Chapter eight

Tamera was always away the last few months, the project they had with Creek Pack taking most of her time. It was taxing because someone had to take her responsibilities in the Pack. Luke took those responsibilities because he needed to keep busy. He also didn't have the heart to push the work to Peter since he still had a young son to help raise with Diana. Shanell and Macey were too busy to bother.

Luke was just glad that Tamera was very occupied and couldn't focus on him too much.

As for Peter, he was a nuisance since Luke confided in him. He asked everyday how he was doing, if he needed anything or just needed to have company.

It became suffocating when Peter tried to invite him to have an outing with him and his family. It was coming from a good place, but Luke asked if it wouldn't make his situation worse when he saw Peter and his mate happy. Peter dropped the invite, which made Luke laugh. He did tell him that he was joking, but his invite was intruding.

Luke did apologise to Perez for his behaviour the last time they met up. Perez tried to pry, but Luke shut that down before he could be questioned. One person knowing was enough.

He was watching the Pack train, with Macey sitting next to him. They were snacking on doughnuts, which were Luke's in the first place. When she went for the third doughnut, Luke smacked her hand lightly, reminding her that he was on his first doughnut.

Macey flashed a cheeky smile, her teeth coated in chocolate. Luke rolled his eyes, leaning back against the backrest and finishing his doughnut and pushing the rest to Macey's side.

They sat in silence, with the occasional sound of the box of doughnuts filling the space.

It wasn't long after that their peace was disturbed. Peter was carrying his young son, coming to them. He looked stressed, so Luke got up to meet him halfway.

"What's wrong?" he asked, his hands already finding their way to Young Carl. Young Carl extended his arms, Luke taking him from his father.

"I just received a call from Tamera. She was on site. Half of the building collapsed. No casualties yet, but they are still counting the number of people who made it out of the building."

Luke was relieved, but then worried for the people who might be trapped. He followed Peter to the House, where he saw that some of the mated wolves were all over the place. Worried about their mates who could be trapped.

When they arrived inside the House, Luke gave Young Carl back to his father. Peter suggested that Luke go have a look at things on the site. Luke didn't waste even a second before he was driving to the location. He hadn't changed his yellowed t-shirt that was once white. It had some holes on the back. His pants were decent enough to not attract unpleasant attention.

He spent the rest of the drive wondering what went wrong. Tamera was double checking everything. She made sure to do background checks, hire high caliber professionals to do the work. It didn't make sense.

His phone pinged. He picked it up,  thinking it to be Tamera. When he unlocked his phone, it was a message from Perez. They didn't talk much the few months. Things have been awkward and strained since the last time they saw each other. He didn't read the message, wanting to read it in the confines of his room when the situation he was in blew over. He hoped there were no injuries or people trapped inside the collapsed building.

When he arrived, emergency vehicles were already there. It was chaos. He saw Tamera run to him when he got out of the car.

She hugged him, her breath getting heavier the more Luke squeezed her. He felt his shoulder get wet where Tamera's face was. He was relieved to see her fine, but at the same time, so worried of the what if.

"I'm so sorry, everything will be alright," Luke tried to reassure. They stayed that way for a minute, whilst everything around them was in a rush.

Tamera stepped away from Luke, looking away to wipe her tears. It was uncomfortable for the both of them because of the vulnerability. They were close, but vulnerability made things awkward on both ends.

When she had calmed down, she turned back to look at Luke. "We're still counting the number of people that were in and outside the building. So far, we have everyone who signed when coming on site. Our workers are safe too," she said, leading the way to the building. Her PPE was still on, with Luke given when he went in close range to the building. The half of it looked like blown off.

"What happened here?" he asked, frowning at the display.

"We heard an explosion inside. We're thinking this was intentional. For now, we're still trying to look for anyone that might be inside that didn't sign."

Luke's mind ran, trying to make sense of everything. This time, he didn't have any enemies. This must be Rolus' doing. Luke didn't have enemies. Unless he had some that he didn't know of.

Luke went with Tamera to speak to some people. He went around the building, assessing the damage. His mind was all over the place, trying to remember if he pissed anyone off.

His phone rang. He checked the caller and saw that it was Perez. He excused himself, going to his car for privacy. His phone stopped  when he was halfway to his car. He sighed, dialing Perez's number. He got into his car and closed the door.

"Hi," he said when Perez answered.

"Hello. Did you get my message?" Perez asked, his voice strained.

"I didn't read it yet. Look, I'm in the middle of an emergency. Can I call you back later?"

"What emergency? Are you fine?"

Luke pinched the bridge of his nose, his exhaustion regarding the sabotage weighing on him heavily. "I think someone set explosions in our new building. Remember the deal I made with Creek Pack about the new building we are making?"

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. I'll call you back later, okay?"

"I'll expect your call."

Luke hung up, putting his head on the steering wheel. Things being strained between them put a damper on his mood everytime he thought of Perez. Luke had distanced himself from Perez, even when Perez tried to reach out to him.

Guess he was just afraid of Perez finding out the truth. Or maybe he already figured out that Luke lied to him and was just keeping quiet to reserve the peace. The way he acted that day, was suspicious. No one would behave the way he did if they found out that their cousin was rejected. Maybe he shouldn't have cried. Or maybe he should have went back to his Pack.

He raised his head when he heard the screech of tires coming to a stop. Not even a second later, a woman came out of the vehicle. She seemed familiar.

She was furious, walking to the group where Tamera was. Luke got out of his car, quickly going to diffuse the situation because he saw that the woman singled out Tamera and was yelling at her.

"What's going on?" He asked when he was in close range. It was only Tamera, the woman and some man who also looked familiar. The people who were around had dispersed.

The woman turned to him, her eyes blazing. "Was this your doing?" she pointed to the building.

"What are you saying exactly? That I would sabotage my Pack's progress?" Luke asked, too calm.

"Fuck you and fuck your Pack! You've always been behind our Pack's back, breathing down Rolus' back like a fucking dog! This time, you've gone too far!"

Luke was stunned. So she was a part of Rolus' Pack.

The man tried to calm the woman, but she wasn't having any of it. "And now because of your hatred, our Alpha and Beta are stuck in that fucking building!"

She dropped the bombshell.

Luke felt the world stop. He felt like he was going to vomit his heart out. Everything became silent for a moment, but when he regained his senses, the world was too loud.

"What did you say?" Tamera asked, shocked.

"Sorry about her. She's overwhelmed. My name is Theo and I'm Sierra's mate. This is Charlotte, our Head Warrior. Apologies for her behaviour," the man who introduced himself as Theo, said. He extended his hand for a handshake.

Luke shook it, still dazed. "How are they in there? Why?"

"They came to see the progress. It's Rolus' first time coming here, so he didn't see the need to let anyone know. I don't know why they didn't sign, but Sierra always signs when she comes," Theo explained, running his hand down his hair. His stress was noticeable through his tone.

"Are you sure Theo? Are you sure that Rolus is stuck in there?"

"Yes, Sierra and Rolus," Charlotte stressed Sierra's name.

Luke didn't know what to do with his hands. He turned around, closing his eyes. He could feel the anxiety coming. He reassured himself that Rolus was safe. He was still in shock. What was Rolus doing on site without informing anyone?

"For now, I'll tell the rescue team that we have people stuck. Let the professionals do their work. And please Theo, handle Charlotte. Don't let her interfere," Tamera warned.

She came to Luke's side, ushering him back to his car. "Go home and I'll handle everything. You look like you need to rest. I'll update you, okay?"

Luke nodded. Tamera gave him a worried look, asking if he was going to be alright.
