Lost my Best Friend.


Flashback starts....

"Hey Ry! Long time, no see", and a beautiful blondie came to my side and crashed her arms into mine, literally suffocating me with her hug.

Well, nothing new in that! You know woman after me.....

Well, coming back to the party, the whole hall was covered with the dark dancing lights, people were grinding on each other on the dance floor. Some were busy with their little make out sessions in the corner and some were fully drunk with their moods high....

I went out to one of our clubs to have some fun time and get rid off the work load. I was having my drink when my eyes fell on a beautiful girl, she was wearing a short black dress with an off shoulders sleeves, and slaying with those black smoky eyes while completing her look with a black strapped heels.

I think I checked out every detail!

"Fuck.... That's Lizz", I muttered in shock.

She was totally drunk, I could see her legs shaking and her heads spinning around matching with the music playing in the background.

I could see a boy staring at her with his dirty eyes, it took me millisecond to know his clear intentions as I put my glass of tequila aside on the table and headed towards her.

"Stay away from her.... She is with me", I stated firmly and carried her up in my arms and took her to my car.
I could feel my head spinning too, well I could sense those drinks taking over me now.

I just wanted to reach home safely with Lizz.

I drove her back to my home as our parents mostly remains out for business deals.

I put her down on my bed and removed her heels, I covered her with the blanket and as I turned back, I felt her soft hands holding mine.

"Stay with me Ry.... I need you", well that was enough for me to stay with her. The feeling I felt with Lizz was something beyond words, she is the only one who understands me like and literally no one.

She gives me hard times to control myself after all we are best friends.

But this time, it was something different. I was not in my senses anymore and I could feel those drinks taking over me fully.

I stepped towards her and kissed on her lips to which she responded back.... That kiss. Never felt like that before.

Soon we started exploring each other with every second passing by, I could feel myself asking for it more.

Her soft moans left me breathless and all I could remember was remarking her with my love.

Love? I mean drunk love!

No! I don't love her! I can never....
We were just drunk.

Flashback ends....

This was not over yet. The real shit started afterwards... Somebody took our pictures which I saw the next morning.

I really don't know who it was but as per our parents, it would ruin our whole business for which they tied us into this marriage.

Just for the sake of saving their business!!!!!!

Well done, good job.... We didn't get a single chance to protest!

I just hate Lizz for this, she could have refused infact she could have stopped last night but I can't blame her for all this.

We both were equally into that.

So, now we are into this so called unwanted marriage and pretend to be a happy couple in front of the whole world just for a shitty reason to save our Company, else we both will be fired out by our own parents.

But we have decided to live our separate lives and won't interfere in each other's matters.

Just like Separated from each other but Married for the whole world.

But will that happen? God knows!

But I lost my best friend by making her my wife.

Hey Guys! Hope you all are doing well. What do you guys think about this chapter? 😍

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