
(Hello there and Happy new year.)
(Sorry for crappy chapter; I've been sick lately)

You looked out the window of the car. Nothing but fields passed, the grassy fields moving in the wind. The sun was setting over the fields.

Your heart ached as you passed more land. You've never been this broken in your life. But now was the lowest you've been in awhile. Your parents ordered that you all move to another home in China. Away from the boy who caused your pain. Jun. He had made you feel bad, even more.

Maybe if you had actually went with him that night. Maybe he wouldn't have been as reckless. Opposites don't always attract and I guess I learned the hard way.

Jun used to be my friend. Until that one bitch showed up. She changed everything, that's why I was moving away. For now at least.

| 5 years later |

I ended up moving to Korea. I danced as a backup dancer, I didn't mind it. Until I found Jun again. He was a idol, he found me preforming on the streets. When he came up to me after the performance I just walked away.

I couldn't face him anymore, he made me go through pain 5 years ago. And took my esteem with him. I changed myself so I could have been perfect for him. But it came right back to me as karma.

I did so much for so little in return. I gave up my entire personality for a broken heart. I had to move on one way for another. Walking away just had to be one of the things I needed to do.

So I did.

