Chapter 18

Flashback Continued) Beyonce's P.O.V

I hoped I was able to get through to Shawn about his behavior. He hadn't been around Lincoln for awhile so he couldn't understand how his abscence was affecting him. Lincoln had always been well behaved but he had started acting up these past few weeks. He became clinghy and winy but it was nothing I couldn't handle. I was on my way to pick him up when my phone rang


You were right Bee

I love calls starting like that

I just can't lose him Bee. I know I haven't been doing what's right but I miss him

So your finally getting out of your funk?

Our talk hit me hard

Well better late than never

How's he doing?

He misses you Shawn. You're his father and no one can replace you in his life

Will you bring him back to me tonight?

Have you cleaned up that pigsty?

I have Marla coming over right now

And who's cleaning you up?

Are you offering? Just kidding-I'm jumping in the shower now

Well then we'll be there after I pick him up from school. Pick a good movie

See ya later

I hung up with Shawn and pulled up to Lincoln's school to pick him up. As we headed back to Shawn's house Lincoln began to speak

Guess what Linc-we're going to see daddy today


But first you have to tell me what you did at school today

I colored you a picture Beyonce

Oh yeah? Of what?

Me and you and daddy


The teacher asked us to make our family

And you put me in?

Well I'm always at your house and you take care of me and I love you and want you to be my mommy so I made the picture

I was at a loss for words when Lincoln was done speaking. I knew that me spending as much time as I was would confuse him but I never expected fot it to go this far

But you have a mommy lil' man

I don't like her


She was mean to me when she took me on vacation


Lincoln described his trip to me in detail. I was more than horrified at what I heard but I never let Lincoln see my concern. We reached Shawn's house at Lincoln got so excited. As Jay opened the door Lincoln jumped into his arms


Me too lil' man. I'm sorry daddy hasn't been around lately

It's okay daddy. I still love you

Hey Linc-why don't you go in the kitchen and see what daddy has to eat

Okay Beyonce

As Lincoln ran into the kitchen I turned to talk to Shawn

Did you decide if you're really ready to get Lincoln permanently?

I can't give him up without a fight Bee

Well I think I have the information for you that will help your case

(Flashback Continued) Shawn's P.O.V.

Beyonce decided to tell me about what she learned from Lincoln after he went to bed that night. We had watched a movie(Benji on Lincoln's request) and ate some pizza. When it was over I gave Linc a bath and got him ready for bed. Lincoln was very emotional when it was time for him to go to sleep so I asked Beyonce for help

Bee-Can you come here a sec?

What is it? I can barely move right now

I just need help with lil' man

I heard Beyonce struggle to get off the couch and make her way upstairs. She walked into Lincoln's room and noticed him crying

What's wrong sweetie?

If I go to sleep you and daddy will leave me

Why would you think that?

Because that's what mommy would do to me on vacation. Her and uncle Nas used to leave me by myself all the time

You know your daddy would never leave you-right?

But he did and that's why I had to live with you

Lil' man I didn't leave you. I just needed to take care of some grown up business but I thought about you all the time

But why didn't you come see me?

Listen Lincoln-daddy feels really bad about not visiting you but he's back now and he's not gonna let you go again okay?

Are you sure?


What about you Beyonce?

I might not always be around but you can call me anytime

But why can't you be my mommy?

Linc-it's late. You need to go to bed now goodnight

Goodnight daddy. Will you sing me to sleep Beyonce?


Beyonce began to sing Rock a Bye Baby to Lincoln as his eyes grew heavy and shut. Once he was asleep we exited his room and went downstairs to talk

What's gotten into him?

He had a horrible time with Kianna and Nas Shawn

What happened?

He said they would tie him up to a chair and leave him for long periods of time by himself. He said he only got food once a day and when he would ask for something that Nas would hit him. He also said Nas would always smell funny after he drank from a bag which I can only assume he meant alcohol. He also said that Nas would hit Kianna after he drank too


I think he might need counseling Shawn. He went through alot during those four days and he's too young to really express himself. He's been very clinghy lately and I'm afraid that it's only gonna get worse. He wants me to be his mommy Shawn and I'm afraid I need to distance myself from him

I can't believe this is happening. I gotta go to the police

