupid noob who runs over people in real life.

Viprin: Rude...

Riot: Well, it can be true.

Viprin: What are you doing?

Riot: I'm just drinking. I'm done now. *normal form* 

Viprin: Still liking that Electrodynamix?

Riot: Yep.

Viprin: Cool. I'm just exploring and meeting the people I love!

Riot: Actually, RobTop said to call the people 'Players', now that we're in a game.

Viprin: Okay, Meeting the players I love!

Riot: Better. Nice meeting you.

Viprin: Thanks! Bye Rito, gonna see my friends! *ZOOM*

Riot: Slow down...

RT: *exits* Waffles, mmm...

Viprin: *gasp ZOOM* Hey! 

RT: Welcome, Viprin! 

Viprin: RubRub? Is that you?

RT: Hehe, what do you think?

Viprin: Hi! Thanks for making me zip and zoom everywhere!

RT: Your welcome! There's a bar if your tired.

Viprin: I saw! Where are my friends?

RT: Explore and find out! Discover what they have built!

Viprin: Thank you! I saw Rekedge and Riot already. *ZOOM*

RT: Bye.

(Viprin dashes at the dream stage.)

Viprin: Aww, cute! Hey, is this a level? *jumps in* :O UNITY!!! Wait THIS IS DIFFERENT *BOOM*

Tri: *hears* Just what the heck? *dashes to the dream stage* I heard someone here...

Etzer (Robot): *follows* Probably the player who fucked up my ship. *slurp*

Tri: Oh well, I hope he enjoys it. Hehe ;3;

(On another area...)

Toxic: I can't finish! 

(1 player fell)

Toxic: Oh yay, new player!

Minesap: But who?

RT: *looks up to down and dashes* Hmm...

Tosh: Cool. *ZOOM* Wow, I feel SO FAST!

RT: Hey, who's this?

Tosh: O_O Hey RubRub! It's ToshDeluxe!

RT: Oh yes, the player who verified Sonic Wave?

Tosh: Yes, but I'm not the only one...I don't know. Why am I so fast?

RT: You control your wave trail a lot.

Tosh: It's auto. So, where do I start?

RT: Floor 5 is where your gonna live in that building.

Tosh: Thanks! *ZOOM* 

Riot: Your making players fast now?

Zobros: Why not the ones who came so early?

RT: Depends on how good you are in the game when controlling your wave trail and not speedhack.

Zobros: Okay.

Riot: That's alright, I don't wanna be a drunk driver. *dashes slowly* 

RT: Oh yeah, I invited 10 more players and that's it.

Zobros: Cool, I want to meet them.

RT: You can tour them, since your the first to be here. 

Zobros: I accept my job because i'm always bored.

RT: Good. Now off you go!

Zobros: *dashes* Anyone need help? I'm BORED.

Toxic: Oh good. I need help. Will you add some things to this cafeteria while I go to the bar to refresh myself?

Zobros: Sure. *dashes to cafeteria* 

Toxic: Aww, it's not like you, but thanks. *dashes to bar*

Viprin: *dashes to cafeteria* Who are you two?!

Zobros: Who, me?

Minesap: And me?

Etzer: MEEE??

Viprin: Yeah. Hi Etzer.

Etzer: Wassup?

Zobros: Uhh...hint hint, I play Osu and built Nine Circles.

Viprin: Okay, your Zobros. And you that's red?

Minesap: I built P0rtal.

Viprin: Your Minesap. Okay, gotcha both of you. I'm just making sure if I remember you guys because icons are confusing. See ya! *ZOOM*

Zobros: O_O 

Minesap: That's just way too fast...

Zobros: Yeah, because RubRub are making players more faster now because of their control of wave trails.

Minesap: Isn't that auto?

Zobros: Yeah, that too.

(Viprin dashes to the bar.)

Viprin: *reads and inserts 1 coin. Robot form and drinks* 

Tosh: OH! *stops* Im so sorry, Voop. Didn't see you! ;3; 

Viprin: It's alright man *slurp* how many attempts did you do at Routine?
Tosh: 35. Not bad. It's like a minigame level. 

Viprin: 67. Yeah I know. 

Tosh: What's that?

Viprin: Water. 

Tosh: *looks at bar* Oh. 

Advy: *headphones and playing guitar hero* 

Etzer: So...silent...I wish Guitar can unplug it. *dashes* Umm...Guitar?


Etzer: O_O Guitar?

Advy: *making guitar sounds* bam bam bam bam!!!! 

Etzer: Nevermind...*dashes* 

Toxic: Im back. Thanks Etz!

Etzer: No prob man! Want me to heap things up?

Minesap: Oh nooo...

Toxic: 8) Pls do...

Tri: 8) *turns on chicken techno*

Etzer: *looks up with eyes wide* 

Minesap: What's that music?

Toxic: Chicken techno?

Etzer: W-Who turned that on?

Tri: *snickers* 

Etzer: O_O

RT: Chicken Techno? Noice *lenny*


Minesap: Noooooo!

Toxic: ...

Riot: >_< Ouch *tries to dash* OH MY GOD STOP ;-; *rides on dolphin and flies up BOOM* Crap, there's a limit -_-

Viprin: Your soo loud!! *dashes normally to building*

Zobros: ._.

Tri: Aight aight aight, I'll turn it off hehe *turns off*

Etzer: *stops screaming* 

Minesap: Ouch ;~; 

Toxic: *cries with laughter*

Riot: ...

RT: Yes?

Tri: I want to build a school for Geometry Dash Creators! :D 

RT: Sure! Do it right next to the building.

Tri: Thank you! *dashes*
