My Lizz is beautiful.


Today we are leaving for Hawaii for our so called honeymoon which was offered as a gift to us by Mrs. Woods.... I mean Mom. We also own a few hotels and resorts there but I have never visited that place. Mostly Ryan or Dad used to visit there for business meetings.

I literally didn't like the idea but I can't disappoint her at any cost at least because of her son. She has been so supportive and always a mother figure to me.

I feel so lucky to have two mother figure in my life. Well, talking about her she is a gorgeous soul with the same pretty eyes which Ryan surely got from her, she has been a perfect figure of woman. I have seen her supporting Mr. Woods, I mean Dad in every phase of his life. They still seem to be so much in love with each other at this age like it really gives me a pleasant feeling being a part of their family.

Talking about Ryan...... These days, I have seen him acting weird and totally strange. Especially with me. He comes back home early and accompanies me for dinner and if I'm late, he even waits for me to come back home. In fact, one day he waited for my meeting to get over and asked me to go home with him.

I didn't raise a single question at him and in order to avoid him, I simply let him drive us back to home. I literally don't know what has happened to him, he keeps on staring at me and from nowhere we share some strange eye contacts.

It gives me sudden errupt of tingling emotions inside me which I don't know for how longer will I be able to suppress. He doesn't pass any cold and angry daggers at me anymore. That softness in his eyes is something which might risk my heart again and I absolutely don't want that. Functioning as per his moods is not something I would go with.

I know Ryan from the day when Mom and Dad brought me home and introduced me to him. And he has been so complicated when it comes to share his feelings. I think he doesn't even know what's going on inside his mind. His heart.

These days have been so difficult for me, all filled with the mixed emotions. When I catch him gazing at me he didn't even feel to shift his glare. He even smiles (smirks) like an idiot. But a soft smile. Sometimes I feel like hitting his head know what I mean! He just knows how to get into my nerves.

Last night, I slept on the couch while working and in the morning I found myself sleeping beside him..... Hugging him! Cuddling him. As if my life was dependent on that.

No.... That doesn't mean that I was drunk but it gave me a warm feeling.


Okay fine!

I don't know what will happen in these two weeks of our honeymoon. But the question is why didn't Ryan deny going for the honeymoon with me? He can easily deny to his mother making his as usual excuses.

Business deal... May be?


The next day, my Mom visited us as I knew she had already received the headlines of our honeymoon by none other than my Mother in law.

Gossip Queens!

My Mom and I were sitting in our room as we were having our long time chit chat and she was also helping me in packing my luggage when she handed me a box.
I raised my eyebrows at her in confusion, "What is this? Mom?", I asked.

"Just open it....", she grinned back at me. I took the box from her hands and opened it and within a second, my eyes just stopped blinking. I cleared my throat giving her "Are you for real, Mom?" look.

Lingeries..... I mean whose Mom gifts her that?
And that is too exposing.

Like why would I wear that? It's too visible. That even a blind person could sense the reason behind me wearing that.

Wait.... She wants me to wear that on my honeymoon? Like in front of Ryan?

No ways......

"Mom.....", I groaned discarding her idea with my look.
"What Mom....? You will need that...."

"Mom..... Please..... Stop.....", I whined like a child covering my ears pretending not to hear anything further.

She laughed back at my actions holding my hands and whispered in my ear, "You know what Lizz? Your Dad is coming from his business tour after a week and even I bought two pairs for myself ", she winked back at me.

"Oh God, Mom!!!!! Are you serious?", I covered my face with the box. I can't be more embarrassed.

While she took the box from my hands laughing at my actions. She put the box inside my luggage bag. I didn't protest to her because I knew she wasn't going to listen. While I could sense her happiness in her smile, I felt bad for betraying her and the whole family. For showing off the lovey duvey..... kind of relation and a happy married life.

My heart shrinked at the thought of them knowing the truth. No..... I can't break their trust like this. They are my life. I can't hurt them at any cost.

And on this page where I decided to maintain my distance from Ryan, this honeymoon thing came from nowhere. It's not like I'm expecting anything from Ryan but it is really going to be difficult to be with him for days.

I don't know what life is doing to me..... I'm stuck!
I can't be with this and I can escape from this either.

Neither I could love nor I could hate....

God save me....



Mom saved me!

She gifted us the tickets for Hawaii although I visited this place and have heard a lot about its beauty especially the islands but that never persuaded me to take a look over it. We even own some hotels and resorts here but I used it only for business meetings. And I know this that Lizz has never been there. Her Dad and I mostly used to attend the meetings there.

For the very first time I'm going to enjoy the beauty of this place and that too with my beautiful wife.

Hang on Ryan! You haven't asked for her apology yet.

From the time I realized my mistakes, I'm constantly trying to talk to her which she is ignoring in return.

I could feel her cold daggers on me, more than that I could sense her questioning look on my sudden change of behaviour.

The day after my Mom came, Lizz's Mom also visited us. I could sense the happiness in her eyes and it was very obvious that my Mom have already informed her about our honeymoon. I literally thank Mom for not telling her anything further as that would really ruin her happiness.

Next day....

We headed to our private plane as I didn't want any disturbance and in fact I wanted everything to be special for Lizz from the very beginning, she needs some space to rearrange herself and I respect her personal peace.

I chose to wear black jeans with a black t-shirt and a denim jacket over it and shoes completing my look.

(Ryan's outfit)

I saw her coming towards me, she was wearing a black crop top and a black pant with a denim jacket on it completing her look with a pair of shoes.
Our eyes met and within seconds, she realised that our outfits are almost same. I smirked back at her realisation while she squinted her eyes on me.

(Lizzy's outfit)

And she headed towards the plane where I was already waiting for her.

"Ohh..... Twinning..... I see.....", I grinned back at her with my all teeth out smile.
She rolled back her eyes at my action and I instantly shut my mouth.

"Jerk......", I heard her muttering under her breath while she took her seat inside the plane.
"I heard that....", I replied back going after her taking a seat beside her.

"You can't curse your husband like that.....", I grinned back lowering my face to hers.

"You can..... to your No Husband husband", she snapped back at me.

At least she is talking.

She adjusted her position when I felt a shivering sensation rushed down to my spine when I felt her shoulder rubbing mine.

When the plane was ready for the take off I saw her rubbing both of her hands in between her knees. Then I remembered Lizz is scared of heights.
I immediately took her hand in mine which she tried to pull it off at first but I didn't let her so she let me hold her hand.

She threw her as usual "Will see you later" look at me and I smirked at her in response.

The whole time I didn't leave her hand and intertwined my fingers with hers. She very well knew that I won't let her go so she stopped fighting back.

After hours went by, she was engrossed in reading a book holding from one of her hands, she got tired and kept it back. I watched her yawn from the side of my eyes and suddenly felt a weight on my shoulder.
She slept putting her head on my shoulder while our hands were intertwined.

She was sleepy.

I took the book from her hand and put it aside. It was going to be a long journey so I took her to the cabin and placed her on the not so big but a comfortable bed. I climbed beside her and took her into my arms while she was still asleep.

She will kill me if she wake up in the middle and find me hugging her.

No, I'm not taking any advantage of her but I can't let her go at any cost. I don't know about her but hugging her definitely gives me a peaceful sleep.

Maybe I'm selfish when it comes to her.

I felt my heart skipping every beat with a faster rate than it usually does. It was so satisfying like an angelic feeling ran inside me and all I wanted was never ever letting her go from my arms again.
I kissed her forehead and pulled her closer to me.

"My Lizz is beautiful.....", I smiled back at myself closing my eyes in peace.


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I love you all! And I will try my best to make this a worth read for you guys. All you guys have to do is follow me on Wattpad and keep voting on my book. 😀

Also comment down how you guys feel about this book. 👇
Are you in love with Ryan? Or Lizzy?
Because I love them both! 🫶

Also follow me on Instagram @pain._.down ❤️

Sending love,
Divya Shaily
