Part 1

Andy's POV:
Today Mikey and I had planned to go and get our gear for the world cup. I am really excited, it should be a fun day out of the house. We are really the only two that are really into football, and Mikey and I kind of bond over it. I was all ready, just getting my shoes on.
Andy: "you ready Mike?"
Mikey: "yup!"
Andy: "okay let's go"
*The boys walk out of the house and start walking into town*
Andy: "so first let's go get lunch, because I am starving! And then we can go shopping."
Mikey: "cool, and that way we won't have to carry our bags around too long"
Andy: "right. So do you want to go to Nandos?"
Mikey: "is that even a question?"
Andy: *laughs* "yeah okay, let's go"
Mikey's POV:
I had a great time with Andy today, we were both psyched for England to win the world cup. We were past due for a Mindy day too. I don't know the last time we were alone together besides just in our room. Anyway, I am really glad I have Andy as a friend.
