Chapter 31

(Flashback Continued) Beyonce's P.O.V

Eight Months Later

Where do I even begin? Since the night I found Dominic in bed with my brother I've divorced his ass and took him for everything he was worth-a WHOPPING seventy-six million dollars. There were times I felt bad for him during the court proceedings but it wasn't going to stop me from getting mine. That man had literally put my life in shambles and I wanted him to pay. Somehow his "secret" was leaked out to the press but I wasn't the culprit even though he believed I was. His famous status went downhill after that and he was now playing for a second rate team in the minor leagues over in Japan. All the shit he talked about never turning his back on his family was a lie because he hadn't seen me or our daughter since the divorce was final almost seven months ago. I couldn't understand how a man could turn his back on his child but his actions didn't seem to surprise me anymore.

Sydney had become my one and only joy in the world since the divorce. Once she left the hospital for good she had to be monitored at home because of her breathing but fortunately she hadn't had any episodes. She was growing like a weed and she even started crawling last week. My relationship with Shawn had gotten extremely awkward since our talk. We tried to remain as close as we were before but he said that seeing me everyday wasn't healthy for him. I completely understood where he was coming from but it didn't make the pain any less.

Other than Sydney, he and Lincoln were all the family I had. No one in my immediate family would talk to me because of the media attention Dominic and his shady relationships had gotten. They too didn't believe that I hadn't leaked the information to the press so I became the black sheep. I can't deny that it hurt and that I would some times cry myself to sleep at night but I had to remain strong for Syd. I wasn't going to let anyone get the best of me so I looked out for myself.

As far as my romantic relationships-I hadn't had a nibble until about a month ago. I had met a gentleman by the name of Darius Watson at the bank one afternoon while Sydney was home with a babysitter. This man was fine by anybody standards but that's not what immediately attracted me to him. He was polite and intelligent and a damn good dresser. His perfect package was rounded off with skin the color of hazelnut coffee on top a six-three frame with a medium build. He happened to be an investment banker for a large company based here in New York. He'd asked me to get a cup of coffee with him while we discussed life in general. I was a bit skeptical about his intentions because throughout the conversation he kept focusing on my previous career as an entertainer but over time I had let my guard down with him. He was taken back to say the least when I told him about my daughter but he'd come around since then. We've been seeing a lot of each other since the day in the bank and I've started to develop feelings for him.

Today Darius and I made plans to go to the mall with Sydney for lunch along with carousel rides and a visit to the "Build A Bear" workshop. I'd thrown Sydney and me into matching Juicy Couture sweat suits to spend a relaxing day at the mall. I'd made up her diaper bag with all the necessities for an afternoon out and waited for Darius to pick us up. I was in the midst of playing with Sydney on the living room floor when my doorbell rang

Come in

Darius walked through my door looking fine as ever. He was casually dressed in a pair of jeans and a button down but he looked good enough to eat

That's not really safe Beyonce leaving your door open like that especially when you didn't check to see who it was first

But I knew it was you

I just don't like the idea. What if I was a murderer or something?

Then why would you have rung the doorbell?

I care that's all

And I appreciate it

I jumped up and gave him a peck on the lips before picking up Sydney. I gathered our things and got into Darius's car as we headed to the mall. I waited to give Sydney her bottle while riding in the car so she would be content at the mall for at least two and a half hours. We started off with a bit of shopping for Sydney but somehow I walked out of Neiman Marcus with fifty-six hundred dollars worth of clothes for the both of us. Darius insisted on paying because he said a lady should never have to pay in the presence of a gentleman. He was very old-school when it came to his courting practices but I liked it. He made me feel special and I hadn't felt that way in awhile. We then moved on to lunch at Maggiano's before heading to "Build A Bear". Sydney had fallen asleep in her stroller so Darius and I decided to make her bear ourselves while she rested. We had just begun to stuff the bear when I heard a familiar voice


To my surprise I turned around to find Lincoln running towards me. A smile rose to my face as I swooped him up into the tightest hug possible until I noticed Shawn and a female companion walking our way. My smile soon faded as I placed Lincoln back down on the ground. Shawn and his "friend" had made their way over by this time

Lil' man thought that was you-I guess he was right

I'm so happy to see him

And what about me? I don't get no love?

I'm glad to see you too Shawn

He reached out for a hug as I melted into his arms. His embrace got me everytime as I took in his intoxicating scent. He'd whispered in my ear that I hadn't lost my incredible beauty which made me blush. If I didn't know any better I would have thought he was flirting with me. I pulled out of the hug as I was interrupted by Darius

And who do we have here?

I'm sorry baby this is Shawn and lil' man right here is Lincoln

If looks could kill I would have been dead from the stares that Shawn was giving me after I called Darius baby

As in Jay-Z right? Well it's nice to meet both of you. How do you guys know each other?

We've been friends for awhile now. You know-same industry and what not

I knew you looked familiar-Beyonce, right?

Yep and you are?

Where are my manners-this is my girl Sophia

Darius began making small talk while I examined Sophia with a fine-tooth comb. She was no more than twenty-two if that. She had a nice shape, not too thin-not too thick with skin the color of honey. She was clearly mixed with something but I couldn't put my finger on it. Her clothing was not very flattering to her shape but she did have a preppy style rocking an argyle sweater with a pair of khakis. In my opinion-Shawn could have done much better but who was I to judge

Did you hear me Beyonce?

I'm sorry-what?

I asked how Sydney was doing

Take a look for yourself

I motioned towards the stroller as Shawn, Sophia and Lincoln walked to my daughter

She is so precious. How old is she?

She's going on ten months soon

Do you love being a mother?

Best job in the world

I can't wait until I have my baby

So what brings you guys to the mall?

We're shopping for my new brother or sister


Sophia's pregnant Bee. I'm going to be a father in about five months

I could feel my head get hot as I replayed the words over and over again in my mind. Even though I had moved on I never expected Shawn to do the same. As the reality set in I managed to utter out a response

