Chapter 28

(Flashback Continued) Shawn's P.O.V

It's been a little over a week since Beyonce was checked into the hospital. Her baby was still in the N.I.C.U but they wouldn't give me too many details on her condition. Beyonce on the other hand had woken up a handful of times but never for long. She was extremely weak due to the blood loss and wasn't really able to do much. I stayed with her night and day even though she barely knew I was there. I wanted to watch over her and protect her but I knew there was nothing I could do. Her blood had begun to clot again so she was scheduled for the transfusion later this afternoon. She had no idea how scared I was for her but it was probably best that she didn't know. Lincoln was missing me like crazy and I felt bad for not being there but I knew Beyonce needed me. My mom brought Linc by a couple of times to visit Beyonce but he just cried. He couldn't understand why she was sleeping all the time and wouldn't talk to him. I had flooded Beyonce's room with cards, gifts and flowers so she would have something nice to see when she finally woke up from the transfusion. I watched as the doctors prepped her and wheeled her off from the room. I could do nothing but sit and wait until she came back to recover. Time seemed to stand still during the two hours she was gone. When they finally wheeled her back in I immediately began to ask questions

How did everything go?

The procedure is pretty basic but we have to see how her body reacts to the transfusion. She could perk up right away or it could take as long as two weeks before we see improvement

But what's your gut feeling?

She's a young, strong and healthy woman who should bounce back soon

Thank you

As the nurse left out I sat and stared at Beyonce. That was the first bit of good news I'd gotten about her since she'd been here so I was in high spirits. I took this time to sit and reflect but I guess sleep caught up with me because before you know it I heard my name being called softly

Shawn? Shawn?


What's happened to me and where's my baby?

Now try to remain calm while I explain everything. You were suffering from placenta abruption which was causing you all your pain and bleeding. You were given a blood transfusion about five hours ago to help replace the blood you lost. Your daughter was delivered about a week ago and she's in the N.I.C.U because placenta abruption causes nutrient and oxygen loss for your the baby

Tears began to stream down Beyonce's face as she sat and listened to me talk

But will she be okay?

She's been unresponsive so far but they really won't tell me anything because I'm not family

Can I see her?

Let me get you a wheelchair and I'll take you there myself

I went to the front desk to get and wheelchair and came right back to Beyonce's room. She was already trying to get up by herself but she was too weak. I ran to her side to help her into the chair and then we took the elevator to the third floor. The babies were so tiny and all hooked up to tubes and monitors. I wanted to break down and cry for all of them but I didn't want Beyonce to worry. We arrived by her daughters crib and a nurse immediately approached us
Beyonce's P.O.V

How are you feeling Mrs. Consuelos?

I'm better but I really want to know about my daughter

She's a fighter-that's for sure. She's made progress and we've come to believe that she's suffered no long term effects from the oxygen depravation

That's great news right?

It promising but we still have to monitor her closely because she can't fully breathe on her own

Why are her eyes so puffy?

She is suffering from conjunctivitis due to the Chlamydia

Is it serious?

Once again it's too early to tell. She hasn't fully opened her eyes so we can't be sure if her sight has been permanently affected. We should know within the next month or so though

She has to be here that long?

If not longer

Can I hold her?

Of course. We encourage mother/daughter interaction in these situations

I'll leave you two alone while I wait in the hall

Thanks Shawn-for everything

No problem ma

Shawn and the nurse exited the area after she handed me my daughter. I held my precious daughter in my arms and I felt complete but sad. She was barely a week old and already she was fighting for her life. I hated seeing her like this and it broke my heart that there wasn't anything I could do. I had so many hopes and dreams for my little girl and I wanted to share them with her. I took her tiny hand into mine as I stroked her face

Mommy's here my precious angel. I know that you can't understand what I'm saying right now but I have to let you know how much I love you. You have been my world since I found out I was pregnant with you and even though your daddy isn't around-I'm going to love you enough for the both of us. I know that you'll fight to stay alive because you're my daughter and you're stubborn just like me. I've been running through a list of names to call you but now that I see your precious face I know that my choice has to be Sydney. I want you to hang in there little one and never give up because I won't give up on you no matter what

I couldn't have said it better myself

What the hell are you doing here?

Look-I know I'm not your favorite person right now but she's my daughter too

How the hell did you find me?

Shawn called me and told me what happened. At first I didn't want to come because of our last talk but I knew I had to see my girls

I'm not your girl anymore Dominic

I know you can't believe this right now Beyonce but I love you more than life itself. You mean the world to me and now so does this precious little girl

I'm not going to discuss this right now with you Dominic. If you'd like to see your daughter you can but don't try manipulating the situation because I'm vulnerable

Dominic walked closer to the rocking chair where I was sitting with Sydney. He was very tentative to look at her but as soon as he did tears began to stream down his face

She's so tiny

She's bigger than most preemies. She weighs almost five pounds

How's she doing?

She's a fighter but she needs time to fight the battle. She could be in here for awhile

I just can't believe we made this perfect little angel. She's so beautiful and she takes after both of us

If we agree on nothing else it's that we did make a beautiful baby

I stared into Dominic's eyes while he watched Sydney sleep. He reached out to hold her and I placed her in his arms. He stood and rocked her back and forth while he smiled and that very moment made me realize why I fell in love with him. He gently placed Sydney back into the incubator while I watched on

I know you're hurting right now Beyonce but I need you to know that I really do love you with all my heart. Being here at this very moment and seeing our baby makes me put everything into perspective

You mean the cheating?

My life period. I was always content with life until I met you and you turned my world upside down. I was so happy when you finally became my wife and even happier when I found out you were pregnant with my child. I'd die for my girls in a minute and I need you to know that

Dominic this all sounds good but.....

Let me finish. I lost my way for awhile but I'm back and ready to be the kind of husband you need and father Sydney needs. I would never turn my back on my family during a time of crisis

I can't just forgive like that Dominic. You've hurt me so deeply

Just try and find the love you used to have for me somewhere in that heart of yours

Before I knew it Dominic had pulled me into an embrace and kissed me. It was strange because I didn't resist his lips even though I hated him with all of my being. I wanted to pull away but I needed to feel his embrace. All types of feelings crept to the surface as we were interrupted by a familiar voice

I'm sorry to interrupt

I quickly pulled away as I looked at Shawn. I could feel the hurt he was feeling burn a whole in my soul. I wanted so bad to assure him it meant nothing but I wasn't exactly sure it didn't. Dominic had no idea of our affair so I played it cool while I was dying inside

Thanks for calling Dominic

I thought he should be here

He did need to see his daughter

While now that you've guys made up I guess I'll see you later

Not yet Shawn

I really need to get home and spend some time with Lincoln. You and your family will be just fine

Dominic came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist while he spoke to Shawn

I appreciate all you've done for my wife these past few days but I've got it from here now

Shawn turned and exited the room without uttering another word
