
Your dance team was doing a cover to a Kpop groups song. Clap by Seventeen to be exact but here was the issue, you didn't know who was coming.

You all got into place as the music started, you were the middle and besides that. S.Coups was your part. Because someone already stole Mingyu's part from you.

There was 13 guys that walked up at once and stood and watched all of you dance. One had the hugest smile on their face. Then came up mother with her baby who was crying before then she stopped and smiled while clapping. Even the guy who has a crush on you was there videoing the even for one of our teachers in the hospital waiting for his wife to have their kid.

In all you just became better as the song went through, and all the dancers noticed this and got better too. But they let you take most of the spotlight. Once the song ended all of the people clapped as the camera man walked around.

The 13 boys came over to you and bowed. "Thank you for doing our song." And as soon as you could see without the sun being in your eyes, you saw every member from Seventeen.

"Your welcome. Even though I didn't get the part I wanted and I didn't do well. It's my favorite song to do so we did this for our teacher." You answered as they smiled. "Do you want to come over and hang out? We could dance together." Hoshi suggested. They all nodded behind him. "Sure! I don't have any classes tonight."

You all walked to the Seventeen dorm and they all got into place except The8. He had sprang his ankle a few days ago and it hurts for him to dance. Luckily you knew most of their dances.

"Y/N will fill in for The8." Hoshi said as we all started to dance to Call Call Call, they were surprised by how much you knew of the dance.

"Tring tring, tring tring." We all yelled out as The8 laughed. Once you all stopped they went to bed and Mingyu was the only one still up.

"Hey, thanks for today. I've had more fun then with my dance team." You laughed as Mingyu chuckled. "Your welcome. You said today you didn't get to dance the part you wanted, Whose part did you want to dance?" Mingyu asked as you closed your eyes and smiled.

"I wanted to dance your part, but someone took it from me so I took S.Coups' part." You opened your eyes to see Mingyu next to you. "Seriously? You really wanted my part?" Mingyu asked with a sparkle in his eyes. "Yes, I did." You smiled as Mingyu grinned. 
