♣ - S.Coups

You were just walking into a Seventeen Meet & Greet, Carrying your album with you. Also a poster of all of them together. You had came all the way from your small little village in the mountains to see them, Which you think was a great flipping idea. You found your seat and Seventeen came out onto stage and bowed. "Say the Name! Hello, We are Seventeen!" Then you and the other fans screamed. S.Coups looked at you while you took a sip of water since you were a tad sick. Since pollen was a very real problem for you, You looked up and S.Coups smiled then looked around while the others joked around. Soon after that you got into line, The8 was first and you worked your way down the line. S.Coups just had to be the last one and he smiled when you came up to his booth. "Hi! What's your name?" He grinned trying to do ageyo. "I'm Y/N." You said giggling as he signed your Poster and album. "What a nice name for a pretty girl like you. Where are you from?" He asked giving you another smile. "Oh, I'm from [ Village Name]." His eyes widened as you said that. "That's a long way from here. Did you come just for us?" He asked, While you smiled and looked down nodding. "Wow~" He smiled and you blushed.

Soon after, The Meet ended and you packed up as everyone left. You looked around and saw you was the only one still there. So you coughed and sat back down, It felt lonely. Well, That's because it sorta was lonely. You began to sing to your self as you looked at your feet. "Instagram, Instagram Honey." You hummed along to Instagram by Dean. One of your other favorite songs, You heard footsteps and looked up to see S.Coups standing in front of you. "Oh, Your still here. Y/N, Right?" You felt your face flush and nodded covering your eyes. "Hey, Its only me you know. Plus your singing isn't bad!" He placed a hand on your shoulder. "Its not that. It just, When you are talking to your Idol, Bias, Even mentor. Its kinda hard to speak normally like you always do. Especially when your only in College, Its very hard to read your emotions." You blurted out random things hoping they fit together some how. S.Coups stood silent, "Aish- I'm sorry! I didn't mean-" You were cut off by a soft feeling on your lips. You saw S.Coups face in front of yours. You basically melted, If you hadn't already. Coups pulled away smiling. "Ever since I saw you sit down with your album in hand, I Knew I needed to see you again. I guess I proved what I'm feeling towards you, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have did that. I was probably your first kiss, Now its wasted on nothing since my Manager wouldn't want me dating yet." S.Coups said as he sat next to you. "But I'm willing to try anything, If I make my managers mad. So what? As long as I'm Happy, Right?" He said leaning his head on your shoulder. "I-I.." You could form words. "If I were to ask you out, Would it be a yes or no?" S.Coups looked at you with hopeful eyes. "I would say yes.." You said blushing again. "Then lets go on that date! C'mon, Lets go~"

Since that fateful day, Your glad you stayed in that room. If not you wouldn't have your Wonderful Boyfriend laying next to you with his head in your lap. "Coups~" He looked up at your face. "Yes Babe~" He smiled and you pecked his nose. "I Love you~ Have I ever told you that?" He nodded and smiled, "But I could never grow tired of you saying it over and over, My Love~"

"Remember, When we met?" S.Coups asked and you laughed. "Yup. You took me to a Coffee shop. Then called me a taxi, after writing your number on my hand in pen." You both laughed and recalled past dates and funny moments. You could never be more happier then now. <3
