Part 7

*the next day the boys had to film a cover. They head out with Chris Brooker and start the first few verses.*
Andy's POV:
The whole time while filming I notice that Rye is not himself. He was quiet, and he was avoiding being around me. I didn't understand because he is usually the opposite, and our covers are usually filled with Randy moments. I usually love filming covers because of that, but this time the two of us didn't have a solo together. We finished up and were walking back to the flat with Chris.
Mikey: "do you guys want to all go to Nandos for
dinner? I'm hungry."
Brooklyn: "sure!"
Jack: "okay!"
Chris: "well I should go to the flat to drop off my gear first but, I can meet you there"
Mikey: "okay, what about you guys, Rye and Andy, you coming?"
Andy: "umm... I think Rye and I are going to go for a walk"
Mikey: "oh okay, see you later"
*The three boys head over for dinner, Chris heads back to the flat. Andy and Ryan are left standing together awkwardly.*
