Chapter sixteen

Luke forced himself to eat the food. Rolus didn't seem to have a problem eating his food.

When they were done, the waiter came to take their plates. Luke tried to ask Rolus to continue with the reasons why he rejected him.

"Most of what you were told was true, but there's some vital information that was left out. And I don't trust you enough to divulge that. For now, just know that punishment for defying the contract is my Pack being taken away from me, stripped of my duties, and you being killed in front of me."

Luke felt like Rolus was not serious enough. He spoke as if it was uninteresting news. "What's in the contract?"

Rolus refilled his glass. "Like I said, I don't trust you enough to divulge that."

"Then what was the point of taking me out? Wasn't it to talk about why you rejected me in the first place?" Luke asked, already feeling the buzz of the drink he had. He's already had three refills. Rolus blew a fuse, complaining about the embarrassment of being seen with Luke who would be presumed to be an alcoholic. Luke never realised it, but Rolus was a perfectionist.

"Were you not listening to me? If I were to accept you, I would lose my Pack, and you would be killed."

"So you did this for your Pack?" Luke asked, hiding a smile.

"And for you! You would have been killed for nothing. Don't you-" he stopped himself when he saw Luke trying to suppress a smile. "What's wrong with you?"

"Nothing. Just wanted to hear you say you cared about my safety." Luke no longer hid the amused smile. He grinned.

Rolus glared. "What? You thought I would just reject my mate for the fun of it? I did it to protect you."

"Would've been nice to have been informed of that, you know? Eight years ago."

"You think I haven't been suffering too? And you're a fine one to talk. It's not like you have been suffering all along. You speak as though it would have made a difference to accept you."

Luke sighed. His condition was starting to bother him because Rolus talked as if he had a choice in the matter of having it. "It would have made a difference because at this age, we would have worked something out and comfortable now. I would have learnt to love you and you would have your mate bond to love me."

Rolus ran a hand through his hair, messing it up. "I tried to tell you, but you were still hung up on your sister to listen to me. You kept insisting that your sister was my mate."

Luke didn't say anything because Rolus was kind of right. He hated to admit it, but Rolus was right. "Okay, fine. You should have at least told me about the severity of the Council situation. I would have understood." Rolus sent him a look that said he didn't believe him. "Okay, fine. What's the way forward now?"

"What's the way forward? You make sure not a soul in your Pack goes around telling strangers we're mates. And keep that Perez of yours on a leash. I'll handle everything myself."

Luke chuckled, not believing Rolus had everything under control. "It's safe to say now that I'm too involved in your shenanigans to just brush me aside. I want in."

"Really?" Rolus looked annoyed. "You've done enough damage already."

"Let's not argue about this. It's better if you keep me in the loop so that I don't do another damage. Now that this is out of the way, we can discuss the way forward. How are you holding up?"

Rolus picked up his glass and drank. "Holding up? With what?"

"The effect of the mate bond."

"That? I have immense discipline. And I have enough self control. Don't worry about me," he replied.

"If it's any consolation, I've been advised to offer you comfort if you need it," Luke said. He couldn't believe he said that. He was going to kill Peter for convincing him to consider.

Rolus' eyes widened at that. His cheeks were tinted pink under the lights. "You're horrible. You think I'm going to eat on the same plate Perez ate at?"

"Excuse me?" Luke didn't understand, for a moment, but when he did, he laughed. "What kind of words are you using? And I wasn't talking about that. I think I worded it wrong. You can come anytime to my Pack if you need to be close to me."

"That's... that's kind of you. And before I forget, I just wanted to let you know I don't mind you messing around with Perez," he replied, smiling.

"Really? Wouldn't it make you jealous? Rabid?" Rolus sent him a look. "I'm kidding."

"You don't look like it,"

"Because I have a resting bitch face?" Luke grinned. He wondered how he looked.

"You say things with a straight face. But I'm serious, I have immense self control. You can continue what you two were doing."

Luke considered that for a moment. Perez would never agree. He had too much respect for the mate bond. Luke didn't see himself having time to entertain a relationship when he had his plate full with Rolus' issue with the Council.

Luke didn't reply Rolus.

Rolus was about to say something, probably negative, but his phone rang. He picked it up, then excused himself.

Luke had nothing to do but finish his refilled glass. It didn't take long for Rolus to finish with his phone call.

When Rolus came back, he looked stressed. His hair was messed up, like he ran his fingers through it multiple times. "We have to go. I'll drop you off."

"What's going on?" Luke asked, standing. "What about the bill?"

"Already settled. There's someone that's looking for me back home."

"Do you know them?"

Rolus didn't reply. They made it out, then walked to the car. Luke settled in the passenger's seat. He took off the jacket. He tolerated it enough in the restaurant, even when he was running hot.

Rolus drove, going over the speed limit in his hurry.

"Rolus, let's just go to your Pack first. Your Pack is closer than mine anyway."

Rolus didn't reply. 

The route they took led to Creek Pack.

When they arrived at Creek Pack, Rolus cursed when he saw the three cars parked in front of the Pack House. He quickly departed the car, disoriented.

Luke could hear Rolus' heart beating. Luke quickly grabbed the jacket and wore it.

"What are they doing here?" Rolus hissed. He kicked the car's tire, and messed up his hair further.

"Who are they?" Luke asked, coming to Rolus' side.

"Who else? The fucking Council! It's that slimy Robert and Anastasia. And someone else I don't know."

"Why are they here?"

Rolus turned to look at Luke like he was fucking stupid. "Didn't I ever tell you that I don't appreciate a stupid mate?"

"I didn't know they were on your tail."

Rolus ran a hand down his face. "Luke, I need you to stay here, or take the car back to your Pack."

"You must be out of your damn mind!"

"Those people in there are vultures, Luke. They'll take one look at us and tell that you're my mate. Just please go to your Pack, and I'll give you feedback tomorrow," Rolus was terrified, and his eyes begged Luke to not be stubborn.

Luke took a moment before answering. "Fine. First thing tomorrow, you tell me what transpired."

"Yes! Just go."

When Rolus gave Luke the car keys, their fingers touched briefly. Rolus recoiled, glaring at Luke.

"You did that on purpose, didn't you?"

"What?" Luke was confused.

Rolus sighed, his face softening. "Just don't touch me until further notice."

Luke was still confused, but he nodded. "Tomorrow. Feedback."

"Yes. I won't forget. Give me back my jacket," Rolus held out his hand for the clothing.

Luke had forgotten about it. "I'm going to wash it and I'll send someone over to hand it back."

"No, it's fine. Give it back." Under the lights, Rolus' cheeks became rosy.

"No, I'll send someone over with it tomorrow." Luke didn't know what was the big deal.

Rolus groaned, fed up. "Luke, give me back my jacket."

"And like I said, I'll send someone over with it tomorrow, when it's clean."

"I just told you I don't like a stupid mate,"

"And what's that supposed to mean?"

"Sometimes I forget that you're too dumb to understand this mate shit. Your scent on the jacket. I need your scent on that jacket."

"For what?" Luke held the jacket tighter, not keen on giving it back to Rolus now that he mentioned his scent.

Rolus was exasperated. "How shallow can you be? Just give me the damn jacket and have someone in your Pack give you lessons about the mate bond. At this point, I can't tolerate a mate that's not feeling the mate bond, and on top of that not knowledgeable and plain stupid."

"I didn't see a need to learn about the mate bond, and you know that," Luke defended himself.

"And you thought you were going to get a mate that's like you? Just go learn about the mate bond, and whilst you're at it, take lessons on what compromise is. Now, give me the jacket."

Luke handed it over. He was going to ask Peter to tell him all about the bond, and his experience with it. He's been called stupid by one person enough to not be called that again for a lifetime. "You'll be alright?"

Rolus looked at him weirdly. "Don't make things uncomfortable, Luke. Just go."

"I was trying to be considerate. And charming." Luke grinned.

Rolus shuddered. "Charming? My mind can't comprehend you being charming, for even a second. Don't say things like that, Luke. Gives me a bad mental image."

Luke didn't know whether Rolus was joking or not. "Come on, I'm not that uptight. In fact, tonight I've been letting loose."

"You call our entire interaction you getting loose?"

"Yes. You're the one who was being uptight. But you'll be alright?" Luke was being serious. He was not heartless enough to have his mate devoured by vultures that wanted to eat him alive.

"Yes, I'll be alright. Happy?"

"Very happy. Don't forget to give me feedback tomorrow," Luke reminded, opening the car and getting in. He started it.

"Drive safely," Rolus told him.

Luke just smiled and drove off.

Rolus wasn't that bad, after getting used to his snide remarks. It was cool having him around, once you get used to him.
